The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 820: Sister and the black robe (second more!)

Miao Feiyun was caught by Lin Tian and flew in the air.

Hearing the cold words of Lin Tian swearing to destroy Saint Gu Sect, he couldn't help trembling.

At close range, he even felt the monstrous anger and murderous intent on Lin Tian.

"Senior... Senior, I am willing to lead the way, I am willing to lead the way... Please spare my life!"

Miao Feiyun was scared a long time ago, and now Lin Tian's killing intent is rising, making him frightened all the way, afraid that the latter will give him such a sword in anger, and only one life will end.

He doesn't want to die!

Seeing Lin Tian unmoved for a while, Miao Feiyun felt anxious, anxious and afraid again.

If Lin Tian killed him with one sword in the place, he would die unwillingly.

His mind flashed, and his eyes soon brightened, and he hurriedly said: "Senior, I am willing to lead the way, but you are so reckless to pass by, maybe...may not be able to save your friend! Then they will threaten your friend to threaten him, how? Ok? So you have to have a plan, otherwise it will be counterproductive, I can cooperate with you as long as you don't kill me!"

Lin Tian frowned, stopped, and stepped his sword into the air.

Before being flooded with anger, I only wanted to kill Xiang Sheng Gu Cult. Now, listening to Miao Feiyun's reminder, Lin Tian's anger was finally contained and he calmed down a little.

"Who is there at the ancient medicine gate now? What can you do to ensure the safety of people?"

Lin Tian had cold eyes, looked directly at Miao Feiyun, and said coldly: "If you can't help it, then you have no value to me!"

"Yes...Yes...Senior, I am the deacon of Saint Gu Sect. I can take you into the core place of Ancient Medicine Sect and Saint Gu Sect, and I can also secretly rescue people..."

Miao Feiyun responded with fright, and said anxiously: "Senior spared my life, I am willing to do anything..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Tian nodded slightly.

But when he was about to continue on the road with Miao Feiyun, he stopped abruptly.

This time, Lin Tian landed directly.

Here is an endless forest, it seems to be the depths of the fangs forest, except for the towering old trees, there are only the sounds of snakes, insects and beasts.

"Senior, what are we going to do? There are still hundreds of kilometers away from Ancient Medicine Town!"

Miao Feiyun glanced around, his face wretched and uneasy.

What could respond to him was the Blade of True Qi flying out with a flick of Lin Tian's fingers.

That infuriating, impartial, just hit his Dantian.

There was a crisp sound, as if a ball was deflated, and his cultivation was completely abolished.


Miao Feiyun screamed and rolled to the ground. His cultivation was instantly scrapped, he was injured all of a sudden, and he became extremely weak.

"Stay here honestly!"

Lin Tian gave a cold shout to Miao Feiyun, and then flew out towards the east.

Before that, Lin Tian's divine consciousness had been shrouded all around.

Just now, a few kilometers to the east, two figures appeared in the range of his spiritual consciousness.

One of the girls ran away hastily in the deep dense forest.

The other person was an old man wearing a black robe. He sat cross-legged in a cave and waited for the girl to run away for some distance before chasing him out.

It's just that after the old man chased him out, he was always in a cat and mouse posture, as if he was not in a hurry to catch the girl.

All of this scene fell within the scope of Lin Tian's divine consciousness.


Lin Tian didn't want to pay attention to this matter, but after seeing the girl clearly, he finally stopped and decided to save the girl.

Because of that girl, he had seen it, and it was Duan Shiyi from Lumu Village.

"Why did she appear in this barren mountain by herself?"

Lin Tian was very puzzled. Before, the other party followed his grandparents to the ancient medicine gate.

Now that he encountered it in this barren mountain and forest, he was also very surprised.


Lin Tian rushed to the front of Duan Shiyi's escape and stopped him.

"Duan Shiyi, what's the matter?"

Stopping the other party, Lin Tian raised his head and looked behind her at the same time. A few kilometers away, the old man in a black robe chased him in the leisurely courtyard.

Suddenly Lin Tian stopped her way, the **** the other side changed her pretty face and said, "Who are you?"


Seeing that the other party didn't even recognize him, Lin Tian was also a little surprised, and immediately said: "Aren't you Duan Shiyi? We've seen it in Lumu Village before?"

"You know my sister? I am her sister Duan Shiyue!"

Duan Shiyue glanced back and said anxiously: "Are you her friend? Now someone is chasing me, you should run away too!"

With that, Duan Shi kept under his feet, turning around to continue running forward.

Lin Tian glanced at the girl who continued to run forward, and shook his head.

It was just the cultivation base of the fifth floor during the Qi Refining Period, how did he escape that person's pursuit.

Just now, under Lin Tian's investigation, he could see that the cultivation base of the black-robed man had the realm of the golden core early stage, which was terrifying!

Not to mention Duan Shiyue, even if it is a fake pill stage, in the eyes of the black-robed man, it is no different from the ant.


Duan Shiyue ran a certain distance, with a roar, and if there was thunder in the air, the true energy was like a wave, with a burst of wildness, sweeping the dense forest with loud noises, and the dry leaves on the ground flying all over the sky.

In front of Duan Shiyue's escape, an old man in a black robe stepped down from mid-air.

Volley Void!

This is only possible for monks who have stepped into the Golden Core Realm.

"Who are you? Why did you catch me?"

Duan Shiyue's pretty face turned pale instantly as she quaked and shouted.

"Jiejie, little girl, you have ice roots in your body, which is just right for this seat to seize for cultivation!"

The black-robed old man was covered in long robes and couldn't see his face clearly. He let out a strange laughter, and walked towards Duan Shiyue, "If you can take this seat one step further, it will be your honor!"

Bing Linggen?

Lin Tian was surprised, his divine consciousness spread out, enveloped Duan Shiyue, and indeed found traces of ice spirit root in the opponent's body, but the spirit root was very weak and weak, with only a trace of fluctuation.

It can be said to be negligible, and the impact of this thing on cultivation is minimal.

At least in Lin Tian's opinion, this little spiritual root has little influence on the level of future achievements.

"What's the matter? How did you get caught by him?"

Lin Tian lightly sighed, walked to Duan Shiyue's side, and asked.

Before, Duan Shiyi had helped him. Since the other party was her sister, she was saved.

Now, Lin Tian was very confused about the origin of the old man in front of him. The cold breath was different from the monks in Miao Jiang.

"I...I came with my uncle and other people in the family, preparing to rush to the ancient medicine gate, but in order to collect an elixir, I fell behind a little bit. I don't want to be suddenly caught by this strange person! Before he entered concentration cultivation, I was able to run out..."

Seeing the old man approaching, Duan Shiyue retreated in a panic, and urged Lin Tian to explain in a hurry: "It's none of your business here, hurry and escape..."

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