The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4006: I'm not selfish

The roots of Dongfang's family are in Yanjing. Under normal circumstances, the world is turned upside down in Nanzhou, and it cannot be affected.

But now, Dongfang Quling is full of worries.

Dongfang Yu entered Tangmen, and most people in Yanjing did not know it.

But those hostile big families are extremely well-informed.

Also because of the existence of the Tang Sect, the Dongfang family is even more deterrent!

Now that there is no Tang Sect, those hostile families are definitely just around the corner!

However, these are not things that Dongfang Quling needs to consider now.

Now it's the most important thing to find my younger brother Dongfang Yu!

"I'm not selfish!"

Looking at Dongfang Quling's icy face, his body was still trembling slightly, and it could be seen that it was because of the anger in his heart, Lin Tian couldn't help but chuckle.

Hearing this, Dongfang Quling's expression softened slightly.

She stared at Zhao Zhe and said, "You still have a chance to turn back now!"

For Zhao Zhe, Dongfang Quling was very angry, but this Zhao Zhe was also a rare talent.

The branch of the Dongfang family can go further in Nanzhou because of his management!

This kind of business genius is rare!


Facing Dongfang Quling's direct gaze, Zhao Zhe lowered his head and stood beside Chen Xuan without saying a word.

Dongfang Quling was completely disappointed.

"Haha... Now it's just your Dongfang family who are stubbornly resisting!"

On the opposite side, Chen Xuan let out a sneer and said: "Dongfang Quling, tell me, where is Dongfang Yu? The Caiyi tree in his hand is a hot potato! Don't talk about your Dongfang family's Nanzhou branch, I'm afraid Your family far away in Yanjing will also be affected! Now it's not just us who are eyeing this magic medicine!"

Oriental music is very spiritual.

She is now in a hurry because she can't find Dongfang Yu.

But because the Tang Sect such as Panlongwan was destroyed and Dongfang Yu's whereabouts were unknown, she was already burning with anger.

Now that Chen Xuan and others came to ask her where Dongfang Yu was, it was ridiculous!

"I'm also looking for my brother now! You all killed him. His whereabouts are unknown. I haven't been a good person for you. Now it's better, but you came to ask me if I'm hungry!"

Dongfang Quling said with a sneer.

no idea where it is?

Chen Xuan frowned.

He looked back at the three old men who followed.

One of the old men snorted coldly: "Since we don't know where the person is, there is a high probability that we ran into the Nanping Mountain to hide? The huge Nanping Mountain, boundless ancient forests and mountains, we want to find a person, like looking for a needle in a haystack! Besides! There... there are many terrifying beasts, it is very difficult to find him!"

The other old man agreed, nodded and said, "Since she doesn't know where she is, the only way is to capture the girl and force Dongfang Yu to come out! It is reported that the two brothers and sisters have feelings for each other. But it's very good!"

"That's a good idea!"

Chen Xuan's eyes lit up, his eyes fell on Dongfang Quling, and he said, "Are you going to capture it yourself, or let this seat capture you?"

Seeing this, Dongfang Quling was stunned.

In the face of martial arts masters like Chen Xuan, she doesn't have much chance of winning, and it is already very good to be able to deal with them.

What's more, there are three peaks of martial arts masters behind!

The previous broken arm was besieged by several grandmasters and almost died.

The three major martial arts masters who came before me participated in it from the beginning!

"You are not what you were before!"

Seeing Dongfang Quling's nervous appearance, Lin Tian suddenly smiled and said, "Don't forget your talent, it's completely different! You can just use these three-legged cats to practice your hands! It's just their three-legged cat's kung fu , it won't hurt you!"


From Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo's point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

As far as the strength of Chen Xuan and others is in front of Lin Tian and others, they are not as good as turkeys!

If Lin Tian thought about it, one look would be enough to make Chen Xuan and others die in an instant!

The coercion and impact of their soul force made them unbearable!

It's just that his words just fell.

On the opposite side, Chen Xuan and the other four had big changes in their old faces.

Sen's cold eyes fell on Lin Tian.

"Hehe... Little baby, do you not see the situation in front of you, or do you not know who I am waiting for? Three-legged cat kung fu? You really dare to say it!"

An old man flashed murderous intent in his eyes and sneered at Lin Tian.

"Forget it, I don't have time to ink with them! This seat captures Dongfang Quling, and then kills these two!"

Chen Xuan shook his head and became impatient.

When I came here, I didn't get news from Dongfang Yu, and I felt a little unhappy!

He knew very well that Caiyi tree was very precious.

It's just that even if they get the Caiyi Tree, they are not qualified to get involved in Panlong Bay, and they don't have the courage.

The main thing is to do things for the existence behind it!

As long as you get the Caiyi Tree, the benefits that Panlong Bay will get is unimaginable!

Chen Xuan knew very well how unimaginable the existence standing behind Panlong Bay today!

He was excited when he thought that Panlong Bay could compete for the entire Nanzhou underground world, and even stretched his hand to the entire Nanzhou boundary.

At that time.

Not to mention those underground bosses, business giants, even those top martial arts families and sects, all have to see the face of Panlongwan!

For this, Chen Xuan has full confidence.

So present.

Getting the Caiyi Tree is the most important thing!

The words fall.

The violent cultivation of the martial arts master on Chen Xuan has already swept away.

He took a stride and stepped up, trying to capture Dongfang Quling!

"Vice President Chen, you have to be careful! This girl is not easy!"

An old man reminded Chen Xuan: "I was waiting for the shot, but I saw that her arm was broken! The eyes are still intact, or the broken arm has been reborn, although this is unlikely! Another possibility is the original It's not a real arm, she may still be a practitioner who knows how to move flowers and trees!"

For Dongfang Quling's arm again intact.

The three old men were also very puzzled at the beginning.

But thinking that the arm that was broken before may be fake, I don't think it's strange.

After all, compared to martial artists, there is another mysterious practitioner, who is good at various Taoism techniques, blindfolding techniques, and various strange ghost painting symbols, etc.!

Seeing Chen Xuan's shot, Dongfang Quling subconsciously became nervous.

After all, this Chen Xuan is a martial arts master.

Although she has the pinnacle of martial arts masters, she can compete with ordinary martial arts masters.

But this Chen Xuan is different, strength is not as simple as the realm of cultivation.

Just thinking of what Lin Tian said just now, she felt a little more confident.

She also wanted to see how powerful the so-called holy bone she was carrying!

Seeing Chen Xuan grabbing it with one palm, Dongfang Quling also hurriedly pushed it out.

"I know you are a bit evil, but you dare to resist!"

When Chen Xuan saw Dongfang Quling's shot, he immediately laughed angrily: "Then this seat will first abolish your arm!"


The strength in his hand suddenly increased, making a violent muffled sound, and his whole body became more imposing!

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