The moment just now was extremely dangerous!

A complete lack of cultivation.

Lin Tian was just like an ordinary person.

Wei Wuyuan's cultivation base recovered, and a little breath swept over him, which would definitely make Lin Tian disappear.

that moment.

Lin Tiandu felt death shrouded.

As long as it is stained by Wei Wuyuan's attack.

Absolutely ashes.

Of course.

Maybe... dead this time, can be reborn again?

There is a high probability of this.

It's just a matter of where to be reborn, and what to be reborn on.

With such thoughts, Lin Tian still has absolute certainty about the Rank Nine Chaos Orb on his body.

This thing is so outrageous.

He had never seen such a heaven-defying treasure in his previous life.

The Dharma doors and other things that appear from inside are absolutely earth-shattering existences.

So he was certain that even if he really died, the Rank Nine Chaos Orb might bring him back to life again.

Of course this is just speculation.

Maybe the nine-turn Chaos Orb can only be reborn once.

If you die again, you really can't come back again.

But fortunately.

Death did not come, Wei Wuyuan was fatally hit by Xiao Jin and was killed directly.

Lin Tian also had to sigh that Xiao Jin was the only one who was not affected by the Rubik's Cube in the secret room in front of him.

It is worthy of the gods and insects of heaven and earth, extraordinary!

At the same time.

Wuma Tieyu and others, as well as Qiong Yuan and Zuo Jingxiong beside Lin Tian, ​​were all in endless panic.

in the previous moment.

They thought that Wei Wuyuan would definitely kill Lin Tian, ​​and it was their nightmare to come down.

Especially Wuma Tieyu and others, that moment was the most embarrassing.

Obviously has monstrous strength.

Among them, Wuma Tieyu's strength is at least able to crush Wei Wuyuan, but how ridiculous is it to die at the hands of the opponent in the end?

It's like a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage being crushed and killed by a Qi Refining Stage.

It is clear that he has the strength to crush, but he can't exert it. The feeling of suffocation is really indescribable.


Wei Wuyuan was killed by Xiao Jin!

Terrified crowd.

Gradually recovered.

But then.

The eyes of Wuma Tieyu and the others were again awe-inspiring.

Their eyes were all focused on Xiao Jin, with vigilance in their expressions.

Then they all looked at Lin Tian, ​​their faces full of surprise.

in front of you.

If Lin Tian ordered Xiao Jin to take action, Wuma Tieyu and the others would definitely die.


These people are obviously over-hearted.

Lin Tian smiled lightly, didn't care, and let Xiao Jinfei return to his shoulders.

"We can pass!"

Lin Tian pointed at Wei Wuyuan's corpse and said.

Everyone came back to their senses, and their eyes followed.

I saw that Wei Wuyuan's body was suddenly entangled by black roots that emerged from the floor and under like a spider web.

Those roots wrapped Wei Wuyuan's body.

Immediately, a terrifying Corrosion Land appeared, and Wei Wuyuan's body turned into a black, stinky liquid, flowing like running water, flowing towards the grass.

The foul-smelling liquid, although not good in taste, exudes a monstrous vitality, which is very amazing.


Xiaocao completely absorbed the vitality that Wei Wuyuan transformed into.

beep beep beep...

A crisp sound came from the grass.

But I saw that the middle of the grass was slowly propped up, and something seemed to be spit out.


A white dice rolled to the ground.

"It's dice!"

Mundo shouted in surprise.

He hurried forward, picked up the dice, and raised it to the crowd: "It's a real dice!"

"It's just... our cultivation base hasn't come back?"

He looked at him, full of doubts.

The faces of the others were uncertain.

Lin Tian frowned, and then said, "Roll the dice first!"

Mundo was stunned for a moment and understood.

He walked to the black stone platform and rolled the dice.

Dangdang sound.

The dice are only one point this time...

Mundo's face suddenly turned black!

The corners of everyone's mouth could only be twitched, very helpless.

But this time.

The green light soared into the sky, and the teleportation formation appeared.


With the appearance of the teleportation circle, a monstrous noise swept from all around.

The originally silent Rubik's Cube secret room had waves of aura fluctuations.

this moment.

Everyone found that the cultivation in their bodies was slowly picking up.

It's just a stick of incense, and everyone's cultivation has recovered.

Lin Tian felt the powerful power in his body, and it seemed that he could blow everything up with every gesture.

This feeling made him finally find the sense of autonomy that I can't help but fill my life!

He sighed hard and relaxed.

Just now, the cultivation base disappeared completely, and the feeling of trepidation was too uncomfortable.

Even a cultivator in the Qi refining stage, he could be killed with a slap! 】

"Haha... the cultivation base has recovered!"

Mundo laughed out loud.

Everyone else's faces were full of surprises.

This feeling of being strong again is really good!

The cultivation base disappeared just now, and it felt like being slaughtered by others!

"Let's enter the teleportation array..."

Lin Tian pointed to where the teleportation array was and arrived at everyone.

This Rubik's Cube secret room must be broken through.

There is no other choice either.


In the Rubik's Cube secret room, Lin Tian and others had good luck.

Passed by without a hitch.

unconsciously. ,

Lin Tian and his party all came to room seventy-ninth.

Room 81 is just a stone's throw away!

It was only after passing through Room 70 that something strange happened.

That is, every time you roll the dice, there will only be one point!

This made everyone very depressed.

But fortunately, everyone went to room seventy-ninth!

And no one is left behind!

Come all the way.

Wei Wuyuan died!

The final secret room, only three rooms away!

As long as you pass through the last three secret rooms, you can reach the real place where the wind dragon sits!

at this time. ,

In room seventy-nine.

Lin Tian, ​​Wuma Tieyu and others all gathered in the corner of the secret room.

They are on a straight line diagonally, and the corner of the end point is the black stone platform.

and between each other.

But there is a web of flames blocking it. They are like spider webs, densely packed, almost impermeable, and they look desperate!

at first.

Mundo, who was more daring, wanted to try to walk over directly.

After all, he belongs to the Fire Demon Clan, and he is not afraid of flames.

Perhaps other than the spirit fire, ordinary flames can't do any harm to him.

The flames in front of him filled the entire Rubik's Cube secret room.

But obviously, this flame is not a spiritual fire.

Although at close range.

Makes people feel very threatened.

But Mundo is confident that he can handle it.

"I'll try it!"

Mundo opened his mouth in a loud voice, and then he was covered in flames.

He was about to pass through the web of flames that almost filled the room.

But just a few steps away.

The flames on his body were swallowed directly, his clothes were burned, and his arms were burned all the time.

He was so frightened that he flew back in a hurry!

"No! This fire net is so powerful!"

Mondo was horrified and exclaimed.

Everyone's faces were stern.

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