The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4249: How much is your life worth?

The ancient devil's tome cultivated by young people is a peerless divine tome passed down from ancient times!

It is also the most top-level magic sect practice method that his sect has cultivated!

Inside the sect.

Countless disciples have not been able to come into contact with this method!

Not to mention practice!

And now.

He wants to pass this ancient devil's tome to Wang Xiaofei!

Just because Wang Xiaofei has a magic cloud bone, it means that Wang Xiaofei has a top-level cultivation talent, which is very suitable for the ancient magic book!

"Mo Shao, are you saying that I can also practice the method you practice?"

Wang Xiaofei widened his eyes and said in shock.

She became a young woman, not a day or two.

many things.

When she blows the pillow wind, she can learn a lot from the young man.

And the more she knew about the youth, the more she was in awe and fear.

Therefore, she did not dare to have the slightest dissent towards young people.

She also has a general understanding of the methods practiced by young people.

For ordinary people, it is the existence of fairy law.

Now, she can also practice!

Therefore, Wang Xiaofei knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you Mo Shao for your kindness! If it wasn't for you, I don't know what to do now..."

"If you want to practice the Ancient Demon God Tome, there is no problem at all!"

The young man sat down on the sofa again with a faint smile, and said, "Before this, I need to extract a touch of your soul and a drop of your blood, how about it?"

to this.

Wang Xiaofei didn't quite understand.

Hearing the young man's request, she did not hesitate at all, and nodded directly: "Mo Shao, I am willing, I am willing to do whatever you want!"

"very good!"

The young man nodded with satisfaction, then raised his hand and nodded towards Wang Xiaofei's forehead.

Shortly after.

The young man handed a set of methods to her and asked her to comprehend it first. ,

And Wang Xiaofei, who was carrying a demon cloud bone, is completely different now.

For the set of ancient devil gods in front of him, it is no longer like reading a celestial book, and can easily understand the contents of the magic formula and so on.

At this time.

Five figures silently appeared in the room.


The five people shouted to the young man sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

At this time, Wang Xiaofei had already entered the bedroom to cultivate by himself.

"Elder Zhou, Elder Tang..."

Seeing the appearance of the five figures, the young man stood up and said in surprise, "Where's the old man Leng?"

If you pay attention, you will find that the five people who appear are Zhou Jin and a few others who have escaped from Tianlong Mountain.

And listen to the question of the youth.

Zhou Jin and several other old faces became solemn and fearful.

"We have met a master!"

Tang Chaoye took a deep breath and said solemnly.


The young man looked surprised.

The few in front of them are the top experts in the sect.

The masters in their eyes are at least the monks in the early stage of God Transformation!

"Leng Lao died! Killed by a mysterious young man! That young man, at least in the middle stage of God Transformation, or even at the peak of the late stage of God Transformation, maybe... stronger!"

Zhou Jin hesitated for a while, and said to the young man: "That person, I can't afford to provoke him! I couldn't bring him back! Moreover, Tianlong Mountain and the Wu family of the Central Continent bloodline family have been married! Holy Son, today's Tianlong Mountain, we do not It's better to make trouble! It's not good for you or the sect to make enemies like this!"

Blood family, martial family?

The young man raised his brows, a little surprised.

But at the same time, his expression has become solemn.

In the late stage of God Transformation, it is even a stronger existence!

Zhou Jin waited for a few, and they all fled back in despair.

He is also very wise!

"That Su Muqiu...that's all..."

The young man waved his hand and said, "That person won't be held accountable, right? I don't want to encounter such big trouble before I enter Tongtian Academy!"

For Su Muqiu's sake, it's not worth it to provoke that kind of existence.

Now that Wang Xiaofei is carrying a demon cloud of bones, any other woman, at this moment, the young people feel that it is boring!

The young man's words also made Zhou Jin and the others heave a sigh of relief.

This guy is really crazy, he is afraid of desperate.

Of course.

It really got to that point.

They also don't want to charge for the youth's words.

Leng Guobin's death made them very clear what to do!

Knowing that the other party is invincible, but rashly giving a small life, is an idiot behavior!

"The one who didn't want to pursue it, it seems that Tianlong Mountain, where he appeared, has very important things in itself, and he didn't pay attention to me..."

Zhou Jin said again at this time.

As for the appearance of the Fire Cloud Tree, he simply ignored it.

Anyway, things are not available, it is useless to say.

"It's so good, let's put the matter of Tianlong Mountain on hold for now..."

The young man frowned and shook his head.

But at this time, he was also a little irritable and aggrieved, and there was an existence that made him only bury his head in confession.

After all, this is not Zhongzhou, but Xiangzhou!

Tianlong Mountain.

Lin Tian, ​​who hung up the phone, looked a little gloomy.

An accident happened in Da Lanshan!

Parents and sisters, as well as Tang Jiajia, were all taken away by mysterious powerhouses.

Even Dongxuan was directly attacked, lost and was captured on the spot!

It was Huo Qihong who escaped the catastrophe!

But Lin Tian was a little relieved.

The other party is staring at him to go to the redemption, and will not hurt his family until he sees him!

It means that the other party is coming for him! @

As long as that's the case, it's fine.

Parents and sister are safe for now!

And the one who can easily defeat Dong Xuan is definitely powerful!

who is it?

Lin Tian turned around in his mind, unable to figure out who he was.

He doesn't make many enemies, especially in Xiangzhou.

Can't figure it out, but the killing intent in Lin Tian's heart has already filled the sky.

A cold breath swept across him.

The faces of Wang Jinyu, Wu Qingyun and the others who were present were so frightened that they did not dare to move, falling into panic and death.

Wu Qingyun was still kneeling and crawling on the ground, waiting for Lin Tian's ruling.

Life or death depends on Lin Tian's mood.

But feeling the cold murderous intent on Lin Tian's body, he was desperate!

Putting away the phone, Lin Tian took a deep breath.

Too lazy to pay attention to Wu Qingyun on the ground, he glanced coldly around, and finally landed on Wang Jinyu, and said coldly, "Do you know who I am?"

This question made Wang Jinyu confused.

She searched in her mind, but couldn't find anything related to Lin Tian.

"It seems that you can't see it, you can't expect it, and you can't predict such a result!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said coldly: "Your son, Wang Dai, **** it! Don't you think about this? For the sake of your son, you have to seal the city of Xiangzhou! You even sent experts to find me, and even more want to capture my family! You... touched the bottom line!"


After the words fell, it seemed that a monstrous thunder exploded in Wang Jinyu's mind.

The elders of the sect present were also stunned.

They were all terrified and stared at Lin Tian.

Originally, they wanted to avenge the king's generation. At most, they felt that some of them were recruiting teachers and moving the crowd, and they felt that it might cause some hostile sects to take the opportunity to find trouble, or establish a powerful hostile force.

Unexpectedly, in the end, such a terrible existence was provoked!

"Senior, the little girl is willing to pay her life to make amends for Master, please forgive her once!"

Suddenly, Su Muqiu, who was wearing a palace attire, knelt down to Lin Tian and pleaded.

Lin Tian gave her a cold look: "How much is your life worth?"

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