Time is passing quietly.

I don't know how long it took.

The chessboard remained motionless.

The dice didn't show up either.


No one can fully comprehend the remnants of the seal of the law in this chessboard.

Of course.

After comprehending the remnants of the law, it is not impossible for others to comprehend it.

After you get the dice, you can continue!

But the premise is to persevere!

at this time.

Lin Tian continued to stare at the chessboard.

But the chessboard in his eyes changed again.

before this.

The picture presented in the chessboard in his line of sight.

It is the evolution of the star field, the annihilation of life and death, and the prosperity and loneliness of countless creatures.


There was a feeling that made Lin Tian even more horrified.

That is, the evolution of the remnants of the law is almost like tearing his whole person into it.

in a certain moment.

He can really feel that with a gesture, he can destroy countless star fields in the void.

With a flick of the finger, thousands of miles of void can collapse.

in the past.

Lin Tian is also far from being able to do such a terrifying method.

Even with the strength of Master Duanmuyue, he couldn't do it so easily.

But at this moment, Lin Tian felt that he was integrated with the chessboard, and he could control the starry sky to annihilate life and life.

This feeling brings endless strength and power!

With the comprehension of the remnants of the laws in the chessboard.

Soon after, Lin Tian felt that he was completely integrated with the rules in the chessboard.


It is no longer to raise a hand to destroy the void of stars, but to create a world with a flick of a finger.

With a single thought, the life and death of one party are under control.

All sounds are in the evolution of the mind.

This feeling is... the creator!

When Lin Tian felt that he was completely integrated with the world on the chessboard, he felt that he lived in the world of the chessboard.

He forgot who he was, where he was now, where he was.

It seems that from the beginning, it has lived in the world of chessboard laws.

original void.

There have also been changes.

It is no longer an endless star field.

everything around.

turned into a small village.

There is a small courtyard at the foot of the mountain at one end of the village.

The sun rises eastward.

There are little boys running around happily in the courtyard, and the sky is full of the most beautiful laughter of childhood.

The boy's parents are honest villagers here.

They have no culture, but they are very diligent and live the most simple life.

Lin Tian found that he had become this little boy, or at this moment he realized that he was this little boy.

He watched his own growing up and his parents getting old.

He married a girl from the next village.

Left his own children.

Parents are getting older.

Spring and autumn come, and my parents are gone.

The child has grown up, and he has become the old man!


His two feet almost stepped into the coffin.

Death is coming and covering everything.

The feeling of suffocation and depression made it almost impossible to breathe.

Life is passing, everything is passing away.

I can't bear my wife, my children and grandchildren, and I can't bear everything in this world.

How beautiful the decades have passed along the way!

Bit by bit, from childhood to old age, all the years are imprinted with the taste of suffering and sweetness, which makes people unforgettable.

but now.

are going to disappear!

Even the memory in my mind will be erased!

This is death, annihilating everything!

Lin Tian is powerless at this moment!

Decades of time are gone in the blink of an eye!

How could this be?

Darkness fell, and nothing could be seen.


Lin Tian felt that his heart was going to explode and he was going to be out of breath.

He took a sharp breath.

He opened his eyes, gasping for breath.

Look around.

It is also the situation in front of you that you can see clearly.

at this time.

He is clearly in the secret room of the wind dragon magic cube No. 80!

Staring at the Fenglong chessboard, I completely fell into it.

And at this time.

Wuma Tieyu and the others, who had been sitting cross-legged and comprehended the remnants of this law at first glance, stopped comprehending it long ago.

At this time, Lin Tian opened his eyes.

They also all cast their eyes, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

in front of you.

Lin Tian was the only one who continued to comprehend the remnants of the rules in the chessboard.

"It was a life..."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lin Tian couldn't help whispering softly.

He has experienced decades of vicissitudes just now, and his mood seems to have changed.

But this change.

But it can't be explained.


There was a crisp cracking sound from the chessboard.

The cracks were like spider webs, dividing the chessboard.

"There has been a change!"

Around the surroundings, Wuma Tieyu and the others all exclaimed in surprise.

this moment.

They also understand.

Lin Tian realized the remnants of the rules in the chessboard.

To Lin Tian.

Others naturally cast envious glances.

The benefits of being able to comprehend the remnants of the laws in this chessboard are unimaginable.

Of course.

Even if it is impossible to fully comprehend it, after the comprehension just now, Wuma Tieyu and others actually benefited a lot.

They can feel it.

The cultivation path of myself and others in the future will definitely be different.

At least come and go further than before!

at this time.

After the chessboard is broken.

In the middle of the chessboard.

Where the crack was, a white dice appeared.

The dice are indeed hidden inside the chessboard.

"Haha... the dice are here! I'll throw it! It's the last secret room anyway!"

Mo Xiaomo excitedly picked up the dice and threw it on the black stone platform.

Dangdang sound.

The last point has appeared!

"The last room!"

Lin Tian took a deep breath and looked forward to it.

He also wanted to see if there was a real law of heaven and earth in the final wind palace.

If there is a law of heaven and earth...

Thinking of this, .

Lin Tian's heart was actually very excited.

Because he is very clear.

If he can really comprehend the laws of heaven and earth now, he firmly believes that his achievements in this life are definitely far beyond his previous life.

Even surpassing the achievements of Master Duan Muyue, it is not a problem!

Returning to the Nine Heavens Continent is already a certainty!

Entering the teleportation array, everyone was teleported away.

Came to the last secret room.

The last secret room.

The furnishings are completely different.

The black stone platform is located in the center of the room.

Above, the dice have been laid out.

On the opposite side of the black stone platform.

There are six strange entrances.

The reason why it is strange is that as long as the entrance is in the shape of a staircase, those steps are turning like escalators.

And if you look closely, it is clearly a huge gear!

Just between these six entrances and the black stone platform.

You can see that there is a white light barrier.

Standing in front of the black stone platform.

Everyone looked at the entrances behind the white light.

Mundo pressed the white light hard and frowned: "It's very tough, 80% of the time it's impossible to break through!"

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