The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4234: Sorry, wrong person!

Those Tianlongshan disciples who were besieging Huoyunshu below were extremely excited.

Obviously, they all know the preciousness of this Fire Cloud Tree.

Although I don't know if they have Fire Cloud Tree, I know its value.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see how rare this fire cloud tree is!

"Quick, quick... This cover is going to be broken by us!"

Among the dozens of Tianlongshan disciples, a young girl in a white palace uniform urged the fellow disciples present.

Obviously, this group of Tianlongshan disciples is headed by her.

bang bang...

From the red hood of the Fire Cloud Tree, there was a constant muffled sound.

The hood shook more and more violently.

A little bit of twisting and cracking began to appear on the top.

The fire cloud tree inside, the entire huge trunk, constantly vibrated, the fiery red leaves rattled, and the red leaves kept falling down.

And this fire cloud tree also made a strange sound.

That voice was filled with panic and pleading.


But the next moment.

The hood of the fire cloud tree burst open.

This group of Tianlongshan disciples obviously expected Huoyunshu to escape, so they immediately surrounded them.

The girl in the white palace dress at the head disappeared directly on the ground.

It's just that her disappearance failed to escape Lin Tian's consciousness.

This girl used a very powerful movement technique.

She instantly appeared in front of the Fire Cloud Tree, and a white light flashed across her palm.

A magic talisman flew out from her palm and landed on the fire cloud tree.

The originally tall Fire Cloud Tree turned into a half-human height with a clatter.

And the Fire Cloud Tree was also fixed there at the moment.

I wanted to escape, but I couldn't do anything!

"Wow haha... Hold it!"

The girl in the white palace dress shouted happily.

When she was about to collect the Fire Cloud Tree.

Lin Tian has already flew over with Mo Xiaomo, and the speed is even faster.


The sudden appearance of Lin Tian and Mo Xiaomo shocked the girl.

She flew out, with vigilance and consternation on her face.

"Who is coming?"

The other Tianlong Mountain disciples all shouted angrily at this time.

Armed with weapons, they surrounded Lin Tian with vigilance and suspicion on their faces.

Lin Tian suddenly appeared.

Obviously came prepared.

And at that speed, they can hardly see clearly, obviously the strength is terrifying!

"How about giving me this Fire Cloud Tree?"

Lin Tian smiled lightly, looked at the girl in the white palace dress, and said with a smile.


The girl in the white palace dress was shocked and didn't react for a while.

In her opinion, **** is snatch, and ask me how?

But the next moment.

The girl frowned for a while, and said something Lin Tian was caught off guard: "You are cousin Qingyun? I'm Shen Lin! Although we haven't met, I heard that cousin Qingyun is dignified and handsome. , must be you, right? I haven't seen my cousin, but the family butler who came to inform before told you that you would come to visit Tianlong Mountain this month, it's a coincidence, why are you here..."

" want this fire cloud tree, then I'll give it to you!"

"By the way, are you here to propose marriage to senior sister? But I'm afraid it's not the right time for you to come..."

Speaking of the end.

The white palace girl Shen Lin stepped forward and grabbed Lin Tian's hand.

Such a scene.

It made Lin Tian even more confused.

When did he become so young, and he became the girl's cousin... Is this the wrong person?

"Are you afraid of the wrong person?"

Lin Tian frowned and said coldly.

"That's right, butler Wu said that cousin Qingyun is the most beautiful man in the world!"

Shen Lin shook her head and said crisply.

Lin Tian's face suddenly darkened.

I know I'm handsome and good-looking, and I'll definitely captivate countless girls.

But you can't see a handsome guy as your cousin if you haven't seen it before, right?

Is it really good to be so sloppy?

However, Lin Tian's expression soon calmed down a little.

He could see it.

The girl in front of her looked a little innocent and kind.

No ill will towards him.

Of course. Maybe because the other party regarded him as her cousin, there is no hostility now.

"You really got the wrong person!"

Lin Tian shook his head, and said coldly again: "I took this fire cloud tree!"

He did not wait for the girl to agree or disagree, and directly put it into the Qiankun bracelet.

"Then give it to my cousin! I don't want it!"

Shen Lin said simply.

All right!

That's disrespectful!

Lin Tian has no psychological burden.

"I'm leaving!"

He dropped a word and turned to leave.

"Senior Sister Shen, Senior Sister Shen..."

At this time.

not far away.

A figure came over.

A disciple from Tianlong Mountain trotted over, panting, "Young Master Wu is looking for you!"

"What Wu Shao?"

Seeing the disciple who appeared, Shen Lin said in surprise.

"Young Master Wu of the ancient blood family Wu family, your cousin! He is behind, coming soon..."

The disciple had a look of excitement and flattery on his face.

"My cousin is here..."

Shen Lin was still holding Lin Tian's hand, but she quickly reacted, let go of Lin Tian's hand, and hurriedly said to the disciple, "My cousin Wu Qingyun, when did you come? Where is it?"

"I just entered the mountain gate, and I was thinking of you. I told Young Master Wu that you were here, so I led the way!"

"Ah...are you telling the truth?"

Shen Lin looked back at Lin Tian, ​​her face flushed with blush.

"Of course it's true, how dare Junior Brother make a joke about this kind of thing!"

The disciple wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hurriedly said.

In Tianlong Mountain, Shen Lin's talent was first-class, second only to Su Muqiu.

Status and status are not comparable to these disciples at all.

What's more, Shen Lin's background is even more unusual.

He came from the Shen family of the Xiuzhen family. Although it was nothing in itself, the Shen family was kind to the Wu family. Because of this, a strong direct descendant of the Wu family also entered the Shen family and became a housekeeper.

Two years ago, Wu Qingyun from the Wu family came to Tianlong Mountain, and this disciple saw it with his own eyes.

But Shen Lin just didn't see Wu Qingyun since she was a child. When Wu Qingyun came, it happened that Shen Lin was in retreat and practiced, so she couldn't see it at all.

Today, Wu Qingyun visits Tianlong Mountain again.

It is said that this time, he is going to propose a kiss to Su Muqiu!

because of this.

At this time, on Tianlong Mountain, the lanterns and lanterns have already begun to show up, and they are all decorated very festively.

"Then...then I just..."

Shen Lin realized at this moment that she had really admitted the wrong person.

She turned to look at Lin Tian, ​​and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I've identified the wrong person! You just held your hand, wouldn't you be angry? I didn't mean it! If you feel that you are being occupied It's cheap, I...I can let you touch it back..."


Lin Tian's forehead was full of black lines, he couldn't understand what the little girl's brain circuit was!

He could only be speechless, shook his head, and turned to leave. ,

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