"Your martial family is a blood family inherited from ancient times!"

Looking at Wu Qingyun, who was stunned and excited, Wang Jinyu continued: "I should have no interest in annexing my Tianlong Mountain! Instead, with such a powerful affiliated sect, your Wu family should be unable to ask for it!"

"And I guess, if you and Mu Qiu get married, and Mu Qiu inherits the position of Sect Master, this matter should be a bargaining chip for you to inherit the family patriarch in the future!"


It directly penetrated Wu Qingyun's inner thoughts.

Wu Qingyun was not surprised, such as Wang Jinyu, who are all old foxes, did not think of this level, that is abnormal!

"Thank you Senior Wang for your accomplishment!"

Wu Qingyun stood up and bowed respectfully to Wang Jinyu.

What Wang Jinyu put forward, what are the conditions, he is clearly helping him!

"Don't thank me, I can rest assured that Muqiu will be handed over to you!"

Wang Jinyu waved her hand and said, "But... the ugly words come first..."

Wu Qingyun's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly said: "You said it!"

"I also know something about Qingyun nephew! I won't ask about your affairs, but I hope you are sincere to Mu Qiu!"

Wang Jinyu looked solemn and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Senior Wang, this is related to the competition for the successor of my patriarch, and it is also related to Tianlong Mountain. I will not joke!"

Wu Qingyun knew very well what Wang Jinyu was talking about, it was nothing more than his romantic history and a little more women.

"Nephew Qingyun, you should have something to add, right?"

Wang Jinyu showed a sweet smile again: "I'll leave it to you when I come down. You Wu family find a good day and auspicious day, organize a special event, and complete the wedding!"

Wu Qingyun sighed and said, "This junior has a small request!"

Speaking of which.

He looked back at Shen Lin.

See here.

Shen Lin's face turned pale.

She understands what conditions Wu Qingyun wants to put forward.

She felt that Wang Jinyu would probably be furious because of it.

However, it is Wu Qingyun of the Wu family who is facing her. If Wu Qingyun wants to make her a dowry maid, Wang Jinyu may not be able to stop her!

But when Wu Qingyun came down, Shen Lin was stunned: "Junior Sister Shen Lin is also my cousin, she is kind and simple by nature, not to mention her talent, senior, don't you consider letting her become the deputy suzerain and assist Mu Qiu in the future? It's good for two people to complement each other!"

At these words, Wang Jinyu was stunned.

She glanced at Shen Lin, over there, a thoughtful look flashed on her face.

"I'll think about it..."

Wang Jinyu did not immediately agree.

And Wu Qingyun is not in a hurry.

Since he brought it up, he didn't run away.

"He didn't mention the dowry thing..."

Shen Lin was puzzled and whispered to Lin Tian next to her.

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said: "Because your sect master gave him a Dali, he naturally wouldn't show such a face, so he used a more euphemistic way! If there are no other accidents, you still can't escape him. palm..."


Shen Lin widened her eyes and was at a loss for a while.

However, Lin Tian ignored it.

His eyes could not help but look towards the door of the hall.

Because there is a powerful aura, if there is nothing, it spreads over.

At this time, Wang Jinyu and other powerful Yuan Ying monks couldn't help but look towards the door of the hall.

They also sensed the arrival of a strong man.

"Trouble is coming!"

Wang Jinyu sighed, very helpless.

Wu Qingyun's eyebrows were the same, and his eyes could not help but fall to the door.

at this time.

An old man walked in.

Here, there is only one person!

However, the strength is very strong!

Late Nascent Soul!

The breath of the body slowly surged around, with a strong and domineering meaning.

And this kind of domineering, more comes from the exercises that the old man cultivated.

It's the magic door!

The appearance of this old man made many elders in the Tianlong Mountain Hall look solemn, with a trace of anxiety in their eyes.

Even Wang Jinyu had a solemn face.

"Tang Chaoye!"

Wang Jinyu stood up and spoke in a deep voice.

The old man who appeared, he recognized.

One of the ten elders of Nanmo Mountain, who cultivated in the late Yuan Ying.

And this old man is a magician.

The monks in Nanmo Mountain are basically magic cultivators.

The fellow practitioners are the realm, which is even more powerful and amazing!

Wang Jinyu has no idea in her heart if she really starts to fight with the other party!

Now that the Tang Dynasty has appeared, the intention is obvious.

Wang Jinyu couldn't help but glance at Su Muqiu who was beside her, whose expression had already changed.

"Sect Master Wang, this old man is here to ask for someone! She is a woman appointed by the Holy Son. If you go with this old man, everything will be fine!"

Tang Chaoye glanced at Su Muqiu, and then said directly to Wang Jinyu.

This is extremely direct and domineering!


There is no other politeness, no other ceremony, and there is no so-called etiquette or dowry.

The appointed woman, take it away, and you're done!

Wang Jinyu's face was already dark.

In comparison, Wu Qingyun does not know how much better.

At this moment, Wang Jinyu suddenly felt that her decision just now was so wise!

"Tang Chaoye, after all, is also a senior in the realm of cultivation. In the late Nascent Soul, you are also so brazen!"

Wang Jinyu's eyes flashed with flames, and she cursed directly.

"Hahahaha... It's a joke! I, a monk of the devil's way, have always been quick to talk, how can there be hypocrisy of you so-called cultivators of the righteous way!"

Tang Chaoye laughed loudly, but did not get angry, and sneered: "People, go with the old man, and have nothing to do with each other! Otherwise, the old man can only be hard!"

Wang Jinyu pulled Su Muqiu behind her and stepped forward.

The majestic breath on her body gradually surged.

After all, he is a late-stage cultivator of Nascent Soul.

How powerful.

The strength is not weaker than Tang Chaoye at all. If you really start, even if Tang Chaoye has the ability to overwhelm, it is hard to say who will kill the deer.

Let the other party take Su Muqiu away"?

This is absolutely impossible!

Wang Jinyu couldn't agree.

If Su Muqiu really became the so-called holy son of Nanmo Mountain, Longshan would be finished that day.

In the future, when she is not there, it is impossible to say that the sect will fall into the hands of the devil.

not to mention.

Su Muqiu becomes the woman of the Holy Son, what will happen?

Normally, absolutely no good results!

I am afraid that I will directly become a furnace and drain my blood, not to mention that my cultivation base is stagnant, I am afraid that I will directly become a waste, and become an ordinary woman who can only delight others!

"It looks like Sect Master Wang is going to start a fight with this old man?"

Tang Chaoye's old face sank, and he sneered: "The old man can only take people away himself!"

After the words fell, the old man was ghostly and disappeared in place.

There was a surging breath all around, all of which were black magic energy, which made people suffocate.

Inside the hall.

Tianlong Mountain and many other cultivators have long since dispersed.

Lin Tian pulled Shen Lin to stand in the corner, with a smile on his lips, watching the play in front of him with great interest!

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