The best cannon fodder?

Whether it was Xu Xiaotian or Qin Yang and others, they all changed.

Lin Tian's words are so straightforward!

What an irony at the same time!

They fought to the death, and they all wanted to annex each other.

Xu Xiaotian was able to take down the East Saint Gate and Hailin Island at a glance.


But kill Cheng Yaojin!

Today, whether it is Xu Xiaotian or Qin Yang, they have become cannon fodder for others!

Their faces were full of bitterness and helplessness.

Making wedding dresses for others is nothing more than that!

Entering the Black Sea Canyon?

Just to die!

Xu Xiaotian swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice, "Senior, are we going to enter the Black Sea Canyon? There's no way we can go there! Many Nascent Soul cultivators have disappeared in it before. Even the Spirit Transformation cultivators are fierce to enter. Duoji Shao!"

"Senior, what do you need, junior can help you find it!"

Xu Xiaotian can see clearly now.

If he leads the way and enters the black sea canyon, it is also a near-death experience.

Might as well agree to Lin Tian's conditions.

He didn't want to enter that fierce sea and lose his life.

"Do you know the Tiannan Islands?"

Lin Tian asked coldly.

"Tiannan Islands?"

Xu Xiaotian had a look of astonishment on his face.

Others present were also a little confused.

They all had expressions of surprise and thought on their faces.

After a long time, Xu Xiaotian shook his head and said, "Senior, in this Nanyang Cultivation Realm, although I dare not say that I have been to every place, but... I have never heard of the so-called Tiannan Islands! Senior, what do you mean? Could it be an island with another name?"

"Humph! If you don't know, then lead the way and enter the Black Sea Canyon and talk about it!"

Lin Tian snorted coldly: "You can also refuse to enter the Black Sea Canyon! I will not force it!"


As soon as his words fell, the demon-like Xiaotian sword in his hand had already burst out of the sky with lightning.

Under the crisp sound.

Qin Zhanfeng's throat was pierced directly.

This guy covered his neck, stared at Lin Tian in disbelief: "You...I...I don't want to die..."

"Before you came here, you screamed the most! It's worth living a while longer!"

Lin Tiandanmo spat out a sentence and put away the flying sword.

None of the monks in front of them are good.

If it wasn't for his interest in Tianwuzhu, Lin Tian would have killed Qin Zhanfeng's arrogant attitude long ago!

And if... he, like Zhang Zhiqiang and others, are ordinary people, he might be the soul of Qin Zhanfeng and the others now!

Now, killing Qin Zhanfeng is just enough to kill the chicken and warn the monkey!

Seeing Qin Zhanfeng fall, Qin Yang's face was sad and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

Even though this son hated him to the core.

But he still doted on Qin Zhanfeng very much, but he didn't show his usual words and deeds, and even deliberately made a bad face.

But now.

Seeing his son's death with his own eyes, Qin Yang's inner grief gradually spread.

His body trembled, his old face twitched, and tears fell.

However, he did not dare to show the slightest anger.

For... to live!

He didn't know why Lin Tian suddenly attacked Qin Zhanfeng.

But he was afraid that Lin Tianxia would stare at him.

When his son is dead, he can't get tired of dying, and he wants to live!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to disobey Lin Tian in the slightest.

Seeing Qin Zhanfeng's death, Qin Yang hurriedly said: "Senior, I am willing to enter the Black Sea Canyon waters, and I am willing to be the **** of the senior!"

Others present, including Xu Xiaotian, responded quickly.

They are very clear.

Lin Tian is killing chickens to warn monkeys.

Refused to travel to the Black Sea Canyon?

Then Qin Zhanfeng is an example!

If you go to the Black Sea Canyon, even if you become cannon fodder, you still have a chance to survive!

"It seems that all of you are willing to lead the way for me to go to the Black Sea Canyon. I thought it was too reluctant, and none of you would be willing!"

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

Xu Xiaotian and the others twitched their faces, speechless.

Who wants to go?

Can you say you don't want to?

If you dare to say no, I am afraid that you will become a corpse in the next moment!

Lin Tian, ​​you are too lazy to pay attention to what these people think. He looked back at Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhou Hua and said, "You should have some experience and tips on how to avoid danger in the Black Sea Canyon?"

"Lord Xianchang, the villain dare not say 100% guarantee, but if we encounter the danger we know, we can see it immediately!"

Zhang Zhiqiang said tremblingly.

Zhou Hua seemed to be frightened, and his face was extremely pale.

His body was trembling, his mouth was shaking, his teeth were chattering, and he seemed to want to speak, but he couldn't say anything.

In the end, he could only bow down to Lin Tian deeply, terrified.

"In your Black Sea Valley, I found strange islands and stones floating out of the Black Sea Canyon, can you tell the direction?"

At this time, Lin Tian asked He Zilian again.

He Zilian shook her head and said, "Lin Shao, it's hard to judge!"

"Then go, go to the Black Sea Canyon!"

Lin Tian nodded, then looked at Xu Xiaotian and the others and said, "Let's all lead the way ahead!"

The faces of a group of people were ashen, and they could only board the ship docked on the side of Wanshe Island.

Going to the black sea canyon waters, although the powerful monks can walk on the waves and step in the air, it is safest to enter by boat.

Leaving Myriad Snake Island and heading west, you will find the endless black sea canyon.

Looking into the past from a distance, you can see the endless darkness there.

At the end of the sea, half of the sky was shrouded in something dark and rich.

When the Myriad Snake Island was completely hidden behind him, the sea in front was completely black.

The originally blue sea was gradually replaced by black mist.

The surroundings gradually fell into darkness.

Only the sound of the surging waves came from the sea, and there was a faint dim light in the sky.

In the distance, there are white light spots, looming and visible, barely able to see the sea surface within a range of tens of meters.

As far as the eye can see, it is still the dark sea, and there is nothing else.

The black sea area is really worthy of the name, the real black sea area!

The most frightening thing for everyone is that as the ship entered the waters of the Black Sea Canyon, the consciousness was affected.

It can only probe within a few meters at most.

This is fatal for monks.

Although the eyes can see tens of meters away, it is completely incomparable with the divine sense.

Even though it was Lin Tian and Wuma, their consciousness was suppressed and blocked by mysterious things.

"This sea area is too mysterious!"

Standing on the edge of the ship's deck, Xu Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Tian said, "Have you entered the depths of the Black Sea Canyon?"

"Senior, where do I dare to enter! Generally, we enter the periphery. Even the periphery is extremely dangerous! The area we are in now is still the edge of the sea..."

Xu Xiaotian replied respectfully: "Senior, don't you want to enter the deep sea?"

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