The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 802: Shi Xiaomeng

The wife has been asleep for many years!

If I let Lin Tian come over with a smile, I just held the last glimmer of hope!


Seeing that Lin Tian couldn't do anything, he also knew it was so general. He took Lin Tian to the side of the creek behind the attic with a look of uneasiness.

There, there is a vigorous spiritual grass, and it exudes bursts of spiritual energy and fragrance.

At this time, Lin Tian whispered to himself as I laughed. He couldn't help but sighed and said, "He is called Mihuncao? Hmm... The ancient book I saw at the beginning was only a description of it, and it was also equipped with a spirit. Sketch map, but didn't say what kind of spirit grass this is...wait..."

But, let me say half of the joke, and stopped abruptly.

He looked back at Lin Tian with a look of astonishment, then grabbed Lin Tian's hands and said excitedly: "What did you... just say? You said you can still save your life?"

"There is a glimmer of hope! But can you let me go first?"

Lin Tian frowned and reminded me with a smile.

Let me smile and quickly retracted my hand, my face couldn't contain the excitement, "Little brother, are you telling the truth?"

"Originally, I couldn't help it, but you actually have Mihuncao, so there is at least 10% hope!"

Lin Tian walked to the Mihuncao, looked at it, and said, "This elixir is usually hard to see. It's no wonder that you will settle here and let me come over so far. This Mihuncao is indeed just as you said. If there is no way to pick it, once more than half an hour, it will wither instantly!"

"10%? Already very high! Not to mention that it is 1%, even if it is 1% of hope, I will try!"

Ren my smiling face was slightly flushed with excitement, a little at a loss, and completely lost my previous composure, "Shall we start now?"

"Don't worry, this Mihungrass is still nearing maturity, and its medicinal properties are not the best time!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, and explained with a smile to Ren me: "Mihungrass, it is best to bloom the flowers of the soul. Nowadays, the flower bones have appeared, and I can pick them for up to two or three days. Soak one stem and take the two phases together for the best results!"

I smiled and looked at the Mihuncao, and I found that there were already dots of flower bones on it, looking like it was in bud.

And listening to Lin Tian speaking so eloquently, full of the appearance of Hungarians, he somewhat believed that Lin Tian was probably a genius doctor from the top cultivation domain.


There is no cultivation in one body, this is what makes me laugh the most.

Even the peak monk of the Golden Core Stage, he can sense the breath, so he is sure that Lin Tian has no cultivation base.

However, he didn't bother to explore these, his wife had hope for treatment, and the others didn't matter.

He couldn't determine who Lin Tian was, he still had doubts and unbelief in his heart, but at least it was a hope, and he had to grasp it.

Leng Caiwei, who was standing by, listened to Lin Tiankan's talk, her face could not help being full of admiration and pride.

This young master of my own is too powerful, and the one in front of me who laughs is so powerful, she had a deep understanding before being carried in mid-air. Isn't this something a **** can do?

But in terms of medical treatment, Lin Tian made me laugh and lost, making her unconsciously followed.

It will take a few days, I can only wait for a smile, and after so many years, I don’t care about these few days.

Afterwards, he arranged a place for Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was also a little tired because he hadn't rested all night. He slept in the room arranged by my smile. He didn't get up and walk out until the next day was close to noon.

In the yard, I didn't see Leng Caiwei's figure. Should I take care of my smiling wife?

At the same time, Lin Tian saw the figure that I was smiling at by the creek behind the attic.

He was sitting straight beside the spirit medicine right now, guarding there overnight.

The Mihungrass was the life-saving medicine for his wife, so he sat there and watched all night without moving.

"Hey, it's really rare!"

Lin Tianqing sighed and stepped out of the yard without interrupting my smile, and then walked towards the rest of the valley.

Dragon Slaying Valley is very large, and there are still some mountains in it.

Under a mountain ridge opposite the attic where Ren Woxiao lives, there are two or three solitary wooden houses. In front of the wooden houses, there is a man with his legs severed. There is nothing else here.

"The Dragon Slaying Tribe will not be left with such a broken leg, right?"

Lin Tian was very confused, and walked towards the man.

Before he got close, Lin Tian noticed that the man was moving around with his hands supporting him, and he was mashing a pile of Chinese herbal medicine between the two bamboo sticks.

"Young man, are you a guest of senior?"

The man looked like a 40-50 year old, skinny, but when he saw Lin Tian appear, he raised his head and smiled politely.

"Forget it, it's the first time I've come to him as a guest!"

Lin Tian responded ambiguously, and said at the same time, "Are you the only one left in the Dragon Slaying Tribe?"

"Boy, it looks like you are here for the first time!"

The man fiddled with medicine, and said to Lin Tian: "The real Dragon Slaying Tribe is not here!"

not here?

Lin Tian didn't frown lightly, let go of his consciousness, and stretched towards the deepest part of the valley.

Unfortunately, the divine consciousness was blocked by a formation.

Very clever formation!

Lin Tian secretly said, and immediately understood that the real Dragon Slaying Tribe should be there.

At this moment, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl hurried over from inside.

It was the girl sitting on the boulder that I met with a smile last night.

"Uncle Wan, help me see what kind of herbal medicine this is!"

The girl trot to the wooden house and yelled as she ran, but then she discovered the existence of Lin Tian, ​​"Who are you?"

With that said, the girl couldn't help but look at Lin Tianlai seriously.

But soon she reacted and said with a smile: "I know, you are the one Uncle Xiao is waiting for, he told me! My name is Shi Xiaomeng, what is your name? Can you tell me?"

Looking at the girl's straightforward character, Lin Tian smiled and said, "My name is Lin Tian, ​​and I really came to have trouble with Senior Ren!"

"Xiaomeng, didn't you say you want Uncle Wan to see the herbs? Take me to see!"

The man with a broken leg waited until Lin Tian and Shi Xiaomeng's words fell before speaking.

Shi Xiaomeng hurriedly took out three potions from the small cloth bag on her body and handed them over.

"Hey, what kind of spirit grass is this? Uncle Wan has never seen it!"

The man called Uncle Wan was surprised, and asked Shi Xiaomeng: "Where did you find it?"

"I walked over the valley and saw it on the mountains to the north, and I was scolded by my grandfather, saying it was too dangerous over there..."

Shi Xiaomeng pouted slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Uncle Wan doesn't even know it. This thing is probably not a herbal medicine. I'm so happy for nothing!"

"This is Condensed Dew Grass, refined into a pill, which has the effect of nourishing the body and nourishing the veins of the human body!"

Seeing Shi Xiaomeng's frown, Lin Tian suddenly reminded.

Condensed grass?

Shi Xiaomeng and the man suddenly looked surprised.

"Really? You must not lie to me!"

Shi Xiaomeng was obviously a little unbelieving, and he solemnly treated Lin Tiandao.

"of course!"

Lin Tian said with a smile.

"Wow, that's great, great... My sister was injured before and her meridians were damaged. This herb will definitely be useful to her!"

Shi Xiaomeng looked excited, grabbed the three condensed grasses in his hand, and said to the man with the broken leg: "Uncle Wan, I borrow your alchemy furnace, I will laugh at Uncle Na's alchemy, let him continue to teach me!"

"By the way, Lin Tian, ​​let's go there together!"

As he said, Shi Xiaomeng was already jumping ahead.

Lin Tian glanced at the man with a broken leg, a trace of doubt flashed between his eyebrows, then turned around to follow Shi Xiaomeng, and walked back to the attic where I was smiling.

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