The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3997: Hand-cutting girls

Wuma Tieyu and Mundo left Longtan Ancient Town.

Only Mo Xiaomo, Qiongyuan and Zuo Jingxiong were left in front of him.

Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The Wuma Tieyu are not bad, they are one of the human race branches.

For the human settlements here on Earth.

There must be some unspeakable emotion.

You can't say good things about Ke Mundo and Lang Yue!

Lin Tian is not worried that they will cause trouble. They have reassured him that they will not take the initiative to cause trouble, and they will not mess with ordinary people!

However, as for Mundo and Langyue, these alien races are naive, their tempers are very hot, and when they encounter things that are hard to open their eyes, they may really conflict.

If it spreads, I'm afraid I don't know how big a basket will be!

"Young Master, are you worried that they will cause trouble?"

Seeing the worry on Lin Tian's face, Qiong Yuan said immediately.

Zuo Jingxiong next to him smiled and said, " don't have to worry about it! Whether it's the earth or our Xuanyun Mountain, there are actually different good and bad ones. Since there are mice that are dirty in a pot of porridge, why keep them!"

"You're right!"

Lin Tian glanced at Zuo Jingxiong and nodded lightly: "What are your plans, play here or go back?"

"I'll return to Xuanyun Mountain first! Explain the current situation! Of course, Zuo will not talk nonsense about some unnecessary words!"

Zuo Jingxiong solemnly clasped his fist to Lin Tian.

"Then... remember to come back here as scheduled!"

Lin Tian returned a salute to Zuo Jingxiong.

This guy is also free and easy, turned around and left.

A look of hesitation appeared on Qiong Yuan's face.

Lin Tian noticed it and said, "Go back to Diyuan! Pillar of the Sky, you don't really need to go there. If I go to Diyuan in the future, or when I need you, I will find you!"

"This set of exercises, as well as a secret method of cultivating the soul, is very suitable for you!"

Before Qiaoyuan could react, Lin Tian had already raised his hand and placed it between his eyebrows.

As majestic information swept through my mind.

Qiongyuan was stunned on the spot, and stayed there for a long time.

"Thank you young master!"

After a long time, Qiongyuan came back to his senses and knelt down to Lin Tian on the spot, kowtowing several times.

This can not help but let the tourists who come and go look sideways.

Seeing that Qiongyuan was dressed strangely, I thought it was a COS entry, and it was performed on the spot.

Therefore, many people continued to walk after taking a few glances.

"Get up! How far you can go in the future depends on your fortune!"

Lin Tian raised his hand to him, and then said, "Go back to Diyuan!"

After he finished speaking, he took Mo Xiaomo and turned around and walked away.

Qiong Yuan kowtowed again and again behind him, and then got up and left until he could hardly see Lin Tian's figure.

"This guy, what a great opportunity!"

Mo Xiaomo, who had already hid in Lin Tian's pocket, sighed.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of others, Mo Xiaomo chose to hide in his pocket.

After all, her palm-sized body is so unusual.

The guy she was talking about was, of course, the source of poverty.

"Maybe this is what he deserves!"

Lin Tian smiled and sighed.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone from the Qiankun bracelet.

Time, but two months have passed!

From the land of the East China Sea, after entering the abyss of the deep sea, and then entering the Void Tree, and now returning to Earth, two full months are gone!


Schools are on winter break.

Fortunately, before Lin Tian left, he took the solo exam in advance~!

With the phone turned on.

Countless missed calls and text messages swarmed directly.

There are phone calls and text messages from Gu Wanyin from the Shenlong Bureau, as well as from the tenant Xia Xiaobei, and the young aunt Lin Youran... The most popular is of course the younger sister Lin Xiaoqing, who seems to be in a hurry.

Others are ignored for now.

Lin Tian returned Lin Xiaoqing's call and promised to go to Xiangjiang in a few days, which made the little girl cheer up on the phone.

Then Lin Tian mainly called back Su Zhenbai from Lost Boat City, promising to go to the burrow with his family and enter the Tianhe Ancient Region.

But I missed it because I entered the Void Tree!

What surprised Lin Tian was that the Su family had not yet gone to the burrow, because there were some accidents in the ancient region of Tianhekou, so it was postponed!

"Let's go have something to eat and then head to Xiangjiang, I'm going to see my parents and sister!"

Lin Tian put away the phone, patted his pocket, and said to Mo Xiaomo.

"Ah...then I...what should I do? How should I introduce myself!"

Mo Xiaomo stuck his head out at this moment and said very nervously.

Lin Tian stopped.

After frowning for a while, he said, "I think it's good for you to become a normal little girl! Just're my friend!"

After speaking, Lin Tian turned around and walked into an alley in the ancient town.

No one around.

He let Mo Xiaomo come out of his pocket.

The little girl was covered in black dragon flames, and quickly turned into a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a very concise black sports long trousers and trousers, looking very youthful and beautiful.

"So be it!"

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction and walked out of the alley: "Let's go eat something!"

"Okay, okay, we haven't eaten anything from your human race yet!"

Mo Xiaomo was extremely excited.

The winter in Nanzhou is basically not too cold.

Even though it was January, the temperature was still extremely mild, with only a bit of cool wind blowing.

On the streets of the ancient town, the long legs of Bai Huanghuang are still indispensable, and the scenery is beautiful!

"Liu Yuan snail noodles? Just this one! Take you to eat the most authentic snail noodles in Nanzhou!"

Lin Tian stood in front of an antique shop and walked in.

Mo Xiaomo jumped behind to keep up, his face was full of anticipation, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

"It smells a bit stinky!"

Walking into the store, the smell was weird, Mo Xiaomo couldn't help muttering.

"You only understand the essence of snail noodles when you eat it in your mouth!"

Lin Tian said with a smile.

The service at this snail noodle shop is very attentive.

After Lin Tian and two took their seats, a waiter came forward.

I remembered that when I ate snail noodles in Ben Thanh, I basically had to queue up and order by myself!

"Two people, how much does it cost, and what dishes do you need to add?"

The waiter was still a little beauty with a sweet smile and a voice with a very distinct Nanzhou accent.

"Eight yuan for two bowls, add spicy!"

Lin Tian is very skilled.

"Please wait!"

The waiter walked over to the kitchen.

After all, it is a small shop, and the place where the powder is cooked is separated by a glass windowsill.

Lin Tianxia consciously glanced behind the glass windowsill, and found that the cook there was a rather strange woman.

He has short hair and a tall figure, but with a mask on his face, he can't see clearly.

The mask was dark gray, without any pattern.

Forget it.

This woman has only one hand!

The clothes on the other arm are empty, and it seems that the hand is missing, it is a severed hand!

"What a weird person, does she cook with one hand? And there is a mask on her face, isn't she disfigured?"

Mo Xiaomo also noticed there, and asked in a low voice.

Lin Tian also thought of this, maybe there was an accident, he broke his hand and ruined his face!

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