The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 824: When Zhan Bu Rao (second more!)

The main square of Guyao Town.

At this time, more than a dozen powerful family members gathered in the ancient medicine gate area.

They have been inhabiting and reproducing in ancient medicine towns or nearby mountain villages for generations.

Most families have elders or younger generations who have practiced in the ancient medicine gate.

Today, I was summoned by the young master of the ancient medicine gate, and naturally they all rushed over.

The young sect master didn’t know where to get the news. He suddenly came to Guyao Town when he learned that they were in collusion with the Duan family. Many families were frightened and frightened.

in this way.

In order to show their loyalty, they all pointed the finger at Duan Boxin and others of the Duan family!

"The Duan Boxin of the Duan family relied on his own cultivation base to threaten our small families over and over!"

"Yes, if we don't cooperate with them, we will be brutally killed!"

"Yes, the young master, the Duan family threatened us to do this!"

"It's just... how do we dare to fight against the sect? Young sect master, they threaten us to fight against the sect, the Duan clan, their heart is shameful!"

"If it weren't for the young master, we would have almost gone astray! The Duan family, it should be destroyed!"


Many of the families in the square opened their mouths one after another, or accused Duan Boxin and others who appeared, or flattered the young people in front of them.

In front of the square, the young man standing is Xue Chengchun, the young master of the ancient medicine gate!

His cultivation level is not high, only nine levels of Qi training.

But for him at such an age, his talent is already amazing!

At this time, as Duan Boxin's family members appeared, Xue Chengchun turned to look.

"Young sect master, I was instigated by Duan Boxin and others before, Qi Tianzhu, almost uttered, please also ask the young sect master to punish!"

Qi Tianzhu, who was following, hurriedly stepped forward at this time, and said nervously, with a soft look.

However, Xue Chengchun waved his hand and ignored it, seeing that he did not intend to pursue it.

This made the people of the Deqi family and many other families all smiled and felt confident.

Xue Chengchun's eyes swept around, Ruoyouruowu paused on Duan Shiyi and Duan Shiyue's two daughters, then looked at Duan Boxin and said, "Master Duan, how do you give an explanation?"

"If you want to kill, you have to get rid of it!"

Duan Boxin frowned and said coldly: "It is the Xue family, who clearly controls the real power of Guyaomen, colluded with several other families, but planted it on us. I can't afford this crime!"

"Duan Boxin, you are bold!"

"Dare to talk to the young master like this!"

"Duan Boxin, your Duan family is over!"

Duan Boxin's words caused many people in the square to shout out loud.

"Hmph, it seems that you also have ghosts in your heart!"

Duan Boxin swept away at those people and said with a sneer: "We dare to come over, we just brought the heart to death! But now, the ancient medicine gate is no longer the ancient medicine gate of the year..."

"Hey...Kill you? No, no! You still have what we need, you can't kill!"

Xue Chengchun sneered, shook his head and said: "My father is waiting for you, we can sit down and have a conversation! As for the charges of your Duan family colluding with other places, it is not impossible to change the sentence. It depends on your attitude..."

"Okay! I see how he Xue Xing will talk about it!"

Duan Bo said with a calm face, not to be outdone.

Until now, their Duan family had no choice.

If they flee now, it will be even more solid that they colluded with foreign enemies, and it will give Xue Xing a reason to kill them all!

Xue Chengchun walked in front, and a group of people followed and went to the ancient medicine gate.

The ancient medicine gate is on the ancient medicine mountain,

It is only a few kilometers away from Guyao Town.

Over the mountain col in the depths of the town, you can see a huge mountain entrenched in dense forest.

On the ancient medicine mountain, there are long stretches of stone steps hovering up, winding into the clouds, and the clouds and mist are filled, like the realm of immortal family.

After half an hour.

Everyone walked to the main hall of the ancient medicine gate, the ancient hall with eaves and red tiles was quite majestic.

Ahead, Xue Chengchun stopped.

On the face, an old man with a childlike forehead walked over. His face was ruddy, and his body was filled with a scent of medicine, overflowing with the wind.

The old man is called Peng Haokong, the elder of the ancient medicine gate, has the cultivation base in the early stage of foundation construction, and has an amazing alchemy technique, and is also quite famous in the southwest!

"Too elder!"

Xue Chengchun stepped forward and was quite respectful.

Qi Tianzhu, Ling Qingtian and others also saluted him one after another.

"All the people brought?"

Peng Haokong glanced at everyone present with a slightly muddy gaze, then nodded and said: "Take those two girls with you! Your father and Young Master are waiting~!"

"it is good!"

Xue Chengchun's face changed slightly, and then he nodded lightly, then waved to the edge of the hall, and then pointed to Duan Shiyue and Duan Shiyi and said, "Take them away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two men in black robes appeared and walked directly towards Duan Shiyue and Duan Shiyi.

"What are you doing?"

Duan Boxin saw that something was wrong and quickly shouted.

"I want your Duan family to be safe and sound, without making any sacrifices, how simple is it!"

Xue Chengchun sneered and said again: "Take it away!"

Two men in black robes rushed over immediately.


However, Duan Boxin made a move, shaking back the two black-robed men with both palms.

The two of them are just seven levels of Qi refining, how can they pass Duan Boxin's pass, but the latter did not intend to completely tear his face, and did not make a heavy hand.


The elder of the ancient medicine gate coldly snorted, and stepped forward, swept towards Duan Boxin, and quickly wrapped it in one place.

"Do it!"

After receiving the star of Xue Chengchun again, the two men in black robes pounced on Duan Shiyue and Duan Shiyi sisters.

However, before the two men arrived, there were two loud bangs. The two men had already flown out like sandbags and fell to the ground.

"Looking for death, dare to resist!"

Xue Chengchun's complexion changed and he shouted angrily.

Lin Tian stood in front of Duan Shiyi and Duan Shiyue, standing tall and silent.

Just now, it was his hand.

The Duan family's eyes widened in an instant.

"This boy is so strong?"

The Duan family members all showed shock, and Duan Shiyi also opened his mouth slightly.

"Who are you from the Xue family?"

Opposite, Xue Chengchun saw Lin Tian standing there silently, his face was cold, and he asked.

At this moment, the young man who had been told by Duan Boxin to leave in Gu Yao Town before came back. He hurried over and saw Duan Boxin fighting with the elders of Gu Yaomen Taishang, his expression completely changed.

It's just that when he appeared, Lin Tian strode up to him and said coldly, "Where is the person?"

"I found it. It is our acquaintance who takes care of him. He is safe! However, no girl was found, only the big man named Song Manshan!"

The young Duan family who came back hurriedly whispered to Lin Tian: "If my guess is correct, then the girl should have been sent to the Saint Gu teacher. Your friend should have been captured by Xue Chengchun, that is, this young sect master! I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Don't join in the affairs of our Duan family!"

"Thank you!"

Lin Tian couldn't help being moved when he heard the young man's persuasion that the Duan family could take the risk to help. He turned around and looked at Xue Chengchun, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Ben Shao asks you something, are you deaf?"

Being ignored again, Xue Chengchun was completely furious, and immediately Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan shouted: "Take him to Ben Shao!"

The two looked at each other, knowing that this was Xue Chengchun's test of them, and without a word, they rushed towards Lin Tian.

At the same time, two men in black robes appeared next to Xue Chengchun, exuding a dark green aura, and their cultivation reached the terrifying mid-foundation stage.


In an instant, Lin Tian was so angry that he immediately flew out before he was in front of him.

"It starts with you!"

Lin Tian looked indifferent, and walked towards Xue Chengchun very fast.

Xue Chengchun's complexion changed drastically. He could see that the young man in front of him had a terrifying cultivation base, and Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan were not opponents.

"kill him!"

Xue Chengchun was scared, watching Lin Tian rush towards him, and quickly backed away, while shouting to the two black-robed men beside him.


There was an air wave on the two of them, sweeping across the square, and flooding towards Lin Tian.

"You have no chance to escape! Touch my bottom line, and I will not let go!"

Lin Tian directly ignored the two black-robed men, his body was like roaring waves, and directly blocked the attack of the two men. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a sharp blade suddenly appeared, and volley lightning slashed on Xue Chengchun's body.

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