The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4004: Go to Nanliu

Holy bone!

It turned out to be the legendary holy bone!

The existence that can be encountered is unattainable, only by chance against the sky can you have it!

Lin Tian stared at the dark golden light that filled Dongfang Quling's body, and was shocked to the extreme.

Although the keel is extraordinary, it has full miraculous effects.

Whether it is used for refining medicine or for other purposes, it is considered a top treasure!

Not to mention that it is used for bone-building, or even an arm that grows into an adult, just like the Oriental Quling in front of you!

But because of one or two keels, there are holy bones, which is really amazing!

Holy Bone, one of the legendary talents of heaven and earth!

Of course, there are many, many aspects of the talent more powerful than it.

But the holy bone is unique!

If there is a holy bone, it is an invincible genius of physical cultivation!

You don't need to cultivate true qi, you don't need to absorb the spiritual qi of heaven and earth, you just need to constantly use various resources to temper your physique and become a saint with martial arts, not a legend!

in the past.

Lin Tian had also heard about the talent of the holy bone for a long time, but unfortunately, there is no such talent, and he has hardly seen it.

After all, physical cultivation is more difficult than the normal cultivation path, but it is not so easy to cultivate.

Many monks.

I don't want to take this path of cultivation.

Because the breakthrough of physical cultivation is too difficult, too difficult!

Compared with the normal cultivation path, breaking through is at least a hundred times more difficult!

If it is really a last resort, no one wants to take the path of physical cultivation.

After all, not everyone has heaven-defying treasures and exercises like Lin Tian, ​​which can easily improve the realm of physical cultivation!


If you have the talent of Saint Gu, I believe that everyone will choose the way of physical cultivation.

Because of the existence of the holy bone, it means the achievement that can be achieved by the way of physical cultivation!

Not surprisingly.

The possibility of achieving the Eucharist is not low!

The way of physical cultivation is very difficult.

But if you practice, it is much stronger than ordinary monks.

The lowest level of mortal body peak is enough to deal with the cultivators in the early stage of Jindan! 】

If you set foot on the spiritual level, neither the Nascent Soul Stage nor the God Transformation Stage are opponents, and they are enough to fight against the powerhouses of the Tribulation Realm!

And the immortal body and the **** body after that, not to mention.

In the past life, Lin Tian, ​​who has reached the level of Immortal Venerable, is unwilling to face the physical cultivation of a god!

After the body of God, it is the realm of the Holy Body!

That kind of existence, Lin Tian doesn't know how powerful it is, he thinks it is at least at the level of Master Duanmuyue!

So at this moment, looking at Dongfang Quling's body with transparent flesh and blood and dark golden bones, he was shocked.

Mo Xiaomo obviously knew the existence of the Holy Bone, and also knew the amazing talent of the Holy Bone!

"Oh my god...the purple light fills the courtyard, there is no doubt about the proper holy bone, you can't go wrong! It's amazing, amazing!"

Mo Xiaomo repeatedly exclaimed, turned back and said to Lin Tian: "What the **** is the earth we are in now? It's too much for you to change, and now there's another one! I don't believe it's entirely because of my keel. of!"

"Your keel is part of the factor, and the rest is her creation!"

Lin Tian recovered from the shock and couldn't help but sigh.

Say no to envy, that's a lie!

If Lin Tian had a keel in his body now, he might have directly cultivated his body.

Even, I have a conflict of wanting to cut off my arm and let Mo Xiaomo reconnect it with a keel.

But this kind of thinking, he quickly suppressed it.

He doesn't necessarily have the chance to hurt his arm in vain!

At the same time, he also thought of what Mo Xiaomo said, the earth is indeed unusual.

On the surface, it is a low-level civilization planet.

But in secret, apart from the burrow, no one knows what the mystery is!

The Holy Bone appeared in front of Dongfang Quling, which made his idea stronger.

"How could this happen to me? What do you mean by holy bones?"

Dongfang Quling was so frightened by the vision on his body that he didn't dare to move, and his face was extremely nervous.

In the martial arts she cultivated, she knew that all sorts of miraculous situations would occur.

But it was the first time that such a strange thing happened.

"This is your creation! Your holy bone talent means that you can practice physical cultivation and embark on the path of immortal cultivation!"

Lin Tian took a deep breath and said to Dongfang Quling, "Not only has your right hand grown now, but you also have the talent that countless strong people are jealous of! It's really... a chance against the sky!"


Dongfang Quling's head was full of confusion, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

And this time.

The vision on his body gradually disappeared and returned to normal.

Dongfang Quling found that there was no strange change in himself.

The right arm is also almost exactly the same as before!

Just the only difference.

It's just an inexhaustible power.

before switching.

As soon as she got the arm, she felt that she could fly a cow, but now, she felt that she could collapse the Longtan Hotel in front of her with one punch!

Now facing the siege of several martial arts masters, Dongfang Quling feels that he can handle it completely!

"Can I take the path of immortality, like you?"

Dongfang Quling asked the doubts in his heart.

"The way of immortal cultivation, but there are thousands of avenues! It doesn't have to be the same as him!"

Mo Xiaomo explained aloud: "You go directly to the way of physical cultivation. In the future, you will walk in the air, fly to the sky, and traverse the endless void! In terms of strength, one punch can open up mountains and rivers, destroy the sky and destroy the earth! You Think about it, a city can be annihilated under your punch! Even, just like the earth in front of you, you can smash it into ashes with one punch!"


What Mo Xiaomo said, Dongfang Quling was only full of confusion, and he didn't dare to think about it.

"Those are too far! After I find your brother, I will help you find a suitable exercise to practice!"

Lin Tian said to Dongfang Quling: "You have no talent right now! The holy bone is what countless people desire! Even if you haven't practiced yet, bullets can't break through your defense! It will hurt you at most, and it will not be fatal! In this way, you should know how powerful your holy bone talent is!"


At this time, Dongfang Quling was also unable to calm down.

She swallowed hard, trembling all over.

Naturally, she knew exactly what Lin Tian said.

Not only can he cultivate immortals, but even if it is physical cultivation, as long as he cultivates immortals, he is powerful.

And before you practice, your physical strength is so terrifying. If you practice, what kind of strength will it be?

"Lin Shao, thank you! And sister Longnv, thank you too!"

Dongfang Quling's face was full of gratitude, and he thanked Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo again and again.

"Let's not talk about the matter of thanks, let's go to Nanliu City first! I'm afraid that old man Zhou Li won't be able to hold on. If we burp before we arrive, it will be troublesome!"

Lin Tian waved his hand and said.

Soon, the two of them, Yilong, left the Longtan Hotel, left the ancient town, and headed towards Nanliucheng.

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