The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4203: I am her god

in Xiangzhou.

The Kowloon City Film and Television Filming Base is a relatively well-known tourist attraction.

So there are almost endless tourists here every day.

Many large and small TV movies have come here for framing and shooting!

This naturally attracts countless tourists rushing to come and watch.

Today, there are more tourists than usual.

Lin Tian also found that many young boys and girls flocked to appear.

Some people even pulled banners with words such as Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei, and there were even large groups of fans formed in groups!

Chasing stars like this is really crazy!

"It's Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei's fan group!"

"It's a local fan group in Xiangzhou!"

"There are also people from all over the country..."


Looking at the continuous emergence of several fan groups, Huang Xia and others walking in front were all excited and envious.

Dao Zifeng, the squad leader, is a big fan of Tang Jiajia. He also said, "We will organize a Jiajia fan group ourselves, or join the Jiajia support group in Xiangzhou!"

"I want to join too!"

Lin Xiaoqing nodded vigorously.

With the arrival of these fan groups.

The entrance to the gate of the film and television base is even more lively.

I managed to squeeze inside, and found that the base was crowded with people, almost crowded with people!

"It's all about seeing the crowd, do you still want to meet your idol?"

Lin Tian looked at the people around him and said helplessly to Lin Xiaoqing.

"Brother, don't worry, this is just the outer city of the Kowloon City Film and Television Base! The core filming locations are in the inner city, and tickets are required!"

Lin Xiaoqing pointed not far away, there was a gate there and a ticket was needed.

Going inside, is the inner city of the Kowloon City Film and Television Base!

But there are many people.

The fan groups of Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei alone account for half of them.

Lin Tian and others have free tickets, no need to buy them, just enter directly.

In the film and television base, there are also many people.

But compared to the outside, it is relatively empty.

"Let's go, let's go to Clear Water Lake! The last drama of the world is home, right there!"

Lin Xiaoqing pulled Lin Tian, ​​very excitedly pointing to a forest not far away.

The other students were also very excited and walked over there quickly.

"I heard that the final film was very exciting. Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei said they had to make the final decision!"

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"How did this plot come out?"

"Only a few people know about it! Besides, even if we witnessed the filming, the editing in the later stage, the plot will be different!"

"Never mind, I'm satisfied to see Sister Jiajia and Sister Xiaofei..."

Huang Xia waited for a few chatter, chatting non-stop while walking.

When Lin Tian and others arrived at Bishui Lake.

It was found that almost all of them were occupied by the fan groups of Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei.

They could barely see the Bishui Lake shooting site from a fairly good position.

But if you want to squeeze in and see the two goddesses up close, I'm afraid it's not easy!


Both are the cheering voices of the two popular Huadan female fan groups.

"Jia Jia!"

"Xiao Fei..."


Uniform shouts.

It made Lin Tian feel his ears buzzing.

Not to mention.

Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei haven't come yet.

These fan groups are already crazy.

It is not easy to form a group to enter the shooting base in this city to watch.

Lin Xiaoqing waited for a few people to come, or the school got a place to enter for free.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaxia... Are you all ready for your mobile phones? I'll remember to take pictures of Sister Jiajia and Sister Xiaofei as soon as possible!"

Dao Zifeng instructed several people at this time.

He was holding the phone in his hand, looking very excited.

This guy is also a complete iron fan!

"Hey, it's a pity, if only I could get Sister Jiajia's autograph!"

"I want Miss Fei's autographed photo!"

"I also signed the photo, do you want to be beautiful? If I can get an autograph, I will be satisfied!"

"I can't squeeze in, I still want to sign!"


All around, the voices of many people continued to fill.

Some are fans of the two big actresses.

Of course, some of them are pure tourists, and there are also some to witness this may be the final filming of the annual drama!

Listening to the discussions of the people around, Lin Xiaoqing and others were naturally very moved.

They also all wanted to get the autographs of Tang Jiajia and Wang Xiaofei.

Unfortunately, looking at the current situation, it is almost impossible!

"Want Tang Jiajia's autograph?"

Looking at the loss hidden in Lin Xiaoqing's expression, Lin Tian asked immediately.

"Of course I do! But there are so many people here, it's impossible to get an autograph! Even if I can squeeze in front, others won't necessarily sign for me!"

Lin Xiaoqing shook her head.

Lin Tian patted the girl's head and said, "Don't worry, I'll find a way to get Tang Jiajia to sign it for you later!"

"Ah? Really? Brother, what can you do?"

Lin Xiaoqing looked surprised.

Dao Zifeng and Huang Xia, who were standing on the side, also cast their gazes.

Whether it is Tang Jiajia or Wang Xiaofei, they are idols they worship, and they are the perfect goddesses in their hearts!

If they can get autographs, even if it is to make them kneel, they are willing!

Lin Xiaoqing and Dao Zifeng are definitely avid fans!

Although it's not enough for a brain-crazy fan, it's already extremely crazy!

"Of course there is a way!"

Lin Tian nodded and said, "When Tang Jiajia comes, I'll ask her to come over and sign for you! Even if she invites you to dinner, it's fine!"

Thinking of the woman's strange eyes towards him, Lin Tian was quite confident about it.


She is Su Yuan's best friend, she will still give this face!

But his words made Dao Zifeng's eyes widen, thinking he heard it wrong.

"You said, you asked Tang Jiajia to come over to sign?"

Huang Xia was surprised.

"Brother! What did you say..."

Lin Xiaoqing felt that Lin Tian was not chasing stars, and didn't know how difficult it was to get an autograph, so she quickly said: "Like Sister Jiajia, the security is basically three layers inside and outside, so it would be nice to have her sign, how could she possibly be? Will come over to sign for us, so many people!"

"It's okay, just let her meet us in private when the time comes!"

Lin Tian said with a faint smile: "Anyway, your brother is also the male **** of Tang Jiajia!"


male god?

Tang Jiajia's male god?

Dao Zifeng and the others widened their eyes, staring at Lin Tian in amazement.

"Hey, you're talking too much nonsense!"

Dao Zifeng frowned and said dissatisfiedly.

In the eyes of their fans, Tang Jiajia is the most perfect existence, a goddess who is pure and clean without any stains!

If the goddess has something to do with other men, or if the goddess sees other men as male gods, most fans will find it difficult to accept!

Perfect idols, other heterosexual contacts, any shortcomings will be infinitely magnified!

"Brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Xiaoqing pulled Lin Tian's arm and said.

Lin Tian spread his hands: "I didn't brag, I'm really her goddess! Anyway, that's what she called me!"

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