The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4284: Dongyang Villa

The Black Sea Canyon area is one of the forbidden places in the surrounding seas!

Not many people dare to go.

There are only a handful of people who are familiar with the Black Sea Canyon!

Zhang Zhiqiang, of course, is one of them!

In this Dongcheng area, he is also quite famous!

However, he is not the only one who is familiar with the waters of the Black Sea Canyon.

There are still many old fishermen who have entered the black sea canyon and are familiar with it.

Everyone's exploration of the Black Sea Canyon is different, and what they know may be different.

Zhang Zhiqiang naturally wanted to find another person to be with, to be more secure.

He was also afraid of messing up and losing his own life!

It's hard to have the current life and situation, and he doesn't want to lose money and money overnight.

Therefore, let He Zuyang wait here for Lin Tian and others to arrive.

He Zuyang was also a little uneasy, he was afraid that Zhang Zhiqiang was not here, he was late and angered Lin Tian, ​​then it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, Lin Tian didn't care, nodded, and smiled at Wuma Tieyu: "Fellow Wuma, are you still going into the city to play? Or do you wait here and go directly to the sea?"

"Haha... During this period of time, I have visited most of the places. It's really boring! It's better to enter the Black Sea Canyon earlier. I want to see if the Southern Ancient Realm really exists that day!"

Wuma Tieyu's face was slightly solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "I really hope that the great seal formation does not exist! But I also hope that it exists..."

"What do you say, fellow Daoist Wuma?"

Lin Tian said in surprise.

Wuma Tieyu replied: "The sacred mountain of our Titans is in danger, and even if we get the essence of the Void Tree, it will not last long! There is a wider world outside, so... we can still find a better place to live. But... I'm afraid that this big formation is deliberately set up by some strong people, we may just be ants who raise Gu..."

Lin Tian frowned.

He doesn't like this feeling!

If it is true as Wuma Tieyu said, in this huge star field, others are sealing and raising Gu, then they will face an unimaginably powerful enemy!

But Lin Tian vaguely felt that if the so-called ancient realm appeared, he felt that it was not just as simple as sealing the great formation.

He was reborn, has many things changed?

While the two were talking.

He Zuyang's cell phone rang and connected, and it was Zhang Zhiqiang who called.

Just after the call, He Zuyang's complexion became ugly.

When he hung up the phone, he looked apprehensive.

He Zilian hurriedly said, "Zu Yang, has Zhang Zhiqiang encountered any trouble?"


He Zuyang was panic-stricken. He glanced at Lin Tian, ​​a little scared.

He Zilian looked at Lin Tian: "Lin Shao, Zu Yang didn't do the right thing this time, please..."

"What's the trouble? Just say it!"

Lin Tian frowned slightly and asked.

"Zhang Zhiqiang was arrested!"

With helplessness on his face, He Zuyang said: "It's from Dongyang Villa! Dongyang Villa is the most powerful martial arts force in this area of ​​Dongcheng City! Zhang Zhiqiang also mentioned our family, but it doesn't work..."

The He family is in Mazu City, 108,000 miles away from Dongcheng City.

"Zhang Zhiqiang is just a fishery company, how did he get involved with someone from the martial arts sect?"

Lin Tian was surprised.

He Zilian and Li Mo were also puzzled.

Although martial arts forces are nothing in their eyes.

But for ordinary people like Zhang Zhiqiang, that is the existence of the sky.

not to mention.

In general.

It is difficult for ordinary people to have much intersection with martial arts sects or martial artists.

Martial arts forces generally do not go to the trouble of ordinary people.

"A batch of ships from Zhang Zhiqiang's company was salvaged on the site of Dongyang Villa, and a treasure was obtained, which was then sold to other countries in Southeast Asia! It is said that it is a treasure of martial arts, and it is very precious!"

He Zuyang said: "I don't know what it is, but because of this, it can be regarded as an offense to Dongyang Villa! Another old fisherman he was looking for was also arrested as a guide!"

"What a waste of my time!"

Wuma Tieyu sighed.

He Zuyang was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and did not dare to breathe.

Lin Tian also shook his head: "Do you know where Dongyang Villa is? Let's go!"


He Zuyang replied and hurriedly led the way ahead.

He drove over, invited Lin Tian and others into the car, and drove directly there.

Dongcheng is an island city, and the city buildings basically rise and fall along the hills of the island.

Dongyang Mountain Villa is located on the top of Dongyang Mountain, the highest in Dongcheng Island, where you can overlook the entire Dongcheng City.

From a distance from below, you can also see the building complex of Dongyang Villa on the top of the mountain.

This battle, at first glance, is extremely luxurious.

It can be seen that Dongyang Villa is different from other martial arts sects. They are all located in the deep mountains and old forests, so they are afraid of being disturbed.

And they were relatively simple.

This Dongyang Villa is simply like a soil emperor.

The car went along the winding road of Dongyang Mountain and came directly to the gate of the villa.

Lin Tian looked at the incomparably luxurious buildings in front of him and had to be amazed.

These guys in Dongyang Villa will really enjoy it.

However, Lin Tian's consciousness swept through the entire villa and found that the overall strength of the villa was really strong.

There are quite a few martial arts masters, and there are dozens of martial arts masters!

Such a martial arts force, placed in the martial arts world, is the top existence!

There are also many disciples in Dongyang Villa, at least tens of thousands!

Many mountain village disciples are working very hard. Even if it is early in the morning, the sun has just risen, and thousands of mountain village disciples are already sweating like waterfalls on the training ground in the mountain village!

Lin Tian also saw the law enforcement building in the villa, where Zhang Zhiqiang was detained.

At this time, several Wu Zun strong people were there, seeming to be interrogating Zhang Zhiqiang.

"Lin Shao, wait a moment!"

He Zuyang took a deep breath, walked to the gate, and rang the doorbell.


Someone in military uniform appeared and asked directly, "Who?"

"I'm here to find your master!"

He Zuyang said directly.

"Looking for our owner? Who are you? You know our owner. Do you have an appointment?"

The man asked again.

"No! I don't know!"

He Zuyang said helplessly.

"Hey... from out of town? If you don't want to die, get out! If you dare to disturb again, die!"

The man behind the door sneered, then turned and walked away.

he thinks.

Not coming out to teach He Zuyang a lesson was already kind.

There are very few people who dare to come to Dongyang Villa to make trouble!


Just as the man turned around, there was a dull loud noise behind him.

The gate of the villa was kicked straight away!

There was smoke all over the place.

The door made of steel is extremely hard, and ordinary martial arts may not be able to open it.

But directly, the iron gate flew far away.

The Dongyang Villa martial artist who turned and walked away looked back in horror.

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