The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 863: Kill the world faint (fourth more)

Under Broken Bridge Ridge, all the people standing below fell silent.

They looked at the peerless young man standing volley in the air, all kinds of complex expressions filled their faces.

Many people fell to the ground, some were shocked by terrorist coercion, and some were frightened.

They can only express their feelings at this time with the shock and fear on their faces.

The others were shocked and frightened, but Chen Haotian, Xiao Changkong and others were almost gone with fright.

"Just now... if it weren't for the Holy Lord Hong Qi's blockade, now, all I have left is a corpse lying across the barren mountain!"

Chen Haotian shuddered suddenly, clenched his fists fiercely, and trembled with air-conditioning, his face looked scared.

"Uncle Chen, by now I finally understand what it means that there are people outside the sky!"

Xiao Changkong leaned on a rock. He looked at Lin Tian's back in the air, his face was full of frustration. He turned around and smiled bitterly at Chen Haotian: "What he said is correct, I am not qualified to fight him at all! Even Ye Qianli didn't! Maybe Ye Qianli was crushed by him, and his embarrassment may not be much better! I...I was not wronged!"

After hearing this, Chen Haotian's expression was complicated, and he could only pat Xiao Changkong's shoulder slightly to show comfort.

But in the end he couldn't help shaking his head and let out a long sigh.

"Who the **** is he! It is really enchanting to step into the golden core at such an age!"

Hei Xiaobai, Yungu and the others looked up at the sky and couldn't help but wonder.

"Fortunately, we didn't make a move! This is the Golden Core cultivator, no matter how many of us join forces, it will not be an opponent..."

At the same time, several people were secretly afraid.

"I don't know if Lord Lord can kill this person!"

At this time, Yungu was a little worried.

Their cultivation bases weren't enough, and they couldn't tell whether the cultivation bases of Hong Qi and Lin Tian were strong or weak.

The terrible coercion swept together, and it was impossible to judge clearly.

"Elder Weng, what exactly is Senior Lin's cultivation base?"

Wu Dongbin and others already knew about Lin Tian's strength, so they were not surprised, and instead Wu Dongbin asked Weng Xiyun.

Zhou Zhenjun and the others on the side couldn't help but set their ears.

"I can't see it either!"

Regarding Lin Tian as a golden core monk, even if Weng Xiyun heard Wu Dongbin mention it before, she was shocked to see Lin Tian showing a terrifying aura with her own eyes. Especially, she finally realized that she could not see this. The specific cultivation base of the young golden core monk couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Such a wicked evildoer, even on Zhongzhou's side, is unheard of! In Zhongzhou, the so-called Tianjiao is eclipsed in front of him!"

Upon hearing this, many people's faces were moved with horror, and finally fell silent again.

In mid-air.

Hong Qi watched Lin Tian, ​​who was stepping on the void and standing opposite, his face became more solemn.

Lin Tian gave a strange feeling.

It seems that the young man in front of him is not in the Golden Core period, but in the foundation building period!

However, the terrifying coercion on his body is real, just like him, only the mid-level golden core supreme will have!

"This fellow Taoist, we have met, still have enemies?"

Hong Qi stared at Lin Tian, ​​frowning and asked: "If you swear to fight my Saint Gu Sect, even if you are seriously injured, this seat will kill you! It is not easy to miss you with such an enchanting talent, this seat. I advise you, don't make mistakes!"

"Have a grudge? Originally there was no! It is a pity that the elders of Saint Gu sect robbed me of the blood of Jiuchen, oh, that is the blood of your mouth! Also, in Fang City, your people of Saint Gu sect arrested me My friend...well, maybe you don’t know that your Saint Gu Sect's mountain gate has long been destroyed. Your Saint Gu Sect guardian ancestor was also killed by me!"

Lin Tian looked indifferent, and looked at Hong Qi coldly, with an extremely cold voice, "Now, your Saint Gu sect people are instigating Liu Yuancheng's big families to slay my friends behind their backs, and my friends will die. This is an endless death. Enmity! Now, only take your head to pay tribute to his spirit in heaven!"


Saint Gu Sect is destroyed?

The people below heard Lin Tian's words, and they all burst into an uproar.

"I admit that you are very powerful, but you can break into my Saint Gu sect alone and get out of your body. Do you think it's possible? It's just the killing formation in the hall, plus the guardian ancestors, do you dare to go?"

Hong Qi naturally didn't believe it, but his face grew gloomy, and he coldly shouted: "It turns out that you are the one who took the blood of the gods! Very good, you brought it to the door by yourself, and I just took it away!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a loud shout suddenly came from below.

"It's not good, it's not good... Shengjiao was... killed by someone, all dead, all dead... The guardian ancestor was also missing! And the Wu Deacon in Liu Yuancheng, they also died... "

A figure ran from the other side of the mountain, astonishingly the disciple Hei Xiaobai had rushed back to Saint Gu Sect in Meng's house.


The expressions of Hei Xiaobai and others changed drastically, their eyes widened.

"You ruined my holy religion!"

Hong Qi also couldn't believe it. After a while, his murderous eyes fell on Lin Tian again and shouted: "Tonight, I will sacrifice your head to my ancestor and disciples!"

"I mean it too!"

Lin Tian's expression was also extremely solemn, and the breath on his body was released.

Hong Qi in front of him is the most powerful opponent he has encountered since his rebirth.

Even if he has his own cards now, he is confident that he can obliterate them.

But before he understood the other party's specific methods, he dared not be careless and had to treat it seriously.


At this moment, Hong Qi was full of infuriating energy, already entering the majestic waves, swept up, straight into the sky, bursts of black fog billowing countless wind and clouds.

"Poison Dragon Fist, kill!"

Hong Qi suddenly drank, and slammed into the air. The dark green innocence was like a wave, and his five fingers formed a fist, blasting out of the void, carrying a few meters of innocent light, and blasted towards Lin Tian.

"Tongtian Fist!"

Lin Tian gave a secret cry, his true energy rushed around behind him, and then he blasted out with a punch. All the true energy gathered in a sudden crash, forming a mighty glow of true energy in front, with strange fist marks inside. Rushed out.


The two fists collided like a meteorite hitting the earth, blasting the void into a blast, and many trees in the mountains below were broken and broken by the afterwave.

Fortunately, the two of them are some distance away from the people below, otherwise there will be a lot of death and injury.

But that's the case, the people standing below were also shocked, their faces shocked.

Is this the fierce battle between the golden core monks?

It's the end of the world!

Many people were shocked in the dark and their scalp numb.

But as the infuriating energy exploded, Lin Tian and Hong Qi in the air flew back one after another.

"You are very strong, but you are the head, I have picked it!"

Although Lin Tian was a little surprised by Hong Qi's strength, he still expected that Weng Xiyun was not an opponent, and the hole cards he possessed were definitely not the case. He snorted coldly, "Take a step!"

As the loud shout fell, Lin Tian stepped on his feet, and his whole body flew up high into the sky like a cannonball.

At the same time, his five fingers snapped towards the void, and there was a loud hum, as if the entire void was held in his hand.

"Take the sky! Get out!"

Lin Tian burst out suddenly, his tongue bursting with thunder, his fist carrying dozens of meters of mighty infuriating energy cut through the void, and slammed Hong Qi fiercely.

Hong Qi's eyes shrank, and the spirit burst between his eyes, and he stepped on his feet. As soon as his palms fisted, there were faintly looming skulls and skulls. At the same time, he rushed to meet Lin Tian's attack. .

"Potian Fist, open it!"


The two immediately collided together like a cannonball.

For a time, it was so dark.

Many of the people watching below began to tremble non-stop.

"This...this is simply a fight between the gods!"

Someone gasped deeply, exclaimed, and there was endless fear in the words.

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