The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 826: Fight against Cang Liufeng (fourth!)


Seeing Lin Tian coming, his murderous aura was unfathomable.

But after Yun Ying learned of the previous situation, her gloomy eyes became even more cold, and she was not afraid.

Just because they come from the Holy Gu Sect!

"Boy, dare to provoke the majesty of this seat, **** it!"

Yun Ying yelled angrily, and then shouted to the two men in black robes next to him: "Take him down for me! As for the rest of the Duan family, they are all taken into the hall! The rest of the other families will show me a good view of the Duan family. People!"


Hearing the order, the strength of the two black-robed men was completely released, and Lin Tian was killed.


Lin Tian's eyes were as cold as knives, and he glanced at the two people who came forward, his tongue was thundering, and he suddenly uttered a word. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, the cold light passed by.


With a crisp sound, two huge human heads rose into the sky, and then rolled to the ground.

"He... is he a strong man in the late stage of foundation building or a senior fake pill?"

This time, Lin Tian shot brutally and directly, and everyone present could see clearly, and everyone was shocked.

Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan and many other family powerhouses retreated one after another.

Even Xue Xing and Peng Haokong were frightened and flew back subconsciously.

Only Yun Ying stood on the spot, yelling angrily: "How courageous! How dare to kill my Saint Gu Sect! As an enemy of my Saint Gu Sect, are you looking for death..."

As one of the holy Gu sage envoys, Yun Ying walked southwest, which can be described as a sideways existence.

No one dared to provoke him!

He thinks that the young man in front of him, who has heard the name of Saint Gu Sect, dare not!

However, before his rebuke was over, Lin Tian reached him in one stride, a finger flashed out, and a blade of true energy was shot, which instantly penetrated his throat.


Yun Ying stared at her, and fell straight to the ground.

In front of the hall, everyone was silent for an instant.

They all stared blankly at Yun Ying, who had fallen to the ground without any breath, and their faces were all dull.

"Envoy Yun Sheng is dead..."

Qi Tianzhu, Ling Qingshan and other powerful family members all stared at Yun Ying, their faces showing horror and pale.

Yun Ying has always been fierce and mighty, even the three elders of the Saint Gu Sect, none of the people present were so afraid!

Just because Yunying's fierce power is too strong.

Behind him, stood Saint Gu Sect, the Young Saint Master who was above 10,000!

At the same time, there is a group of sacred priests under him, who are dedicated to burning, killing and looting everywhere, doing no evil!

Three years ago, Yun Ying led a group of holy cultivators to kill all Hejiazhuang in Yundian Province. It was only because a descendant of Hejiazhuang ignorantly said something disrespectful to the young holy lord, which attracted Le Miezu. The curse!

So cruel and cruel, who is not afraid of these people?

And behind this, how many young saint masters who have Saint Gu sect are instructing!

Now, Yunying is dead, this... is going to fall!

They all know that Yun Ying is the man of the Young Master!

Yes, it is the man of the Young Master!

The man died, and the young master was furious, but it was bloody!


The Duan family members were also shocked!

"It's over..."

Duan Bo muttered to himself like dead ashes.

And behind him, many people were paralyzed on the ground at this time.

"He came with us. Killing Yun Ying is equivalent to having something to do with our Duan family... Now, there is no room for maneuver!"

Many people looked at Yun Ying's body and Lin Tian's back, shaking their heads and sighing, their faces were pale.

"Grandpa, he... he is the Yunying of Saint Gu Cult? What should I do..."

Duan Shiyi's pretty face was pale and frightened.

But Duan Shiyue, very calm, said to Duan Boxin and Duan Shiyi: "Grandpa, sister, it's okay, Lin Tian is very powerful! He is a golden core monk, even if the Saint Gu sect is strong, don't be afraid! "

"Brother Jindan?"

Duan Boxin glared at him, sighed and shook his head and said: "You girl, if he is Jin Danqi, then he won't go to heaven!"

The other members of the Duan family also shook their heads. They didn't believe in Duan Shiyue. They had to wait for the trial of fate.

People from other families all looked at Duan Shiyue with idiotic eyes.

However, they were silent.

They are also afraid of being implicated!

For a time.

All of them stayed where they were, looking uneasy and afraid to make changes.

Yun Ying is dead, they can't escape first, and can't talk nonsense, they can only wait for the arrival of the young master!


Xue Xing and Peng Haokong are going crazy!

When his son had just died, Xue Xing was about to say that he was angry and sorrowful, and he wished to kill everyone in the Duan family!

And now, Yunying!

He was so frightened that he wanted to turn around and tear Lin Tian to pieces!

Yun Ying, it can be said that it is the Ni Lin of the Young Master!

No one has dared to violate it!

Now, he was killed!

"Oh my God... You killed him! You are dead! You are dead!"

Xue Xing suddenly turned his head, glared at Lin Tian, ​​gritted his teeth and yelled.

"I don't know if I die! But if you don't answer me well when you come down, then you will follow them on the road!"

Compared to the panic of others, Lin Tian killed Yun Ying with his usual expression, standing calmly on the spot. It seemed that what he had killed just now was not a person but a dog that could be slaughtered. He raised his head and looked at Xue Xing, Han Said: "A man and a girl were caught here from Fangcheng. Where is the girl? I will give you three breathing times. If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, only...death!"

" dare! You still dare to kill! The young saint master sent the captured girl back to the sacred Gu Cult and will return soon! You are dead!"

The young man in front of him is too powerful. The two holy cultivators of Saint Gu, that is, the two men in black robes, were already in a different place. Tian spit out the word death, he staggered back in fright, and screamed: " have killed Yunying, you still dare to kill us, the crime is more! The Young Lord is here, you will not have any chance to survive !"

"Young Saint Lord? I personally go to Saint Gu Sect to find him!"

Lin Tian heard that Leng Shuangning was taken away by that young saint master, with more murderous intent on his body, and with a puff, he shattered Xue Xing with one finger, and Peng Haokong screamed and flew back quickly. He wanted to turn around and flee, but Lin Tian waved his hand and the sword of Zhen Qi slashed away, cutting off his legs.

"Ahhhhh... my legs..."

Over there, Peng Haokong screamed.

All the others were dumbfounded.

"'re looking for death! You're going to hurt dare to say go to Saint Gu Sect to find Young Saint Lord, are arrogant!"

On the other side of Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan, they were shocked and terrified, and couldn't help but scold Lin Tian again and again.

"Holy Gu Sect is what a ghost, today, I will erase it from the southwest!"

With murderous intent on Lin Tian's face, Huo Ran turned his head to look at the two people, and was about to kill them.

"Ahhhhh... Yunying!"

But suddenly, before Lin Tian could start, a long howl suddenly came from under the mountain, and then a figure flew over and stood in front of Yun Ying's corpse.

Lin Tian turned his head and looked, and found that it was a young man with a pale complexion.

"Sacred Gu Sect Young Master?"

Lin Tian stared at the young man and asked.

The youth looked a little weak, and only had the cultivation base at the beginning of the foundation building.

"I, Cang Liufeng! You... are dead!"

Cang Liufeng suddenly raised his head, and immediately his body screamed from the mountains and tsunamis, and an aura of horror instantly filled him.

Originally, there was only the cultivation base at the early stage of foundation construction, but in a blink of an eye, it reached the early stage of Jin Dan!


Cang Liufeng leaped up to the sky and burst into a drink, and immediately sent a fist with a landslide and tsunami, blasting towards Lin Tian with lightning.


Cang Liufeng's speed was incredibly fast, Lin Tian hurriedly responded, and couldn't help being smashed into the air by a dozen meters.

So strong!

Lin Tian steadied his body and exclaimed in secret, but the murderous intent in his heart became more vigorous.

"Tongtian Fist!"

With a clear drink, Lin Tian took a step, the real energy under his feet was like a wave sweeping and breaking, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.

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