The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3983: Imperial Spirit Reflecting Mysterious Mirror

Inside the dragon clan, there was infighting and even betrayal.

This is something Lin Tian could never have imagined!

Although the dragon clan fights openly and secretly, there are many branches.

But in fact, it is basically a small fight.

Substantial outbreaks of conflict, or splits, are almost non-existent.

Externally, the Dragon Clan is very united!

Betrayal now?

And it happened that the Black Dragon Clan where Mo Xiaomo belonged betrayed the entire Dragon Clan!

Lin Tian was shocked when he heard it.

How could such a thing happen?

Mo Xiaomo stood on the ground with a sluggish expression on his face, motionless.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing was true.

How she longed to return to the Clan.

I long to return to the Dragon Clan and experience the time of living and practicing with my fellow ethnic groups.

the moment before.

Seeing the appearance of Fen Xuan and the others, she thought that the opportunity to return to the ethnic group had come.

Now that you can get together with the same clan, you are afraid that you will not be able to return to the dragon clan?


This ruthless situation made her despair!

If Fen Xuan and the others were hostile to her, it would be fine to ignore her, but his own Black Dragon clan actually betrayed?

How can this be?

not only.

She has also become a traitor to the Dragon Clan, a remnant!

Fen Xuan, etc. in front of him can completely take action and take him down!

It's just that now Fen Xuan is letting her go, let her leave, escape from here, and escape from the dragon family far away!

This made her even more painful!

"I want to return to the Dragon Clan! In the Dragon Realm, are there no members of the Black Dragon Clan anymore? Why did they betray?" How is this possible!"

After being stunned for a long time, Mo Xiaomo still didn't want to believe it. He raised his head, looked at Fen Xuan, etc., and said unwillingly, "Is there any misunderstanding? Just solve it!"

Even so.

But Mo Xiaomo also thought of it at this time, this betrayal, maybe nine times out of ten!

Even if it is used, or there is a misunderstanding, it may be irreversible!

Thinking that she was left in a remote place like Earth, she understood that the Black Dragon Clan must have undergone drastic changes back then!

Otherwise, the parents would not have left her in such a place!

"Untie? Now the entire dragon clan, for your black dragon clan, that is... as long as you see it, you will be killed without mercy! In the dragon world, the black dragon clan is already a lost dog! Once it appears, it is either caught or killed on the spot. Where else in the dragon world come from the black dragon race?"

Fen Xuan sneered and said to Mo Xiaomo: "You are far away now, we don't think we saw it!"

In fact, he really wanted to take action on Mo Xiaomo.

It's just that Mo Xia Mo seems to be stronger than him, so he is also very jealous.

He also thought about letting the clan veteran Mo Xiaomo take it.

However, the most important thing in front of me is this memory inheritance, and the others are secondary.

In the whole dragon world, there is no black dragon clan anymore?

Mo Xiaomo was dumbfounded.

If there is no ethnic group in the dragon world, what's the point of going back by yourself?

But just thought of this.

Mo Xiaomo quickly recovered.

If there are no members of the Heilong clan, why not go back?

If not go back.

How to find out the whereabouts of other siblings?

If you don't go back, how will you find your life experience?

Think of this.

Mo Xiaomo looked at Fen Xuan very resolutely and said, "I must return to the Dragon Clan! When you all go back, I will follow!"

If she can return to the Dragon Clan now, she feels that there is no need to follow Lin Tian for the time being.

Since something happened to the Black Dragon Clan, we can't delay!

" want to go back with us?"

Fen Xuan shook his head and said coldly: "We can't take you back to the Dragon Clan! Other tribes don't know about our departure from the Dragon Realm! Come back with us, you will bring us endless trouble! Traitors, you go now, don't get in the way. I got the memory inheritance!"

Don't want to take her back to the Dragon Clan?

Mo Xiaomo was stunned.

She didn't expect that Fen Xuan would be so heartless.

She just wants to return to the Dragon Clan!

"I don't want memory inheritance anymore, how about taking me back to the Dragon Realm?"

Mo Xiaomo gritted his teeth and said to Fen Xuan: "When we return to the edge of the Dragon Realm, we will be separated, and the family does not know that I and you are going back!"

"It's no problem! After all, we are fellow countrymen after all!"

At this time, a clan elder said hoarsely: "The memory inheritance here is burned!"

"But before that, the old man wants to test your inheritance talent!"

Test legacy talent?

Mo Xiaomo blinked, stunned.

In her memory, there is no test for inheritance talent.

The dragon clan looks at the talent of the younger generation, mainly depends on the purity of blood!

The higher the purity, the higher the talent for inheriting memory inheritance!

How to test this old man in front of him?

"I don't need memory inheritance, so I don't need to test it, right?"

Mo Xiaomo said inexplicably.

But she doesn't care whether she is tested or not.

She was very happy to be able to return to the Dragon Clan in front of her eyes.

She wanted to know what happened to the Black Dragon Race.

Lin Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, watched this scene silently.

He didn't stop.

If Mo Xiaomo wanted to let the opportunity in front of him go, he wouldn't be able to intervene.

The memory of inheritance can only be inherited by the dragon family.

Who can get it, it is meaningless for Lin Tian and others to intervene.

"Haha... A test will at least give you a certain understanding of your talent!"

The old man laughed loudly and said, "If your talent is really much stronger than Fen Xuan, the old man doesn't mind calling the shots and handing over the memory inheritance to you!"

"Clan elder!"

Burning Xuan's complexion changed greatly.

But the clan elder waved his hand and told him to shut up.

Fen Xuan could only stand aside with a sullen face.

Immediately, the clan elder took out a red mirror from his body.

The mirrors are all dark red.

"Just put your hand on the mirror!"

The clan elder reminded Mo Xiaomo.

Mo Xiaomo hesitated. She looked at the mirror and asked curiously, "What kind of talent test treasure is this?"

"My special treasure unique to the Red Dragon Clan, Yuling Reflecting Mysterious Mirror!"

The clan elder replied to Mo Xiaomo, "Just let go and go to the top!"

Is there such a magic mirror?

Mo Xiaomo was even more curious.

Then he put his hand on the mirror.

Just half a minute.

On the red mirror, a fiery red light suddenly bloomed.

Standing on the side, Fen Xuan's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

There was endless horror in his expression.

Because at this moment, the light released from the Yuling Reflecting Mysterious Mirror almost made him unable to open his eyes.

The mirror turned into a scorching sun that made people tremble!

"Her talent is so terrifying!"

Fen Xuan was terrified to the extreme.

To know.

When he tested talent before.

The light on the mirror is far from good.

In comparison, it is the contrast between fireflies and the sun!

But one must know his talent, within the Red Dragon clan, he can be considered a leader, at least in the top ten!

But compared with Mo Xiaomo, it's hundreds of thousands of times worse, it's like heaven and earth!

"Your talent... it turned out to be the most holy level!"

The clan elder who tested Mo Xiaomo's voice also trembled, and his dry palms kept shaking.

Staring at Mo Xiaomo's eyes, full of disbelief.

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