The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 817: Fangs change (fourth!)

"Friend Daoist is serious!"

With a wave of Lin Tian's hand, the demon Ru Xiaotian turned into light, wrapped around his wrist and turned into a bracelet.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and many people couldn't help but marvel again and again.

Even if it was Ren Jiutian, his face was very surprised.

"Fellow Daoist, this flying sword, so mysterious, is considered to be the most top spirit weapon, it should be the best spirit weapon!"

Ren I smiled and looked at the demon Ru Xiaotian on Lin Tian's wrist with admiration.

"Friend Daoist Ren's original cultivation base was at least Yuanying stage, right? How can I match the strength and might?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly, then took a deep look and let me smile.

"The past is not worth mentioning!"

I smiled bitterly and sighed, but immediately his face was straight, and he said solemnly: "But Ren Mou mentioned more, Fellow Daoist's flying sword, if it is not necessary, don't use it lightly! If... let It’s troublesome for people from the big sects to see it! You know, even some monks in the Nascent Soul stage do not have such a powerful flying sword!"

"Thank you for reminding!"

Lin Tian nodded, noncommittal, and then walked to the side of Yuan Wei who was left aside by Wu Ming and others just now.

Seeing this, Ren Jiutian rushed forward and hugged his disciple Yuan Wei.

"Senior Lin, can you save him?"

Ren Jiutian raised his head to look at Lin Tian, ​​and said nervously.

"Can't die!"

Lin Tian nodded gently, then took out the silver needle to treat Yuan Wei.

After a few stitches, Yuan Kui quickly got better, and he could even stand up.

Everyone was numb to Lin Tian's medical methods, and they were only amazed.

"Friend Daoist, you also have gu poison in your body, let me treat you! In addition, there are many years of hidden wounds in your body!"

Lin Tian walked up to let me smile, and said calmly: "It's a thank you to the fragments of ancient pictures. This thing is very important to me. If fragments of ancient pictures and Weiwei fall into the hands of others, I may not be able to do so smoothly. Now. As for your wife, I will go and harvest the Swallow Amakusa in a while and get some blood essence!"

"Blood water essence, mixed with Mihun grass and Xinxin grass for alchemy, should have a good miraculous effect for your wife to wake up!"

Hearing this, let my eyes brighten up with my smile, and my face was full of joy.

"Thank you fellow daoist! This kindness, Ren Mou must bear in mind! If there is any dispatch in the future, Ren Mou will not hesitate!"

I smiled and thanked Lin Tian again and again.

Lin Tian waved his hand slightly, and immediately treated me with a smile, and soon followed Shi Changkong and others back to the depths of the valley.

Seeing Lin Tian and Shi Changkong and the others returning, Shi Xiaomeng had already spoken about Lin Tian's little brother and shut his mouth, Lin Tian's little brother rushed forward.

After learning from the other population that Lin Tian was beheading the strong man of Saint Gu Sect, and learning about Lin Tian's cultivation strength, she was even more cheered.

Seeing the little girl so excited and so affectionate to herself, Lin Tian could only smile wryly.

"I only take away most of the Swallowing Heaven Grass, and the rest will be handed over to He Chen to refine the pill for your people to take!"

Walking to the depths of the valley, in front of the swallowing sky grass, Lin Tian told Shi Changkong: "When I go to the blood essence and destroy the blood pool, the so-called curse will be solved!"

After speaking, Lin Tian stepped towards the piece of Heaven-Swallowing Grass, and with a wave of his hand, he collected most of it.

Storage bags!

I was surprised again with a smile, he hadn't had this thing before.

Others were at a loss, and they didn't know where Lin Tian would receive the swallowing Amakusa.

But I have seen Lin Tian's terrifying methods before, and seeing this scene no longer feels strange.

After receiving the Swallow Heaven Grass, Lin Tian and the others rushed to the blood pond. He ordered a jade bottle from time and space, and then he shot a real qi in his hand, blasting all the blood in the blood pond like waves.

After that, he peeked at his hand, swiped towards the bottom of the blood pool, and poured a crystal clear **** liquid into the jade bottle.

The next moment, Lin Tian shot a real fire of Samadhi at the blood pond.


The real fire of Samadhi instantly swallowed the blood pool.

For an instant, Shi Changkong's clansmen waiting for Dragon Slaying Valley all showed a sense of anxiety.

But then a strange thing happened. As the blood pool in the same place was swallowed by the real fire of Samadhi, there were bursts of smashing noises suddenly heard around the valley.

"This...this is the formation of the valley is breaking!"

Shi Changkong's expression changed drastically, and he uttered in amazement.

But what followed was a burst of breath that was difficult to capture, and suddenly poured back towards the people of Tu Longgu.

The originally disabled, wounded, weak and frail people suddenly recovered.

"Oh my god... what's going on!"

Many people began to exclaim.

Soon Shi Changkong also discovered this phenomenon, and his face was instantly stunned.

"Really... is it really a problem with the blood pool?"

Shi Changkong also exclaimed, with surprise and disbelief on his face.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Tian and asked in amazement: "Senior, what is going on?"

"Captive! Your clan of Dragon Slaughter Valley has been brought up in captivity! They have planted a fascinating array in this valley, using the blood pool as the array eye, using the swallowing heaven grass as the medium, and absorbing the vitality from you for generations. Your cultivation base! You belong to the Jiuli branch, and you have the essence that ordinary people don't have. You are a great resource for cultivation!"

Lin Tian looked solemn and solemnly said to Shi Changkong: "And your so-called ancestral training should be deliberately fabricated by people with a heart, so that you can continue to be willing to provide nutrients for them! Now you can understand He Wei's curse. Right?"

"That's it! Everything turned out to be a big lie!"

When Shi Changkong listened to Lin Tian's words, his eyes were red, his face was sad and angry. He raised his head to the sky and sighed, and there was a deep hatred and desolation in the words: "Who is it? The lie of the year has left my people in this dilapidated place like cattle for generations?"

Everyone of the Tulonggu tribe was silent.

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​then don't you know who those who have harmed us are?"

At this moment, Xiao Meng raised her head to look at Lin Tian, ​​and asked with a sad expression.

"I do not know either!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, and immediately suggested: "But I suggest that the old chieftain should take the clansmen to change places. If they are discovered by those people, they may send a strong person to investigate. It won't be good at that time!"

Shi Changkong frowned and looked helpless, then nodded. Even if Lin Tian didn't say it, he had already planned this.

"Then Little Brother Lin Tian, ​​are you going to leave too? Can I follow you to go out and practice? I also want to practice, and I want to become strong, so that I can protect Grandpa and them in the future!"

Suddenly, Shi Xiaomeng mustered up the courage, and said to Lin Tian sternly, "If I miss Grandpa, I can come back to see them!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian's heart moved.

Lin Tian was still quite moved by the dream of the time when he was carrying the body of Xuan Yin, if he could practice with it, the effect would be far beyond imagination.

But soon he rejected it.

At least it's not suitable to take her now, Lin Tian said after a little hesitation: "I can't take you! At least not for now! But I can pass you a set of exercises to match your Profound Yin body, and sooner or later I can be on this earth. Stand on your heels in the world of cultivation! And I suggest you follow your Uncle Liao's practice...maybe we will see each other often in the future!"

"Really? That's great!"

The little dream of the lost time on his original face could not help showing a surprise, and he quickly responded.

Naturally, Shi Changkong didn't stop him. Lin Tian could teach the exercises, and let me laugh with Shi Xiaomeng to practice. This is simply what countless people dream of.

Shi Youxuan and others on the side were already envious.

After obtaining the blood essence, Lin Tian and everyone followed me and came outside with a smile, preparing to enter the attic. Lin Tian was going to practice alchemy and heal my laughing wife.

But when Lin Tiancai and Ren Woxiao and the others walked into the yard, there was an exclamation in the direction of the valley, and a fat figure rolled over.

"Situ Xiu, how did you find this place?"

Lin Tian looked up and found that the person who came was surprisingly fat Situ Xiu.

At this time, Situ Xiu was embarrassed and blood-stained, and he was holding a little girl who had passed out in his arms.

"Lin...Senior Lin! Something went wrong, everyone was dead, all dead... The Fang Gang was slaughtered... Those people are too cruel..."

Situ Xiu staggered and rolled, and when he reached Lin Tian, ​​he shouted out of breath.

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