The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 851: Fairies kneel, I don’t kneel (fourth!)

What Lin Tian played against the two was chaos!

Chaos Soul, controllable and attackable!

Now, the two of them are attacked by the spirit of chaos, and the pain is comparable to being drawn to the soul.

The screams came out from the mouths of Wu Gubo and Yang Zimao, and rushed into the sky, sounding very dumb.

However, Lin Tian stood there as usual, unheard of.

He looked up at Huang Jun's corpse, and the anger on his body became more intense.

"I will take the head of the Saint Gu Cult and put it in front of your tomb!"

Lin Tian whispered awe-inspiringly, taking off Huang Jun's corpse in an ups and downs.

Then with a wave of his hand, San Mai Zhen burned Huang Jun's body with a buzzing sound, turning it into a pile of ashes.

Before waiting for the ashes in the air to fall, Lin Tian tentatively took a copy, and the true energy swept out, wrapped the ashes, and then put them in the storage bag.

"In a big tone, I dared to say such crazy words!"


A soft drink came from the teahouse.


A man in white with heavy makeup and a group of people stepped out.

This man is really Gu Jianchen.

"You just said that you want to use the head of my Master Saint Master to pay homage to Huang Jun? I think you are living impatiently!"

Gu Jianchen squeezed Lanhua's fingers, glared at Lin Tian, ​​and shouted: "With just a few words from you, this holy envoy can make you better than death!"

Lin Tian glanced at the man and woman, then looked around again.

Behind Gu Jianchen, the follower Chu Tianxiong and others, Chu Tianxiong's eyes flickered and his face was a little scared.

In the crowd, Lin Tian noticed Yu Liangshan and looked a little worried.

Before telling him that Huang Jun was dead, it was Yu Liangshan's call.

In the end, Lin Tian's eyes fell on Gu Jianchen again, this man and woman is very strong, with a false alchemy cultivation base.

"Birth is better than death? You'll be able to taste something that is neither male nor female soon!"

Lin Tian looked at Gu Jianchen coldly, and said coldly: "Just like them..."

"What did you do to them?"

Gu Jianchen looked at Wu Gubo and Yang Zimao who were wailing frantically on the ground with a serious expression.

He couldn't see what was going on between them!

He couldn't even see the depth of Lin Tian, ​​and he couldn't help but start to panic.

"Small means! They will scream like this one day and night, and then..."

Lin Tian said coldly: "Then, with a bang, it bursts apart, and the soul is scattered! And you will receive this kind of treatment!"

Gu Jianchen calmly fell silent.

But at the same time, his fingertips whispered a breath silently, drifting into the air, and spreading towards Lin Tian.

"Chu Tianxiong!"

Lin Tian suddenly turned his head to look at Chu Tianxiong, and sternly shouted: "The one who brought you, kill him, otherwise you will die!"

Now, Lin Tian just wanted to see the attitude of Hengling to help everyone!

He wanted to see how many people betrayed Huang Jun!

"Shao Lin...we...we are all forced, we don't want to, but this person is too powerful!"

At this time, Yu Liangshan in the crowd walked out with dozens of people, and came to Lin Tian in a trembling shock, and said with a sad face, "The brothers below don't know that Huang Shao is dead... We... none of us The way!"

In addition to Yu Liangshan, there are also Lu Hong and Jin Gaopeng who Lin Tianji once had.

"Shao Lin, we...we can't beat them!"

Jin Gaopeng cried and said to Lin Tian, ​​his expression full of anxiety and fear.

But, even so, they finally chose to stand on Lin Tian's side.

Seeing this, Lin Tian nodded slightly, his gaze fell on Chu Tianxiong, and sneered: "Chu Tianxiong, you are so good!"


Chu Tianxiong panicked, looked at Gu Jianchen next to him, and then at Lin Tian. He was extremely panicked and disturbed, and struggled.

Obviously, he still doesn't know which side to stand on.

One carelessness, it depends on the death!

However, at this time, Gu Jianchen's mouth suddenly twitched, revealing a sneer, and said coldly: "He has been poisoned by my'Fairy Kneeling'. Once the zhenqi is running, the meridians will be broken!"

With that said, Gu Jianchen looked at Chu Tianxiong and squinted: "You are very good, at least you are still thinking about it, instead of standing in line immediately!"

"Ah... he was poisoned? What if that fairy kneeling doesn't work?"

Chu Tianxiong's face was uplifted, but he still said nervously.

"You're really a typical wall grass! But it doesn't matter, you have to run errands in the future!"

Gu Jianchen sneered, and said with disdain: "I've hit the'fairy man kneeling', let alone him, even the Golden Core cultivator has to be caught!"

Hearing this, Chu Tianxiong's face was overjoyed.

This time, his expression became more determined, and he consciously stood on the right team!

But Yu Liangshan and others' faces changed drastically.

"The fairy kneels?"

Lin Tian's brows condensed, and he felt a little, and as expected, he noticed a vague breath entering his body.

"You Saint Gu Sect, playing poison, really has a trick!"

Raising his head, Lin Tian looked at Gu Jianchen and exclaimed in admiration.

This so-called "fairy kneeling" was powerful enough, and now Lin Tian just turned his qi a little, and he rushed to the sting.

However, as the body turned around, those poisons retreated like snakes and scorpions, and were swept away by the true energy.

That poison has no effect on him at all!

"Hmph, against my Saint Gu teaching, it never ends well!"

Gu Jianchen saw Lin Tian's reaction, thought it was a poisonous attack, and suddenly sneered.

With that said, Gu Jianchen shouted to Chu Tianxiong: "He has been poisoned, take him down for me!"

When Chu Tianxiong heard the words, his face was ecstatic, and he took the lead to rush over.

This is a good opportunity to make great contributions!

"I haven't finished speaking yet..."

But at this time, Lin Tian shook his head and said coldly: "You medicine, maybe the fairy can kneel, but... if I want Lin Tian to kneel, you take it for granted!"


With a roar, Lin Tian's true energy was like a rainbow, and the terrifying coercion swept away.

Yu Liangshan and the others who stood by their faces showed horror, and they all crawled to the side.

"Brother Jindan!"

Gu Jianchen was horrified on his face, then turned around and fled.

And Chu Tianxiong, who had just rushed out halfway, was frightened to death in the face of such pressure.

However, Lin Tian swiftly swept, with a muffled bang, he shot it out with a palm, and Chu Tianxiong's whole body burst directly into a cloud of blood.

Such a scene frightened everyone.

The other Saint Gu monks who ran away one step behind Gu Jianchen screamed and dispersed!


Lin Tian let out a cold shout, the infuriating energy on his palm was condensed, and then he pressed towards the void, as if the terrifying energy was condensed by him, making a roar.



There was a piercing sound, and in the air, the blades of true Qi rushed away like rain.

Puff puff puff puff ~

In a blink of an eye, those Saint Gu cultivators were penetrated, and blood holes appeared on their bodies densely.

"Oh my God..."

Yu Liangshan and others watched this scene, screaming again and again.

"Clean up here! As for the two screaming people, let them enjoy it slowly!"

Lin Tian turned around and exhorted Yu Liangshan and the others, and then flew in the air, chasing after Gu Jianchen who had fled.

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