The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4239: strong backer

Needless to say, the people who followed Wu Qingyun were all terrifyingly powerful.

They came to Tianlong Mountain together, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was to protect Wu Qingyun.

The so-called blood family martial family who can have such a battle is definitely stronger than this Tianlong Mountain!

What's more, Wu Qingyun came to Tianlong Mountain, why did Su Muqiu propose marriage, it looked like it was inevitable.

Moreover, she will also marry a genius like Shen Lin as a maid!

How arrogant this is!

Shen Lin possesses the spirit of the five elements!

With such talent, Lin Tian was extremely shocked and moved in his heart.

If it weren't for Shen Lin already being a disciple of Tianlong Mountain, and this Wu Qingyun was bound to win over Shen Lin, Lin Tian didn't want to cause more trouble, he would have wanted to accept Shen Lin as a disciple!

"I don't want to repeat, you hand over the fire cloud tree and let you go!"

Wu Qingyun looked straight and said solemnly: "This is Tianlong Mountain, and I came to propose marriage today. It's a festive day, and I don't want to see blood!"


The words fall.

The old man who blocked Lin Tian's way suddenly made a terrifying roar.

The powerful aura, if there is no such thing, the inexplicable aura locked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian didn't feel anything at all about this, and his expression was normal.

However, Shen Lin next to her was in a hurry.

She is now very clear that Wu Qingyun can do anything.

She didn't want Lin Tian to explain his life here because of her.

"Cousin Qingyun, you can't do this!"

Standing in front of Lin Tian, ​​Shen Lin opened her arms and shook her head: "If you really want to do something to him, why don't you kill me first!"

"Ha ha…"

Seeing that Shen Lin actually stood up for Lin Tian, ​​Wu Qingyun suddenly let out a low sneer.

This kind of gloomy laughter seems to be squeezed out from the throat, and it sounds extremely vulgar.

"If you are like this, his life will be even worse..."

Wu Qingyun smiled and said coldly.

This made Shen Lin panic even more.

From her point of view, the situation in front of her was all because she put Lin Tian in such a situation.

"I'm willing, I'm willing to go with you..."

Shen Lin took a deep breath and said repeatedly.

She was struggling before.

But she is very clear.

If you refuse, the fate of your family and your parents will definitely be ugly!

Now that Lin Tian appears again, it is very likely that she will die tragically because of her, and she feels that she must make a choice.

Accepting Wu Qingyun, the family can be preserved, and it will not harm others.

If she refused, it would be useless for her to refuse except to die!

It's better for the family, it's better to save Lin Tian's life!

Obedience and compromise, the ending is at least better than the other options!

Having said that, Shen Lin looked back at Lin Tian and hurriedly said, "Take out the fire cloud tree, if you don't take it out, he will really kill you! If you don't take it out, you will sacrifice in vain..."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lin Tian was a little speechless because of his anxious appearance.

"Well, take it!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly and handed the Fire Cloud Tree to the other party.

Anyway, it was treated as temporarily letting Wu Qingyun keep it.

He didn't want Shen Lin to be disappointed and lost, and he didn't want her to feel that everything she did was ridiculous and made her feel that she was so insignificant.

This girl is too pure and kind, she is too pure!

" can still laugh!"

Shen Lin looked at the smile on Lin Tian's face and suddenly said angrily.

She took the fire cloud tree and handed it over to Wu Qingyun, and said, "Let him go, don't embarrass him, and at the same time ensure that the Shen family will not encounter any crisis! You can let me do anything!"

"Hehe... Cousin really figured it out! What you said is all right!"

Wu Qingyun nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Lin Tian: "You are lucky! Go away..."

Originally, he and Shen Lin thought that Lin Tian would flee in a hurry.

But Lin Tian shook his head and said, "I want to go to the Tianlong Mountain gate!"

"Don't embarrass him, I invited him to the sect as a guest before..."

Shen Lin looked at Wu Qingyun and said.

She thought that Lin Tian stayed because of her invitation.


Wu Qingyun looked at the fire cloud tree in his hand, his eyes were full of brilliance, and then looked at Shen Lin next to him, the corner of his mouth smiled even more.

Whether it is Fire Cloud Tree or Shen Lin, they are all treasures!

He was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Tian, ​​and directly dragged Shen Lin towards the gate of Tianlong Mountain.

Lin Tian didn't care either.

Slowly followed behind.

Tianlong Mountain can be as powerful and large as it is today, and the background is absolutely good.

Lin Tian wanted to see if he could find other treasures in Tianlong Mountain.

No more.

It's not bad to move the treasure house of Tianlong Mountain or practice on the spot!


Lin Tian followed Shen Lin, Wu Qingyun and others, set foot on the gate of Tianlong Mountain, and went directly to the main hall of Zongmen.

With the arrival of Wu Qingyun, the battle was huge.

The welcoming ceremony of Tianlong Mountain was not too much. As we went up the mountain gate, there were disciples of Tianlong Mountain on both sides.

After all, he is the son of a blood family, and his identity is amazing.

When they arrived at the main hall square, Sect Master Wang Jinyu personally brought a group of elders to greet him.

"Nephew Qingyun, I haven't seen you for a few years, and my cultivation has improved again!"

Wang Jinyu stepped forward and said very politely.

And Wu Qingyun, facing Wang Jinyu, did not have the arrogance before, and greeted him very solemnly.

After all, this is a powerhouse in the late Nascent Soul, and must be given enough respect.

Even though he is from a martial family!

"I have seen Fairy Wang!"

Wu Qingyun bowed meticulously, his tone full of awe.

"Don't be too polite!"

Wang Jinyu smiled and held up a hand, and then said to Su Muqiu, who was wearing a snow-white shirt beside him, "Muqiu, you haven't met Brother Wu yet!"

"I've seen Senior Brother Wu!"

Su Muqiu's face was a little cold, she couldn't tell her anger and anger, and she gave a very solemn salute.

Wu Qingyun had already noticed Su Muqiu.

From the moment he appeared, his eyes were scorching hot, staring at Su Muqiu from time to time.

And Lin Tian, ​​who was standing behind, couldn't help but glance at Su Muqiu, who was very beautiful, with an immortal aura all over his body.

Compared with Shen Lin, it is not the same beauty!

What's more, the talents of the two girls are terrifying!

Then Su Muqiu's cultivation level has reached the initial stage of Jindan!

Such a talent for cultivation is regarded as a monster!

It's no wonder that Wu Qingyun is bound to win for Su Muqiu and Shen Lin!

"Don't be stunned, Nephew Wu, let's go in and talk!"

Wang Jinyu followed suit.

The crowd entered the hall.

Take their seats.

Lin Tian calmly took a seat and sat down.

No one noticed his presence.

Wang Jinyu and others thought they were following Wu Qingyun.

"I received the letter from before. Nephew Qingyun is here to propose marriage to Mu Qiu this time. Is it alright?"

Wang Jinyu looked at Wu Qingyun and said.

She is further confirming!

There was apprehension in his expression.

After all, as in today's Longshan crisis, compared to Nanmo Mountain, this martial arts family is completely different, and their perception of Wu Qingyun is also excellent.

With the relationship of Wu Qingyun, the Wu family can completely become a strong backer of Tianlong Mountain!

Now is an opportunity!

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