The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4213: Which is lighter and which is heavier?

Wang Xiaofei's face was extremely gloomy.

She turned and walked away a few steps, and began to call, with a burst of anger in her eyes.

It's not just the script that is in front of me, it also makes Tang Jiajia completely opposed to her.

Although before that.

She was very upset and dissatisfied with Tang Jiajia!

In her eyes, Tang Jiajia didn't have her efforts at all, but what she has achieved is what she has worked hard for ten years to get!

This is not fair!

It's just that these injustices in her heart will naturally not be shown on weekdays.

After all, both of them are the trump cards of Tianhe Entertainment, and even if there are many dissatisfactions in their hearts, it is not easy to tear their faces.

But now.

Tang Jiajia even publicly challenged her, which made her feel that she had no face, and the anger in her heart could be imagined.

However, if she and Tang Jiajia openly compare with each other in front of her, it will also make it appear that she is narrow-minded and does not have the demeanor of her predecessors.

Might as well let the boss of the company solve it!

Originally it was just a matter of the script, a few people came to make trouble, just drive away.

Tang Jiajia just went with her for the sake of outsiders, and Wang Xiaofei's heart was full of anger.

things at hand.

If one gets it wrong, she, Wang Xiaofei, may become a joke in the entertainment industry!

"This is troublesome..."

Director Wang looked at Wang Xiaofei's posture, and suddenly looked at Lin Tian and the others with a wry smile: "It was originally just about the script, but now, Miss Jiajia and Miss Xiaofei are breaking up, and the crew can't continue filming, waiting for President Han to come, You might really have a lawsuit!"

He is very aware of the many heads of the entertainment industry.

Most companies are profit-oriented!

It's not as simple as the script.

Then the presence of multimedia, the impact is very bad.

Tianhe Entertainment is likely to lose a lot this time!

"We are not afraid of a lawsuit, I can prove that the script was written by me!"

Lin Xiaoqing said very confidently.

She is so confident!

"Director Wang, most of the time in this world, although it's not black and white, everything has to be reasonable! I don't believe that Mr. Han can confuse black and white with his conscience!"

Tang Jiajia said with a calm face at this time.

"Miss Tang, you should know the rules in this entertainment circle better than me!"

Director Wang shook his head and replied: "You and Miss Wang have torn face, it's nothing! The company can tolerate it, but they are going to be in trouble right now... Even if there is really evidence that the script was plagiarized and a lawsuit is filed, Can ordinary people beat Tianhe Entertainment?"

"And I'm afraid that Mr. Han and the others will bite back and sue them for various reasons, and the trouble will be even greater! Now, it's best to leave here quickly!"

these words.

Tang Jiajia immediately reacted.

She hurriedly said to Lin Tian, ​​"Hurry up and leave! About the script, we will talk about it later! I will argue with reason and will not let this revised script be used!"

The company itself is suspected of being a problem, and the company will definitely consider it safely. Otherwise, the media will play it up, and the impact will be even greater at that time!

Dao Zifeng, who was listening to Tang Jiajia and Wang Dao's words, was already a little nervous.

They also thought about leaving quickly.

They are still students, and things are in their heads, but they can't help it!

Lin Xiaoqing's pretty face changed slightly, she turned to Lin Tian and said, "Brother, shall we go?"

He didn't want to cause trouble for Lin Tian.

Originally, I just came here today to see my idol.

But the result is this.

Of course,.

She was very angry and depressed about her script being plagiarized and used, but now the situation is better than others, and if one gets it wrong, it will bring a lot of trouble.

"Since you're here, why are you leaving?"

Lin Tian's face was calm and calm, he shook his head and said, "Since he called, let's wait until she calls someone, and we'll talk about it!"

"Brother, can you handle it?"

Lin Xiaoqing asked anxiously.


Lin Tian smiled and nodded.


Lin Xiaoqing chose to believe in Lin Tian, ​​she was full of confidence in Lin Tian's strength.

Although she didn't know the specific circumstances of the previous clan's affairs, she knew that it was Lin Tian who turned the tide.

This brother of mine has become more powerful and mysterious.

But she knows that there are some things, there is no need to ask!

"Xiaoqing, shall we continue to stay here?"

Dao Zifeng was a little anxious at this time, and said nervously.

"I believe my brother!"

Lin Xiaoqing nodded vigorously and said, "Why don't you guys go back first! What's going on in front of you has nothing to do with you in the first place!"

"Squad leader?"

Huang Xia and the others looked at Dao Zifeng immediately.

Faced with what was in front of them, they naturally hesitated.

They also naturally thought of leaving Mingzhe to save his life.

After all, they are facing existences like Wang Xiaofei, and there is a strong company behind them.

It's not that ordinary people like them can offend!


Lin Xiaoqing is their better classmate, so leave Lin Xiaoqing behind?

Is that still human?

"We stay too! I don't believe that there is no justice in this world! He plagiarized our works, and even sued us!"

Dao Zifeng gritted his teeth and said decisively.

"Then, we all stay!"

Huang Xia and several others also nodded solemnly.

"thank you all!"

Lin Xiaoqing was very moved when she saw Dao Zifeng and others being so loyal.

"Thank you, we are together!"

Huang Xia said seriously.

Lin Tian glanced at Dao Zifeng and the others with admiration in his eyes.

These classmates of Lin Xiaoqing have no words to say about their personalities, they are worthy of deep friendship!

"Since we all stay, let's face it together! They don't dare to do anything to us!"

Lin Tian looked at a few and said with a smile.

"Yes, I don't believe they really sued us! There are so many people present, so many media, let's see how they end up!"

Dao Zifeng and others followed suit.

"Hey... The young blood is so naive!"

Director Wang sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"Don't worry, I will help them!"

Tang Jiajia exhaled and said.

She also knew that what Lin Tian had to face when she came down was no small matter.

But since she chose to stand on Lin Tian's side, she was not afraid.

In this entertainment circle, she has also been struggling for several years, and she also has a certain network of contacts!

At least do our best to ensure that Lin Tian and others can still do it without incident!

After Wang Xiaofei finished the phone call, he had turned back and said with a sneer: "President Han has already come here! The crew can't shoot, the impact and loss are beyond your imagination! Just wait for the lawsuit! And Tang Jiajia, do you think that with your current fame and strength, you can be fearless? Hehe..."

"Wang Xiaofei, let's talk about the matter! Whether the script is suspected of plagiarism, Mr. Han is here, and he will naturally investigate it!"

Tang Jiajia frowned and said coldly.

Wang Xiaofei smiled disdainfully and said, "You and I are both the top cards of today's River Entertainment, but if you really want to sacrifice a word, which one is more important, what do you think President Han will think about it?"

Chapter 4213 Which is more important?

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