The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4394: Huiyun Ancient Town

When Yu Hai came before, Lin Tian sensed a very strong medicinal scent from the other party.

This kind of smell can only be naturally revealed by a powerful alchemist.

And a king-level pharmacist like Yu Hai is already powerful enough!

The entire Xinglin Valley must be very powerful in refining medicine.

Otherwise, the alchemists in the entire Tiannan Holy Realm would not be attracted.

Now go to the Xinglin Valley Ceremony, just in time to see the refining methods and levels here!

Lin Tian, ​​Shen Yuzhu, Shen Yuzhu and others set off lightly.

There were only the three of them, without the rest of the sect disciples.

Xinglin Valley is located in the southernmost part of Tiannan Sheng.

It is in the same direction as Tiannanmen, Guardian Pavilion, etc.

They are all located between the two major domains of Fenyang Domain and Wanhua Domain.

three days later.

The three of Lin Tian came to the Xinglin Valley sphere of influence.

Here you can see the mysterious wasteland entrenched in the sky far away.

The mysterious wasteland is one of the most mysterious places in Tiannan Holy Land.

There are countless powerful monsters running rampant inside.

And there seemed to be no end there, almost no end in sight.

Ordinary cultivators only enter the periphery and dare not go further.

Even the powerhouses of the Xinghe Realm, it is said that they have explored it before, but they cannot see the end of the mysterious wasteland.

Not only that, but he was besieged by even more powerful monsters and had to retreat.

Xinglin Valley is located just above the edge of the mysterious wasteland.

Within a few hundred kilometers of Xinglin Valley, there are gentle wastes, but Xinglin Valley is the only one that stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

Lin Tian, ​​Shen Yuzhu and other three walked in the air.

From a distance, you can see the entire huge gate of Xinglin Valley.

"Not far ahead, is the ancient town of gray clouds! It's better for us to go down!"

Huang Teng said to Lin Tian: "When you come to Xinglin Valley, there is an unwritten rule. In order to show respect for the alchemist, you are not allowed to walk in the air within a hundred miles of the sect!"

"Then go down!"

Lin Tian didn't care about this, and curiously followed Huang Teng and Shen Yuzhu to the official road that entered the ancient town called Huiyun.

Huiyun Ancient Town is also a town belonging to the boundary of Xinglin Valley.

Although it is far away from Xinglin Valley Mountain Gate.

Available on weekdays.

The monks who came out of the mysterious wasteland and their treasures would basically be sold or traded in the ancient town of gray clouds.

Therefore, Huiyun Ancient Town is basically very lively on weekdays.

The Xinglin Valley ceremony is just around the corner, and there are more monks coming and going.

But in the eye.

The cultivators who come and go are basically loose cultivators, and those with a strong cultivation base are only cultivators in the Nascent Soul period.

Sensing the coercion on Lin Tian and the others, they all stayed away in awe, not daring to approach, for fear of offending Lin Tian and others, and being killed by thunder for no reason.

After all, many powerful old monsters have bad tempers.

One unhappy, it may take your life!

"Haha... Isn't this fellow Huang Daoist of the Falling Moon Sect!"

Lin Tian and the others just landed when there was a loud noise not far away.

Several monks in black robes strode towards this side.

Wherever they passed by, the other monks were so frightened that they moved out of the way.

"Is this someone from the Black Water Sect of your Fenyang Region?"

Shen Yuzhu couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the monks in black robes coming towards them.

Huang Teng nodded and said, "The leader is Bu Shenfeng of the Black Water Sect. This old thing is very difficult to deal with, and he has cultivated an extremely domineering magic art!"


The monks who were full of demonic energy had already arrived.

The old man at the head had long black hair fluttering, almost turning into a real black aura, rising slowly.

This step Shen Feng's cultivation base is not weak, just like Huang Teng, he has reached the early stage of the Galaxy Realm.

"Old devil, I haven't seen you for a hundred years, but you actually broke through to the galaxy realm!"

Huang Tengpi said without a smile.

Huang Teng has always had a bad impression of the monks of the Black Water Sect.

The monks of this sect are all ruthless devils.

Just on weekdays.

They basically don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, so the Guardian Pavilion is to turn a blind eye.

But if there is a conflict, or for the treasure, then they are all fighting for their lives, or even killing people!

"Haha... each other!"

Bu Shenfeng burst into laughter, his eyes could not help falling on Shen Yuzhu next to him, and there were bursts of greedy light in his eyes.


Shen Yuzhu is so beautiful!

It is not comparable to ordinary female cultivators. The radiant and beautiful posture on her body is like a fairy. Any male cultivator can't restrain the inner movement when he sees it.

"Who is this……"

Bu Shenfeng couldn't see Shen Yuzhu's cultivation for a while, and was quite surprised.

"Anlan Palace, Shen Yuzhu!"

Shen Yuzhu said with a cold face.

" are Shen Yuzhu of Anlan Palace!"

Bu Shenfeng exclaimed: "No wonder it is so overwhelming! Hahahaha... Seeing a real person, it really lives up to its name!"

"Jie Jie, Bu Lao Gui, what kind of beauty have you seen again? Why don't you share it together! After all, between brothers, it's a blessing and a misfortune!"

Just as Bu Shenfeng's words fell, a thin and dark voice came from not far away.

Several cultivators in white robes also took a few strides forward, standing together with Bu Shenfeng and other cultivators from the Black Water Sect.


The few people who appeared gave people a very feminine feeling.

The first time I saw it, I felt neither male nor female!

The leader was a pale man with a thin body like a bamboo pole. His gestures made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Who are these?"

Lin Tian glanced at Huang Teng with doubts.

Huang Teng understood and said in a private voice: "This is the monk of the Misty Moon Sect. The person headed is Ding Jinqiu, the sect master of the Misty Moon Sect! This sect is mainly based on the cultivation of various evil arts, so these people They are all a little abnormal, either male or female, or unconscious, very evil!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Hey, Ding Jinqiu, it's really time for you to come!"

Bu Shenfeng sneered as he looked at Ding Jinqiu with a sullen face.

"A thousand years ago, we were good brothers after all! Ever since you left the Miyue Sect against the water and created some Black Water Sect, you have never been in contact with each other! It really hurts my brother's heart!"

Ding Jinqiu pinched the orchid finger, holding the heart of his heart with a heartache on his face, and said in a daddy voice.

He looked at Bu Shenfeng, shook his head and sighed, looking distressed.

But at the same time, he kept approaching Bu Shenfeng, with a scratchy look.

Lin Tian and the other three, who were watching next to him, almost vomited out of his stomach.

"Xiaofengfeng, a thousand years have passed, you are not still angry, are you? The woman is gone, isn't it that our two brothers can still be together?"

Ding Jinqiu stepped forward angrily and was about to touch Bu Shenfeng's face, but the latter dodged away.

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