The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 861: Fist with wind (second more)

Not qualified to fight?

Lost value?


Seeing that Xiao Changkong was about to make a move, everyone was already looking forward to it.

Xiao Changkong, the pride of Liu Yuancheng, the arrogant of Yelang's cultivation domain, the object of worship and the goal of countless younger generations.

Probably, countless people could not reach the height of Xiao Changkong in their entire life.

With such existence, no one in the same generation has the courage to fight against Xiao Changkong!

Even, it can be said that there is no qualification to fight with it.

But now, Xiao Changkong has been said by others that he is not qualified to act with him!

This made everyone think that they had heard it wrong.

"Sure enough, this person is still extremely arrogant! That's Xiao Changkong!"

Yu Yushi stared at her beautiful eyes, looking at Lin Tian like an idiot. It seemed that Xiao Changkong was on her side. She consciously found the superiority she should have, and said with a sneer: "He may not even know how Xiao Changkong exists, or I have never heard of it at all! It is said that Senior Brother Xiao Changkong directly hit the top ten list of geniuses on the side of Sword Saint Mountain! Although he was ranked tenth, he suppressed the countless geniuses of Sword Saint Mountain out of breath... ...Now he actually despises Xiao Changkong so much..."

For Yu Yushi's words, Luo Anteng, Yu Jinhe and the people of the Ning family could not help but nod their heads in agreement.

They all felt that Lin Tian had pretended to be too much.

Although Xiao Changkong is only in the early stage of foundation building, his true strength is difficult to resist even in the middle stage of foundation building.


Yan Yanxin was also shocked. Although Lin Tian defeated and killed Zhuge Jing, she became even more anxious at this moment, because it was Xiao Changkong who was going to shoot.

She shouted desperately: "Lin Bei, don't fight against my cousin, you don't understand how powerful he is..."

When the words fell, Yan Yanxin almost rushed out to stop it.

However, they were all taken seriously by her parents.


Because of Lin Tian's words, Xiao Changkong's expression was also stagnant, astonished on the spot.


After a long while, Xiao Changkong laughed wildly up to the sky, and after a while stopped the laughter, he looked at Lin Tian again, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and sneered: "You know, you are the most courageous person I have ever met! Don't say so! In the realm of Yelang Cultivation, even in the Sword Saint Mountain, it is no more than one slap to dare to say such arrogant words to me Xiao Changkong! Even the Sword Saint Mountain Ye Family genius Ye Qianli, not with Ben Shao Speak such wild words! Remind you again, Ben Shao's name is Xiao-Chang-Kong!"

Ye Qianli?

Isn't it the guy who was shot flying by me on the Thousand Mountains Wild God Sect?

Lin Tian looked at Xiao Changkong in amazement, secretly surprised.

"Why, recognizing Ben Shao, are you afraid?"

Seeing the reaction on Lin Tian's face, Xiao Changkong couldn't help but smiled coldly: "Now, kneel down!"

"Xiao Changkong? What do you think you are? When Ye Qianli was in front of me, it was only his life that was slapped and flew away. In the end, he fled like a bereaved dog!"

Lin Tian's face was suddenly cold, and his voice followed up, shouting: "If you like to kneel, I can fulfill you! Otherwise, go away!"

"Good, good... crazy enough!"

Xiao Changkong was irritated by Lin Tian's words and laughed, and shouted: "You understand, your words are already a capital crime! If Ye Qianli is here, I think you will die thousands of times! You! If you want to pretend, you don’t have to use Ye Qianli to pretend! But, he is not here, this young man will make you scared today, make you panic, make you kneel down and beg for mercy!


this moment.

Xiao Changkong was completely angry.

He stepped forward, a horrible infuriating spirit swept around, and many of Fengmingshan's disciples could not help but stagger back for a certain distance.

Xiao Changkong's real cultivation level was only in the initial stage of foundation construction.

However, his true spirit was as strong as a monk in the middle of the foundation building, and his power was terrifying.

"Although not as good as that Ye Qianli, but still a little bit of strength!"

Lin Tian's eyes lit up slightly, and he was surprised in secret, but then shook his head again, "It's just a pity, this so-called Tianjiao, compared with what I saw in the previous life, it's too far away..."

Opposite Xiao Changkong, who had condensed his aura to the top, was even more furious when he saw Lin Tian standing there still okay, shaking his head.

"Kneel down!"

After taking a few steps, Xiao Changkong came to Lin Tian in an instant. With his majestic and infuriating palm, he directly slapped Lin Tian roughly.

Now Xiao Changkong is filled with anger. He wants to suppress the arrogant idiot in front of him and kneel down with a palm to soothe his anger.


Lin Tian's expression remained as usual, standing there calmly, looking directly at Xiao Changkong's big palm tearing the air.

"Is he scared stupid?"

"I didn't hide, it seemed that I knew I was invincible, so I gave up!"

"Sure enough, I am an arrogant idiot, wait and die!"

When everyone saw Lin Tian motionless, they couldn't help being stunned.

Yan Yan's heart was anxious, his eyes flushed, and he roared: "Lin Bei, you hurry to hide!"

However, Lin Tian turned a deaf ear.

"Huh, are you stupid? It's too late to regret now!"

The horror palm was about to fall, Xiao Changkong couldn't help sneering when he saw Lin Tian still standing there.

But at this moment, Lin Tian carried his back with one hand, and patted it lightly from the bottom up with one hand. There was no wave of infuriating energy on his body and palm, and he directly met Xiao Changkong's infuriating palm.

"Dare to resist! Ben Shao abandons your hand and makes you kneel down again!"

Xiao Changkong disdain to drink coldly, his palm instantly burst with light, and he hit hard.

Many people present couldn't help but close their eyes.

In their opinion, Lin Tian was immortal and maimed if Xiao Changkong's palm fell!


An astonishing muffled sound shook, and at this moment many people opened their eyes again.

It just so happened that they all saw Xiao Changkong take the lead to step back a few steps, his face was pale and his expression was horrified.

Look at the opposite.

Lin Tian shook his body slightly, then took a half step back.

"Oh my god... how is this possible?"

Everyone was stunned.

With such a terrifying blow by Xiao Changkong, the opponent just greeted him with a palm lightly, and even let Xiao Changkong fall into the wind!


Stabilizing his body, Xiao Changkong suddenly raised his head with an unbelievable look. He stared at Lin Tian and shouted: "You don't have the slightest fluctuation of innocent energy in your body, how can you withstand this blow from me? Are you professional, professional? Cultivated your physique? Otherwise, without the blessing of True Qi, how could your body be so scary!"

"What do you think?"

Lin Tian glanced at Xiao Changkong faintly, then slightly nodded: "However, your strength is barely okay. At least you can attack with all your strength to make me take a step back! Of course, maybe you still have more powerful methods that you haven't used!"


By this, Xiao Changkong almost vomited blood on the spot.

Others were also extremely depressed.

But their gazes at Lin Tian changed again at this time.

"Boy, you're crazy! I think you can take care of yourself for a while!"

Xiao Changkong became angry from embarrassment. He rushed out a short distance in the air and shouted: "Tianyang Fist! Kill!"

Suddenly, Xiao Changkong's fist burst out like a blazing sun, and he rushed toward Lin Tian.


Watching Xiao Changkong volley to kill, Lin Tian raised his head slightly, raised his hand with one hand, his five fingers clenched into a fist, spit out three words softly, and then he pressed his fist against the void.


Suddenly, an invisible breath of terror swept across the surrounding air.

Above, the clouds and wind in the night followed surging.

And everyone felt the ground under their feet swayed in an instant.

"What's the matter, is it an earthquake?"

In an instant, everyone exclaimed.

At the same time, there were fist marks on Lin Tian's fist, like the power of a mysterious law, causing the void to twist.

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