The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 847: Turn upside down (second!)

Xin Junmin's throat was penetrated by the Blade of True Qi, killing him instantly.

The hand holding Zhou Yadong's throat slowly let go, and he fell to the ground.

The entire Xinjia Villa Villa became silent.

A faint **** breath filled the villa.

None of the Xin family survived.

Lin Tian was really furious, his killing intent was completely aroused!


In his body, he truly possessed the assassination as a cultivator in his previous life should have!

The Xin family and others have touched his bottom line somewhat.

Can deal with him, but should not deal with his friends.

If you don't return to Liu Yuancheng this time, Zhou Yadong and others will definitely end up worse than the death of the Xin family!

Moreover, Lin Tian still knows nothing about Huang Jun, Zheng Han and others.

" are an immortal? Will you be in trouble if you kill all of them?"

Zhou Yadong supported the ground with both hands, raised his head and looked at Lin Tian in astonishment, and said weakly.

He had broken both legs and couldn't stand up at all.

There was still pain on his face now, with a faint twist on his face.

"Relax, no trouble! Now, it is them who are in trouble! Not only the Xin family, but other families, after tonight, they will no longer exist!"

Lin Tian said with a cold face, looking at Zhou Yadong's miserable appearance, the murderous intent on his body increased instead of decreasing, and he spoke with murderous aura.

He looked around, his divine consciousness enveloped the entire villa, and when no one else was found, he squatted down, lifted Zhou Yadong up, and put it on the sofa.

"Don't move, I will heal your leg, then you will go to Liurong District, Leng Caiwei is over there!"

Lin Tian exhorted, took out the silver needle with his backhand and started treating Zhou Yadong.

ten minutes later.

Zhou Yadong's injury has improved.

After the two severely injured legs healed completely, he was able to stand up.

"Master, you are really... the rebirth of a god! No, you were originally a god..."

Zhou Yadong once again marveled at Lin Tian's methods, especially Lin Tian's shot just now, so that he had already regarded the other party as a fairy.

The villa of the Xin family fell silent.

The many forces who were watching the situation outside looked at the loud noise from the villa before, but now it is quiet, many people are wondering and curious.

"It's over so soon? It seems that the so-called Junior Grandmaster, we are overestimating! Only after entering for a while, we were captured and killed!"

Many people couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing, uninterested.


These people thought they could see an intense scene.

Unfortunately, but a little disappointed!

Coming in such a high profile, directly set foot on the mansions of several top families, thinking that there will be a fierce battle, do not want to be so vulnerable!

Not only were other forces observing, the Murong and Meng families also sent people to follow Lin Tian.

See this scene.

The spies sent by the two families picked up the phone and called back, reporting the situation here.


Knowing that the Xin family has resolved, Meng Xiuyun and Murongtai are both excited, but at the same time somewhat disappointed and unhappy.

With them in such a battle, Lin Tian was so vulnerable, he hadn't had time to disarm him!

However, the spy here just wanted to hang up, his eyes glared suddenly.

I saw a young figure walking out from the collapsed gate of Xin's house.

Lin Tian appeared unharmed, and everyone who was concerned was stunned.

"He... is he okay?"

"What's the matter with Xin's family? Is it possible that Xin's family is over?"

"Impossible! So many powerhouses were killed by him in just a few minutes?"

Everyone was talking secretly, and many spies from the forces could not help but call back.

The Murong family and the people sent by the Meng family had already exclaimed, once again reporting the sudden change.

"This person is too evil! Where is the martial arts master?"

In the hall of the Meng family, Meng Xiujun took a deep breath and sighed.

"This is extraordinary, it seems that you can't handle it! Even the existence of the ninth layer of Qi refining is difficult to deal with!"

In the hall of the Meng family, one of the cultivators during the foundation-building phase of the Saint Gu Sect had a solemn expression and solemnly said to Meng Xiujun: "Now call Murongtai and the others here, otherwise, they may all be dead!"

The old man who speaks is called Ugubo, one of the deacons of Saint Gu Sect!

The other old man, who is also a Saint Gu cultivator, also has the cultivation base of the foundation building!

"Predecessor, I will do it right away!"

Meng Xiuyun gave a respectful salute and quickly contacted Murong Tai to bring someone over.


Do not let go of the family members.

Lin Tian naturally did not know the movements of several families.

He just wanted to rescue Chang Ying and others, and then destroy these families.

Then, the Holy Gu Cult Holy Master was picked out!

As for those who fled, he could find it, at least the Hengling Gang, Xuanyuan Mountain, and Qinglonghui were not vegetarians.

Besides, he is a middle-level member of the National Security Bureau, and he is also a small leader.

There are definitely many ways to find someone.

Leaving the Ning's house, Lin Tian went to Murong's house according to the address.


The Murong family didn't see it, but they encountered Ning Beihan, who was injured and there were still blood stains on the corner of his mouth.

But there is no fatal danger, and it seems that the opponent's men are merciful.

"Mr. Lin, are you really back? Why are you so impulsive, leave here as soon as possible! Fortunately, all the Murong family members have gathered in the Meng family, otherwise you are in danger!"

Seeing Lin Tian appearing, Ning Beihan was shocked, and then stepped forward with an anxious look, and persuaded: "Several big clans have gathered a lot of powerful people, including those of the Saint Gu sect! You should be a martial artist. Have you become a foundation-building cultivator? But, with your strength, when you encounter a cultivator of the Holy Gu sect, you hit the stone with a pebble!"

"How did you get hurt?"

Seeing Ning Beihan here, Lin Tian was a little surprised, especially when he saw that the other party was actually injured, and asked immediately.

"Isn't this for your friends? It's a pity that the Meng family has foundation-building cultivators. I am not an opponent at all and I was driven out!"

Ning Beihan's pretty face darkened slightly, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I can't help you!"

"Thank you! You have done your best! I will help you heal your injury!"

Lin Tian was very grateful for Ning Beihan's actions, and shook his head and said, "As for the rest, I will solve it. The Xin family has been destroyed, and the Murong family, the Meng family and the affiliated families will come down!"

"Ah... you killed the Xin family?"

Ning Beihan opened his mouth slightly, and said in amazement.

Lin Tian nodded lightly, and then began to treat Ning Beihan.

"May I go with you?"

When Lin Tiansheng stopped, Ning Beihan looked up and said as he recovered from his injury.

Lin Tian was stunned, then nodded.

Zhou Yadong left by himself, and Chang Ying and others were left.

Lin Tian walked into Murong's house and circled around, destroying all the villas, and then took Ning Beihan to visit the small families attached to Murong's and Meng's.

Those families all had strong men sitting in their hands, but unfortunately none of them could resist Lin Tian's punch.

These families thought that the Meng family and Murong family would be able to clean up Lin Tian, ​​but they were basically not prepared to escape.

Blink of an eye.

Several small families shed blood.

Lin Tian didn't have any tenderness at all.

Liu Yuancheng shook!

Many forces were shocked, and they really saw Lin Tian's cruelty.

After cleaning up a few small families, Lin Tian and Ning Beihan went directly to the Meng family.


But a loud noise like a landslide exploded in front of the Mengjia Villa Villa, and the entire wall of the Villa collapsed.

Inside the Meng family, densely packed powerhouses rushed out, one by one with amazing breaths.

Here, many powerful Saint Gu sects gathered, including the two foundation-building monks!

"Thief, you are looking for death!"

Meng Xiujun rushed out with hundreds of Ren, pointed at Lin Tian and shouted.

Lin Tian stood with his hands on his hands, looked straight, and said coldly: "Let my friends out, don't wait for me to let your Meng family be destroyed here!"

"So courageous!"

Hearing the threatening words, Meng Xiujun gritted his teeth and shouted: "You kill my son, this hatred will not end, you dare to be rampant!"

But at this moment, as soon as Meng Xiujun's words fell, Lin Tian's phone rang. He took out a look, but it showed that Huang Jun was calling.

When the phone was connected, Yu Liangshan, a former member of the Hengling Gang, said: "Is... Senior Lin? Shao Huang is dead!"


Lin Tian's expression changed, and he asked.

"It's Huang Jun! Young Master Huang Jun is dead! The Hengling Gang is controlled by those terrible people, and Chu Tianxiong has also rebelled... I... I secretly put away Huang Shao's phone, and now I find a chance to call you. The past..."

Yu Liangshan's voice trembled, trembling in shock, and looked very scared.

Lin Tian fell silent.

For a long while.

He hung up the phone, and the murderous intent on his body suddenly burst. He suddenly turned his head to look at Meng Xiuyun and the others, and said coldly: "Since you are looking for death, then I will kill you all upside down! Including the Saint Master of Saint Gu Sect and others, Even if Liu Yuancheng is to be overthrown, I will find them one by one! Swear to kill!"


Lin Tian stepped on, relying entirely on a tyrannical physique, an instant eruption, and the whole person swept out like a cannonball.

"The thief is arrogant! Want to kill my Lord Lord? It's so stupid!"

Wu Gubo stepped on his feet, swept all over, and shouted.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, several disciples of Saint Gu teaching with nine levels of Qi refining behind him rushed out.

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