The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 839: The death of Huang Jun (second!)


living room.

Ning Shicang stood aside respectfully with a group of people, his face full of anxiety.

Standing at the forefront was Ning Beihan.

She lowered her head slightly, her pretty face showing awe.

On the side, Yu Jinhe also stood there respectfully.

There are also several disciples of Yu Jinhe, such as Yu Yushi and Yunyang.


The only person sitting was the old man in a black robe.

He sat with a calm face, frowned slightly, and said nothing.

Behind the old man stood a group of young people with good cultivation skills.

They are all monks from Yelang Valley.

"Master, why did you come here?"

At this moment, Ning Beihan took a step forward and asked the old man respectfully.

The old man's real name was Luo Anteng, the elder of Yelang Valley, and the master of Ning Beihan.

"I just met with the black and white envoys of Saint Gu Sect, and I rushed over!"

Luo Anteng frowned and said coldly: "Plus... the old man has also had a disagreement with the suzerain. He swore to the death to fight against the Saint Gu Sect. In the end, it will only be an egg and a stone! I came here to see you guys. What is the attitude of home!"


Meet the people of Saint Gu!

Everyone was surprised.

Ning Beihan was anxious and said, "Master, how can you cooperate with the people of Saint Gu? Those are demon who can eat people without blinking!"

"Hmph! What devil is not demon? Those are the nonsense words of outsiders, how can they be trusted?"

Luo Anteng snorted coldly and shouted: "I also got news from the Yan family, Xiao Changkong came back with the decree of Senior Sword Saint Mountain, and he wanted to work hard with the Holy Gu Sect. The old man's choice is to know the current affairs. The one is Junjie!"

Upon hearing this, Ning Beihan's expression could not help but stagnate.

"Bei Han, since your master decides like this, then let your master's decision!"

Ning Shicang stood up at this moment and reminded Ning Beihan, and then said to Luo Anteng: "Senior Luo, we all listen to you. As long as there are benefits, it is not the same with whom to cooperate and follow along?"

"Well, that's right! Now Liu Yuancheng's restlessness is all an order from Saint Gu Sect. You'd better not participate in it!"

Luo Anteng immediately said again.


Ning Beihan gritted his teeth, and then said: "I have a friend who was arrested by the Murong's and Meng's families. Are you going to help speak?"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Luo An Teng asked with surprise on his face.

"Elder, that person's name is Lin Tian, ​​I have already understood before, the thing is like this..."

Yu Jinhe stepped forward and then spoke.

Lin Tian killed the Murong family, the Meng family, and the descendants of the Xin family. He also learned about it in these two days.

Yu Jinhe recounted Lin Tian’s situation, and then said: “Judging from the strength of his shots, he is mostly a monk in the foundation stage, and many people say that he is just a martial arts master. I think he may be a martial artist. Enter the Tao, break through from the master of martial arts and enter the foundation!"

"Young Grandmaster, monk in the foundation stage? He has a good talent to reach this level at such an age!"

Luo Anteng showed surprise on his face and nodded and said: "It's a pity, but he used martial arts to enter the Tao. After all, it is not far to go. It is already from the sky to enter the middle stage of foundation construction!"

"Ah... he is a cultivator, or has he built a foundation? No wonder I can't see his depth!"

Ning Beihan exclaimed, and then anxiously said: "Master, Uncle Yu, should we help him? He saved my life, and also helped your uncle and junior sisters!"

"Huh! A martial artist is still an ant, and his potential is at the end! You know, a martial arts master stepping into cultivation, his combat power is no better than a Qi refining ninth level!"

However, Yu Jinhe said with a cold face and lightly hummed: "It is true that he saved us, but it would be stupid to fight against Saint Gu Sect for him!"

"Yes! A mere existence that uses martial arts into Taoism is not worth participating in!"

Luo Anteng nodded solemnly, looked at Ning Beihan, and said, "Even if it is a friend, it depends on whether it is worth the risk!"

"Yes, you don't know the great elder, that guy is so arrogant! Laozi looks like the number one in the world, and I don't know how to be respectful when I saw Senior Brother Yunyang!"

Standing behind Yu Jinhe, Yu Yushi echoed at this moment and said, “But it’s no wonder that he is so arrogant. It turns out that he has successfully stepped into the foundation building from the master of martial arts! However, let’s not talk about the weak combat power, just talk about the potential. It's over! He saved them right, but you can't follow him to death..."

"Master... Deacon Yu... Sister Yu... You!"

Ning Beihan stared at a few people with wide eyes in amazement, and said dissatisfiedly: "How can you be so ungrateful!"

"Bei Han, shut up! How do you talk to your master and others in this tone!"

Ning Shicang on the side suddenly shouted: "Gratefulness returns to kindness, but we can't let us use the future of the family to repay it, right?"

"Dad, why are you doing the same?"

Ning Beihan showed an incredible color on her face, and finally she gritted her teeth and said: "You don't go, I will go by myself! I, Ning Beihan, don't want to be infamy!"

With that, Ning Beihan turned and ran out of the family.


Ning Shicang was anxious, and felt a little at a loss. "Senior Luo, what should I do?"

"What else can I do? She will naturally surrender if she is frustrated! From the face of the old man, the Saint Gu Cult will not attack her!"

Luo Anteng waved his hand and frowned, "Now follow me to the Broken Bridge Ridge. As for what exchange meeting Zhou Zhenjun is still attending in Shililing... However, he is nothing more than a place without three hundred taels of silver. It’s just that the next exchange meeting called many strong men to fight against the Holy Lord! But everything is hitting the stone with the pebbles..."


Nowadays, there is a message circulating among the big upper-class families in Liu Yuancheng.

The Murong family, the Meng family, and the Xin family Leiting attacked. One of the reasons was that they found the murderer, who was leading people to dig three feet to find someone. It is said that he was a young master, but now he is nowhere to be seen.

The Murong family and other three major families have swept away many people and forces related to that young master.

At the same time, they are all waiting for the appearance of the young master!

Secretly, many who can stay out of the matter or even rely on the forces of the three major families are watching and waiting for the good show to be staged!

"Young Grandmaster? Such a natural posture, it is a pity that he will die! Relying on his talent, but arrogant, he killed Murong Bei of the Murong family, Xin Rampage of the Xin family, Meng Zhao of the Meng family, and even many families. Everyone has been beaten in the face... This simply misses the many families of our Liu Yuancheng! Waiting for this person to die!"


Many forces sighed secretly and communicated with each other.


Hengling Gang headquarters.

Hengling Tea House.

All the members of the Hengling Gang knelt to the ground, shaking in shock.

Headed by the martial arts master of the Hengling Gang, Chu Tianxiong!

There is still a real energy in him that Lin Tian has penetrated. He knelt down and begged for mercy because his son Chu Feng collided with Lin Tian, ​​but now he kneels down again to the people in front of him!

In front of them, there were two figures, one black and one white, and a group of powerful men followed behind them, with a frightening aura surrounding them.

These people are naturally Hei Xiaobai and Gu Jianchen of Saint Gu Sect.

On the side, He Lanyang and others followed, and a group of people were all under him.

"Is the immortal cultivator behind you?"

Hei Xiaobai looked at Chu Tianxiong, who was kneeling on the ground, and said coldly: "Then what about Huang Jun, the person in charge?"

"Holy immortal spare your life, holy fairy spare your life!"

Chu Tianxiong had been frightened when he saw Hei Xiaobai and the others arrived before, and was even more frightened when he learned the identity of Hei Xiaobai and others.

Holy Gu religion!

Chu Tianxiong, who knows quite well about the Saint Gu Sect of Miaojiang, knows the horror of Saint Gu Sect. The legendary Saint Gu Sect's master has reached the point where it can reach the sky and earth!

Compared to Lin Tianlai, he was more afraid of the Holy Master of Saint Gu Sect.

No matter how powerful Lin Tian was, Chu Tianxiong was more afraid of the mysterious Saint Gu Cult.

Now that the Second Saint Envoy of Black and White, he even dare not give in, so he quickly replied: "I don't know who the immortal cultivator is, but he is very powerful! But Huang Jun will be here soon, he should know!"

After hearing this, Hei Xiaobai and others were silent.

They are waiting!

ten minutes later.

Footsteps sounded outside, and Huang Jun stepped in.

He had received that something went wrong at the Blue Dragon Club and Yanghe Club before, and he was going to rush over, but Chu Tianxiong from the Hengling Gang also said that there was a big emergency, plus he was near here, so he rushed over. .

"In the end what happened!"

Huang Jun walked in and saw Chu Tianxiong and others kneeling on the ground, frowning, and after looking around, his eyes fell on He Lanyang, and he said in amazement: "Helanyang, it's you!"

Speaking of this, Huang Jun's expression changed slightly, and he shouted: "What do you mean? Will your Helanyang reach out to the west of Guixi?"

"Where is the immortal cultivator behind you? Oh, what is the name of the man named Chu Tianxiong, Lin Shao or something less. Tell me where he is hiding, I will spare you not to die!"

Before He Lanyang spoke, Hei Xiaobai raised his head and looked at Huang Jun and said, "I don't have time to ink with you. Give you three breaths!"

"Who are you? What are you asking for Lin Shao? I don't know where he is!"

Huang Jun's eyes fell on Hei Xiaobai, frowning, and vaguely felt that something was wrong, "But what do you mean by breaking into my Hengling Gang?"

"Huh, since I don't know, then don't waste time!"

Hei Xiaobai nodded slightly, flicked his fingers, and a green sharp light burst out of the air and hit Huang Jun's eyebrows impartially.

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