The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4297: take the lead

With Xu Xiaotian's full strength, Qin Yang and the others have no resistance at all.

In a blink of an eye.

All were suppressed!

Xu Xiaotian broke into the Black Flame Secret Seal one by one. No accident, the monks from the two major sects, Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan, will all become Xu Xiaotian's puppets!

But at this time.

Xu Xiaotian's face was slightly pale.

Obviously, every time he played the Black Flame Secret Seal, it was consumed!

"Congratulations to the Sect Master for taking down the East Saint Gate and Hailin Island!"

Outside the **** formation, a group of Hei Yashan cultivators headed by Jiang Cheng shouted to Xu Xiaotian in unison.

They had awe, reverence, and fanaticism on their faces!

"Huh? You are not afraid of the blood of the blood demon formation?"

Only then did Xu Xiaotian notice that Lin Tian and the others were safe and sound, and he was extremely surprised that they did not receive the attack of those **** lights.

Jiang Cheng and others outside also looked at it in amazement.

Together with Qin Yang and others who were controlled by Xu Xiaotian, they couldn't help but turn their eyes.

It's just that they couldn't move, they could only roll their eyes.

And they were extremely puzzled that Lin Tian and other ordinary people were safe and sound.

Could it be that this great formation is only useful for monks?

"You two, you are the cultivation base in the early Nascent Soul!"

Xu Xiaotian finally noticed Li Mo and He Zilian at this time, and said in surprise, "Who are you?"

At this moment, Xu Xiaotian became vigilant.

Just now, almost all the attention was on Qin Yang and Su Yinnuan.

He only wanted to control the East Saint Gate and Hailin Island.

But don't want to.

There are actually two Nascent Soul level powerhouses here, and they don't make a sound!

"Black Sea Valley!"

He Zilian looked at Xu Xiaotian and said coldly.

Xu Xiaotian's cultivation in the late Nascent Soul was naturally out of reach, and she was not an opponent at all.

But Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu are here, she is confident.

And as soon as her words fell, Xu Xiaotian's face was already horrified!

Jiang Chen and the others outside the **** formation also changed their expressions.

Black Sea Valley, that is one of the top sects in the Nanyang cultivation world!

Existing like this, it would be a matter of minutes to destroy their Hei Ya Mountain!

Xu Xiaotian's heart sank to the bottom at this time.

Although his cultivation base has now broken through to the late Nascent Soul.

But in the face of such a powerful sect as the Black Sea Valley, it is not enough to see.

Such as the Black Sea Valley, at least there are monks in the spiritual transformation stage!

What is it in the late Nascent Soul of his mere Nascent Soul?

He also recognized the sect costumes on He Zilian and Li Mo at this time.

It must be a monk in the Black Sea Valley.

Xu Xiaotian suddenly hesitated.

Killing He Zilian and Li Mo, he can do it completely, but I am afraid that he will completely offend Heihai Valley. At that time, Heiyashan will suffer!

And the people who were horrified were Qin Yang, Su Yinnuan, and Qin Zhanfeng. They didn't expect that there were monks from Black Sea Valley in the crowd just now.

Xiao Ting's heart was even more frightened!

But, is there anything worse than this situation?

However, Qin Yang and others had some expectations at this time.

I hope that He Zilian and Li Mo can make Xu Xiaotian retreat, and they will not become each other's puppets!

"Sect Master, you can't let them go!"

Jiang Chen, who was outside the big formation, suddenly shouted: "Let them go back to the Black Sea Valley, I'm afraid that when I look back, I'm afraid that I will send a strong man to destroy our Hei Ya Mountain! But if they are left behind, wouldn't it be unknowing?"


Xu Xiaotian's heart tensed, and cold sweat poured down his forehead.

He just wanted to leave He Zilian and Li Mo just now, but he didn't expect this level.

What kind of existence is the Black Sea Valley, it is also a Demon Dao Sect!

Just as vicious.

Even if it is to annoy the other party, maybe it will kill you directly, it is normal!

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaotian's face became ruthless, and he sneered: "It looks like I can't let you go! I'm sorry! If we let you return to the Black Sea Valley, we, Hei Ya Mountain, are afraid that it will be wiped out!"

"Are you sure you want to attack us?"

He Zilian stared at Xu Xiaotian and said.

Li Mo glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and said coldly, "If Sect Master Xu is wise, hand over the Tianwuzhu and let us go, maybe we can be safe!"

In Xu Xiaotian's view, He Zilian and Li Mo have such confidence at this time, entirely because of the monks from the Black Sea Valley.

But since you have to decide to keep the two of them, why should you be afraid?

And now there is no fear.

If He Zilian and Li Mo are not left behind, disaster will follow.

Anyway, if you kill them in front of you, there will be no proof of death. As long as no one speaks out, nothing will happen!

The vast South Ocean, the vast sea, and dangers are everywhere. Every day, monks lose their lives.

For the huge Black Sea Valley, they may not care about the lives of the two Nascent Soul monks at all, and they have fallen, and it is impossible to deliberately investigate the reason!

The vast South Ocean, where to find?

Even if there is the identity card of the sect, it is impossible to find the location of the fall based on the identity card!

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaotian's heart became even more horrified.

"Haha... I want to hand over the Tianwuzhu, what a joke!"

Xu Xiaotian sneered disdainfully: "Do you think this seat is stupid enough to let you go? Don't think that the Black Sea Valley can fool me!"

Even if there is fear in his heart, Xu Xiaotian at this time can't show it.

That would be too embarrassing!

Now that a decision has been made, it must be done endlessly!

"Death to this seat!"

Xu Xiaotian flickered, and he had already swept to He Zilian and Li Mo not far in front.

The terrifying coercion on their bodies caused the two of them to sink to the ground, and their hearts were horrified.

The strength of the late Nascent Soul monks is far stronger than them.

But fortunately.

With Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu by their side, the pressure on them was not as terrible as they had imagined.

Seeing that Xu Xiaotian's attack was about to fall.

But in an instant.

A palm suddenly appeared and patted Xu Xiaotian.


Under the muffled sound.

Xu Xiaotian was like a broken sack, flying upside down and rolling in the air.

He flew to the top of the blood-colored formation wall, causing the big formation to make a rumbling sound, and he was able to stop.

The qi and blood in the body are tumbling, and above the heart, the flesh and blood are blurred, and the bones are visible.

Fortunately, I didn't hurt my internal organs, otherwise I would have at least lost half my life.

But even so.

Xu Xiaotian's injury at the moment is shocking enough.

He was a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul. He was severely injured after being slapped. What kind of strength is required.

This scene.

But the monks in Hei Ya Mountain were stunned, and their faces were horrified.

Although Qin Yang and the others were controlled by the Black Flame Secret Seal and could not move, their eyes almost popped out.

Xu Xiaotian was shot so easily, it can be seen that there were terrifying old monsters in the group of them just now!

It's just that you don't know Mount Tai with your eyes!

"Did you take the initiative to take out the Tianwuzhu, or did I take it myself?"

Lin Tiandan smiled and looked at Xu Xiaotian: "Your strength is not bad! I will not kill you, enter the Black Sea Canyon, you can wait for me to lead the battle!"

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