The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4293: Xu Xiaotian

Su Yinnuan's attack did not damage the blood-red array at all.

The great formation that enveloped the entire Myriad Snake Island just swayed and then calmed down.

But there was no attack in this big formation, which made the panicked people a little relieved.

"Is this a special defense formation?"

Su Yinnuan was surprised.

She is also a cultivator in the Nascent Soul period, and with casual attacks, ordinary magic circles are prone to rupture.

But the array in front of him did not move at all.

If they can't break open, even if Jiang Chen and others outside do nothing, they will be trapped here for life!

Qin Yang's face turned gloomy to the extreme, and he shouted to Jiang Chen outside, "Jiang Chen, what are you doing? This magic circle can trap us for a while, but it can't completely trap us here!"

Jiang Chen sneered and said, " guys broke the formation and see!"

This old man has a confident attitude.

It made Su Yinnuan and Qin Yang even more ugly, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

Jiang Chen must have a lot of confidence in the formation in front of him.

"Shoot together and attack the magic circle. If there is any fluctuation or damage, report it immediately, because it is likely to be the eye of the magic circle!"

Qin Yang looked around, and then shouted to everyone in a deep voice.

The cultivators present, even Xiao Ting and others, all started to attack, no matter how strong or weak they were.


The entire Myriad Snake Island was staggered by sword beams, and the huge blood-red magic circle began to hum and sway.

But it just kept shaking.

With the attack of the crowd, the great formation also stood still in the shaking.

It takes a whole cup of tea, and all attacks are in vain!

Lin Tian, ​​Wuma Tieyu and the others did not do anything, watching Qin Yang, Su Yinnuan and the others attacking randomly like headless flies, they couldn't help pouting.

"Crack clap..."

Suddenly, another crisp cracking sound came.

This scared everyone to stop.

Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan also stopped.

"And the skeleton of the snake demon appeared?"

Someone said in astonishment.

The eyes of the people present all looked towards the deep pit subconsciously.

However, the so-called snake demon bones were not seen, but the soil under the deep pit shattered.

Under the deep pit, the huge openings opened on their own, which is already creepy enough.

But there are more terrifying things.

Between those cracks, a snake monster at least the size of a bucket emerged!

These snakes and demons are all blood red, and the whole body is filled with red light.

Their breath is amazing, they are comparable to the existence of the fake pill period!

Throughout the huge deep pit, at least hundreds of snake monsters appeared in the past!


Su Yinnuan, Qin Yang and the others all gasped. ,

Many people were shivering and full of fear.

The strength of each of these snake demons is comparable to the initial stage of Jindan.

How to fight this?

But fortunately.

With Su Yinnuan here, at least half of her Nascent Soul's strength can handle at least half of it.

But this is not what makes Qin Yang and others afraid.

But under this deep pit, there is something weird!

It was the skeleton of the snake demon just now, and now it is a living snake demon, and it is even more powerful.

"Jiang Chen, what's going on here? The legend of Ten Thousand Snake Island is just a legend. Even if it's true, the snake monsters have long since existed! The snake monsters here have all been killed. Over the years, I haven't heard of any snakes. Demons multiply and appear!"

Qin Yang stunned and looked at Jiang Chen outside the big formation, and asked loudly.

The appearance of these snake monsters in front of them is too strange.

Qin Yang didn't find it strange to say that there were one or two snake demons at the Jindan stage.

After all, it is Myriad Snake Island, and its so-called legends are not groundless, they must be based.

There have also been many powerful snake demons here.

Hundreds of years ago, there was a loose cultivator in Nanyang who slaughtered a Nascent Soul level snake demon here!

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are snake monsters at the Jindan level.

But now.

It is amazing that hundreds of snake demons in the fake pill stage appeared directly.

Although it is the realm of the fake core stage, its combat power is definitely comparable to the early stage of Jindan!

No matter how powerful Qin Yang, Su Yinnuan and the others are, they will be in great trouble.

More deadly.

Myriad Snake Island was shrouded in a strange blood-colored formation. They couldn't get out even if they wanted to go out, and they couldn't distance themselves from these snake monsters.

Once these snake demons are entangled, it will be a big trouble.

"Take our mountain as a stronghold to defend against these snake monsters!"

Qin Yang looked at the monk at the East Saint Gate and shouted in a deep voice.

Su Yinnuan also began to deploy the monks from Hailin Island to defend against it.

She is not afraid of these snake demons, but no one knows if there are more snake demons below this deep pit.

At this time, Lin Tian's consciousness sensed a very strange fluctuation under the deep pit.

And that fluctuating breath is very powerful.

At least the late Nascent Soul level!

"So familiar aura... It's not familiar, but a little kind..."

Mo Xiaomo, who was hiding in Lin Tian's pocket, couldn't help sticking out half of his head.

Wuma Tieyu also nodded and said: "Below the deep pit, there is a more powerful existence! This is probably the handwriting of Heiya Mountain. Both Dongshengmen and Hailin Island have fallen into the trap of Heiya Mountain!"

Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan couldn't notice the situation further down the pit.

They began to organize the monks of the sect to kill those snake demons.

Outside the big formation, Jiang Chen and other monks from Hei Yashan looked inside with a sneer on their faces, as if they were watching a play.

There were too many snakes and demons, and the monks at the East Saint Gate and Hailin Island began to suffer casualties.

But at the same time, Sun Yinnuan, Qin Yang and other strongmen of the sect also killed most of the snake demons.

In a blink of an eye.

The island of Myriad Snakes is already covered in blood.

The blood of the surging snake demon, as well as the blood of the casualty monks, flowed into the deep pit together.

The pit was filled with blood.

Followed by a **** light, surging from below the deep pit.

And the few remaining snake demons stopped attacking and retreated into the deep pit.


Under the deep pit, there was a loud noise, and the entire Myriad Snake Island shook violently.

The snake demons that retreated exploded on the spot, turning into blood mist and falling into the deep pit.

The bottom of the deep pit exploded, and a figure slowly swept out from below.

He rose into the air, and there was a long phantom behind him. The phantom was like a dragon, attached to his back.

"Xu Xiaotian!"

Qin Yang's eyes widened, staring at the figure in the air, his face full of shock and awe.

The monks present also fell into a dead silence.

They can't think of anything.

Xu Xiaotian, who had left Heiya Mountain for a long time to enter the retreat and practice, is actually right below this Thousand Snake Island!

They planned to take Hei Ya Mountain, but they did it under Xu Xiaotian's eyes!

"Sect Master Qin, we are in trouble! Xu Xiaotian, he has entered the late Nascent Soul!"

Su Yinnuan let out a cold breath and said in a deep voice.

At this time, she regretted agreeing to Qin Yang's invitation to join forces.

Now, instead, he has entered the trap of Hei Ya Mountain!

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