The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 822: Guyao Town (fourth more!)

With two punches and one sword, the dignified Golden Core monks flee in fright.

Duan Shiyue on the side was stunned.

However, Lin Tian did not pursue, and backhanded the Feijian away.

It is completely unnecessary to hunt down the black-robed old man, he is now anxious to go to the ancient medicine gate to save people.

" are the ancestor of the golden core!"

Duan Shiyue returned to her senses for a long while, looking at the young man who was still standing in place, she stepped forward with a look of disbelief.

Lin Tianqi was young, and he was even younger than her.

The existence of such evildoers is really terrifying!

"Just take it!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly and replied with a smile.

His current cultivation level, because of the appearance of the Yin-Yang Daotai, has been stuck in the middle stage of the foundation construction, and it is difficult to break through.

It's just that his actual combat power is enough to contend with the monks in the middle Jindan!

In the early stage of facing the golden core, he had the confidence to defeat the fission and divine enchantment that condensed the golden core above the perfect level.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is now a golden core monk!

However, Duan Shiyue suddenly thought of the general, and plucked up the courage to ask boldly: "Then...then what you look like, is your actual age? Or are you an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years?"

"Old monster? Just take it!"

Lin Tian smiled freely, but after thinking about it, he added: "However, my actual age now is what I am now!"

This sounds contradictory.

But the soul in Lin Tian's body was an old monster who had spent countless thousands of years in his previous life.

It's just that his actual physical age is exactly that of an eighteen-year-old boy.

He can't tell Duan Shiyue that he was reborn from the Xianyu Continent, right?

So it can only be explained in this way.

But Duan Shiyue didn't think so much. She could only hear what Lin Tian said, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and she exclaimed: "Oh my God, are you a monster? I have cultivated since I was a child, and more than ten years have passed. It’s only the fifth floor of the Qi Refining Period, are simply not a human being!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but twitched.

But Duan Shiyue only noticed the failure, and apologized: "I didn't mean that, I mean, you are so talented!"

After knowing Lin Tian's actual age, Duan Shiyue suddenly became less nervous and restrained.

"Well, this time I saved you, how can you thank me?"

Lin Tian waved his hand, blinked and smiled at Duan Shiyue.


Duan Shiyue was stunned for a moment, and then thought of something, her pretty face flushed, and she quickly lowered her head, with a trace of shyness in her eyes, her heart was like a deer, and she was extremely nervous.

He... What should I do if he makes excessive demands?

Promise him or reject him?

If he refused, would he just leave and ignore me?

Such a good man, should I seize the opportunity?

For a moment, Duan Shiyue's mood was numb, and before Lin Tian continued to speak, she suddenly raised her head, shook her lips, blushing, and said: "I do...I do, I do whatever you say!"

Seeing the girl reacting like this, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, then reluctantly shook his head and said, "Come with me!"

With that, Lin Tian took the lead to walk towards the place where he left Miao Feiyun just now.


Duan Shiyue twisted for a while, blushing on her face.

She stood there and hesitated for a long while, and then followed suit.

Her face was red as a glow, and her expression was both worried and expectant, extremely complicated.

Soon, when the place arrived, Lin Tian swept around, frowning.

Miao Feiyun was gone there.

Lin Tian let go of his spiritual consciousness, and when he explored a radius of ten kilometers, he did not see the other person.

Actually ran away!

"Forget it!"

Miao Feiyun's cultivation base has been abolished, and now that Duan Shiyue is leading the way, he doesn't bother to look for it.

"Ah... forget it?"

Suddenly hearing Lin Tian's words, Duan Shiyi was startled, and immediately showed a look of disappointment, "You...Do you dislike me?"

"How can I despise you?"

Lin Tian smiled bitterly and said: "Don't you want to thank me? Take me to the ancient medicine gate! I need to save people, and the people of Saint Gu sect arrested my friend! Want to come, you and the family members will go over, too Because of Saint Gu? We can help each other!"

Lin Tian also thought about it just now, if circumstances permit, he can ask Duan Shiyue to rescue Leng Shuangning and them.

If he kills directly, the opponent threatens or angers the opponent with Leng Shuangning, and Leng Shuangning and others are even more dangerous.

At least not let those people know that he came to save people.

"Ah... you want me to take you there?"

Duan Shiyue was shocked again, and finally understood Lin Tian's purpose, showing some loss on her face, and said, "I know, you and I will not be discovered by the people of Saint Gu. Moreover, you Will it help me? You are my sister's friend, so you shouldn't ignore it!"

At this time, thinking of Lin Tian's strength, he might be able to deal with Saint Gu Sect, and his family would not be threatened, Duan Shiyue was in a good mood.

"Okay, you show the way!"

Lin Tian smiled and nodded, then took a peek in his hand, hugged Duan Shiyue's waist, stepped his sword into the air, and rushed away.

Suddenly being hugged, Duan Shiyue exclaimed, her Jiao body froze, but she felt the good smell of Lin Tian's body, and she gradually settled down.

Following Duan Shiyue's guidance, half an hour later, a town in the vast forest and barren mountains appeared in sight.

The town has only one road connecting the outside world, and occasionally a car can be seen passing by.

According to Duan Shiyue, the people in Guyao Town have lived by picking and planting herbs for generations. There are well-known herbal planting bases here, which are very famous throughout the southwest.

And their Duan family developed in this ancient medicine town. Later, her grandfather had a talent for cultivation, so he entered the ancient medicine gate and further expanded the family.

Only a few years ago, his grandfather was framed and expelled from the ancient medicine gate. The entire Duan family was implicated. Some members of the logging village were even killed. The reason was that his grandfather was unwilling to fight with the elder in the door. many.

Later, the messenger of Saint Gu sect came and stood on the side of the great elder, and determined that it was Grandpa who had defected from the teacher's school, and he was punished by permanently expelling the school.

But the deaths were small, and her grandfather couldn't bear the charges she carried. This time, she went to the ancient medicine gate and vowed to pay her innocence.

After Duan Shiyue's explanation, Lin Tian somewhat understood the grievance between the Duan family and the ancient medicine.

"Lin...Lin Tian, ​​I will take you to meet my grandfather and younger sister first! Tomorrow we will go to the ancient medicine gate together!"

After the two entered Guyao Town, Duan Shiyue led the way.

Lin Tian nodded gently and followed behind. He had already thought about it, as long as Leng Shuangning and others are safe, Saint Gu taught him to step down by himself!

Guyao Town is small, with only a few streets.

Soon, Lin Tian followed Duan Shiyue to a typical house deep in an alley.

Stepping in, I saw that there were nearly 20 people gathered inside, including men, women, old and young, but they were all adults, not old or weak.

Among these people, Lin Tian has seen Duan Shiyi and her grandparents.

"Xiaoyue, where have you been, we are almost anxious to death!"

The people inside saw Duan Shiyue appearing at this time, and they all exclaimed.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Duan Shiyi trot forward, looking scared.

"Now it's okay! I was caught by a golden core monk..."

Duan Shiyue had lingering fears, and she looked scared.


The faces of the Duan family changed drastically, showing horror.

"You... are you kidding? How could our Duan family offend such legendary characters? That's the golden core ancestor!"

Many people don't believe that, including Duan Shiyue's grandfather and grandma, they are the golden core ancestors, there is no need to arrest people for no reason.

Duan Shiyi looked at her sister, found no injuries, and immediately said: "Sister, how did you escape safely?"

"It was Lin Tian who saved me!"

Duan Shiyue turned her head and pointed to Lin Tian who was walking behind.

Everyone suddenly looked up, only to find Lin Tian walking behind Duan Shiyue.

"Ah, it's you!"

Duan Shiyi saw Lin Tian clearly and was immediately surprised.

"You girl, make fun of your grandfather and your uncle and others again!"

But at this time, the old man, Duan Shiyue's grandfather, Duan Boxin smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said angrily: "This kid has met with us. You were caught by the Golden Core monk, can he save him? You are a grandfather, so confused!"

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