The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 808: The curse for generations

Lin Tian naturally didn't know that his so-called fiancee Ji Xiaoyao was already on his way back to the Yanjing family.

He also didn't know that the Saint Gu sect was making chaos in the southwest, and the sect of the advanced cultivation domain had sent strong people to suppress it.

I don't even know, that strong man is the master of Ji Xiaoyao!


Tulong Valley.

Seeing that Elder Jiang couldn't do anything about the Gu poison on Ren Jiutian's body, Lin Tian was ready to take care of it.

Everyone present, including Ren Me laughed, learned that the Gu poison in Ren Jiutian was prepared by Hong Qi, the Saint Lord of the Saint Gu Cult. They were all shocked first, and then fell silent.

Let me laugh while sighing for a long time, and said: "If I'm at the peak, this kind of poison will take half a day and I can solve it! It's just... a pity..."

Obviously, even if I laughed, I gave up a bit.

"Miaojiang Gu poison is refined by its own Miaojiang secret technique, not to mention that it is prepared by the Holy Master himself. It is conceivable that it is malicious, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to detoxify!"

Elder Jiang also sighed softly, shook his head and said.

When Lin Tian heard this, he disagreed, and said with a smile: "It's just a mere gu poison, let me come, and he will be healed in a few minutes!"

Suddenly hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Especially Shi Youxuan, staring at her beautiful eyes and looking towards Lin Tian, ​​she scolded: "If you want to brag, can you say something practical? You don't understand what the Holy Gu poison is like, don't you? This is made by the Holy Master himself! Elder Jiang is powerless, can you do it?"

"He can't, it's because the level is too bad!"

Lin Tian spoke with a calm face, with a chill in her voice, and said to Shi Youxuan: "If you are lying on the ground, don't say I will take action. I don't even bother to look at it, life and death! I save him, it's up to you. My face is smiling!"


Shi Youxuan was so angry that the peaks of Hunkou Mountain were ups and downs. She shouted murderously: "If it weren't for the face of Uncle Laughing, I would shoot you out of Dragon Slaying Valley with one palm!"

"You can't have that chance!"

Lin Tian's eyes were slightly cold, and Shi Youxuan glanced at it and ignored it.

"Xiaoxuan, all right, let Brother Lin take a look!"

Let me smile and waved to Shi Youxuan quickly. He had seen Lin Tian's alchemy techniques, and he couldn't be aimless.

After hearing this, Shi Youxuan could only secretly be angry.

And seeing that I smiled, other people were naturally not easy to stop.

"I see how embarrassing you are!"

Shi Youxuan was angry, and finally couldn't help but whispered in contempt.

Lin Tian didn't bother to pay any attention, stepped forward and put on Ren Jiutian's wrist symbolically, and at the same time, his consciousness swept the opponent's body.

"This Gu poison is indeed a bit tricky!"

After investigating, Lin Tian discovered that the Gu poison in Ren Jiutian's body was more complicated and more terrifying than what he had seen before. It was not easy for Ren Jiutian to survive until now.

"What? I have no ability to just pretend?"

Seeing Lin Tian behaved like this, Shi Youxuan couldn't help showing disgust on her face, and said with a cold snort.

However, Lin Tian ignored it, and under the suspicion of everyone, he flipped his hand and took out two silver needles, and pierced Ren Jiutian at lightning speed.


A voice came, Ren Jiutian had a faint light flickering, and then a burst of dark green smoke evaporated into the air like steam from his body, faintly emitting a stench.

This is Lin Tian forcing the Gu poison in Ren Jiutian's body out of the body.

at the same time.

Ren Jiutian's originally pale and slightly green face gradually became ruddy.

He was dying, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up blankly.


And everyone who saw such a scene couldn't help showing a look of shock.

"how can that be?"

As Elder Jiang, who had personally inspected Ren Jiutian's situation, he was stunned long ago, his face showing disbelief.

"Master, you are awake!"

The young man Yuan Wei on the side was overjoyed and hurriedly said.

The elder Linghu Terrace of Xuanyuan Mountain was also surprised and delighted.

"I have seen the ancestors!"

At this time, Ren Jiutian had recovered, and quickly bowed down at Ren me with a smile, and shouted respectfully.

"Well, for your life, Elder Jiang and I were powerless, so half of our legs stepped into the coffin! But fortunately Brother Lin saved you!"

I smiled and pointed to Lin Tian beside me, took a deep breath and said, "If you didn't witness his medical skills, it would be hard to believe it! The scene just now was nothing short of a fairy!"

Allow me to say like this with a smile, Ren Jiutian has the slightest hesitation, and hastened to thank Lin Tian again and again: "Thank you, the genius doctor for saving his life!"

On the side, Elder Jiang returned from shock. He stepped up to Ren Jiutian, took a hand and probed it, and then a deep look of horror leaked on his face.

"Junior has seen senior genius doctor!"

At this moment, Elder Jiang completely obeyed and bowed directly to Lin Tian.

"This, this...Elder Jiang, he doesn't have any cultivation skills, how can he do it?"

Shi Youxuan was still a little unacceptable, and said in disbelief.

"Although I don't understand why, but the doctor Lin Xiao's medical skills, the old man is far behind!"

Elder Jiang gave a wry smile and shook his head again and again.

"It's just an ancestral acupuncture technique, it's not worth mentioning!"

Lin Tian was too lazy to explain too much, and said nonsense.

"What a magic needle!"

Elder Jiang sighed, and then said: "Originally, we came here to ask Senior Ren to help me give some pointers, and plan to take us to solve the curse on the tribesmen in the Dragon Dragon Valley. Now, with Lin Xiao, the great doctor, we must be more certain. Up!"

The curse on his body?

Lin Tian couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

At the same time, thinking of the man with a broken leg that he saw in the wooden hut opposite where I was smiling, he felt a very cryptic breath in that man, of course he was a little suspicious.

Is that a curse?

Lin Tian has never believed in something very mysterious and mysterious.

Let me smile and hesitate for a while, and looked back at the attic. Although he wanted his wife to wake up very eagerly, but thinking that the old chief of Dragon Slaying Valley had agreed to live here, he made a decision. Turning back, he said to Lin Tian: "Brother Lin, can you help me, let's go to the tribe together? It will be counted above the favor of this seat again!"

"it is good!"

Lin Tian agreed very neatly, even if he didn't look at the request of letting me laugh, he still wanted to see what the so-called curse was.

Immediately, Lin Tian followed Ren Woxiao, Shi Youxuan, Elder Jiang, He Chen and others out of the yard and headed into the valley.

As for Ren Jiutian and others, they stayed.

Shi Youxuan followed step by step, her face a little embarrassed, and she kept bowing her head silently.

However, she was still uneasy secretly and could not help thinking: "Huh, isn't it the inheritance of the family's acupuncture and moxibustion medicine? There is no cultivation base, and it is still ordinary ants! When you see my methods, you will not be so arrogant. It's soaring!"

Like Shi Youxuan, who can enter the ancient medicine gate and become an elite disciple, she can also be regarded as the proud girl of a party, and naturally has her own arrogance.

Now that Lin Tian has been frustrated again and again within two days, his heart is naturally unwilling to the extreme.

At the same time, following the crowd, Lin Tian’s divine consciousness had already enveloped Shi Youxuan. The other party was also from the Tulonggu tribe. He soon discovered that strange aura in the girl. The depth of the body seemed to Become a part of the body.

"The curse of Dragon Slaughter Valley, who is it?"

Seeing the truth, Lin Tian finally couldn't help but ask.

"Huh! It seems to be a death curse of inheritance!"

Shi Youxuan stared at Lin Tian fiercely, and explained in an angry manner. Although she was very upset with Lin Tian, ​​but the other party was here to help, she could only endure it temporarily. At the same time, she said: "I am a member of the Dragon Valley Clan. For generations, there is an incomprehensible curse. Women will not live to 40 years old, and men will not live to 50 years old! Only when we have the chief who can suppress the curse from our clan heritage, can we use the blood pool to suppress the curse and live to the age of ordinary people. ! Because of the existence of the blood pool, it is now possible for us Tulonggu tribe to increase our life span by five years... But we want to live longer and longer, we are not willing!"

"We have been trying to solve the curse for generations, but to this day, there is still nothing we can do..."

When you heard Youxuan's explanation, Lin Tian frowned deeply. It was the first time he heard such terrible things.

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