The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 866: Famous earthquake southwest (third shift)

Seal the spirit!

Accompanied by the appearance of the Nine Turns Chaos, it belongs to the supreme secret technique attached to the Nine Turns Three Life Sutra!

Lin Tian had roughly judged before that this technique had at least reached the level of divine art.

The starting point of spiritual consciousness required for cultivation is not high.

However, it is definitely not low!

The reason why Lin Tian was able to cultivate and master smoothly was because he had cultivated the Nine Revolving Three Lives Art.

It is unimaginable that the divine consciousness required to perform this technique is huge.

At the moment when the Spirit Sealing Technique was displayed, Lin Tian felt that his head was completely empty, and his eyes were blurred, and he almost fell from mid-air.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and stabilized his body.


Hong Qi, who was less than half a foot away, stood still in the air.

He stared at Lin Tian, ​​his face was full of horror.

At this moment.

Hong Qi felt that his whole person was bound by the sky and the earth.

"What demon method did you use against me?"

At this moment, Hong Qi was so frightened that he didn't fly, and his fear was extreme.

Just because.

He at this time.

I can only see, I can only think, I can only say!

Others, from the blood of the bones to the consciousness of the mind, the true energy of the body, etc., seemed to be frozen by the seal, and could not move at all.

Under this.

The Bone Soul Possession Mask around him also slowly faded and disappeared.

"Without your tortoise shell, I see how hard you can be!"

Lin Tian shouted coldly, holding the demon Ru Xiaotian in his hand, and slashed at Hong Qi's throat.

He dared not hesitate any longer, for fear of accidents.

after all.

Now he is quite weak.

If another Golden Core cultivator appeared, he would only have to escape in embarrassment.

"Ah, no……"

Hong Qi screamed in horror, but he could only maintain the posture of a punch and couldn't move. He could only watch Lin Tian's sword cut across his neck with a look of horror.


The huge head rose into the sky.

Lin Tian probed with one hand, and wrapped the head in his hands with true energy.


He slapped Hong Qi's body in the air, and then grabbed it in the air, grabbing a pale green gold core, and putting it in the storage bag.

That is the golden core in Hong Qi's body.

The golden core of the monk contains the essence of the cultivation of the golden core monk, and it is no different from the demon core of the beast.

Therefore, the golden core is also a treasure that can be used for cultivation.


Under normal circumstances, ordinary monks would not kill Golden Core monks for the sake of cultivation, and it is difficult to kill them at the same level.

And if it comes to Yuan Ying, the energy in the golden core is too little for the Yuan Ying monk, and no one wants to risk the danger of hurting the sky and increasing breakthroughs and tribulations.

Only those extremely vicious demonic cultivators would often drive out the actions of killing people and stealing treasures or even gold cores.

But now that he killed Hong Qi, Lin Tian would naturally not waste it, he didn't care about the right way of magic.

Between the fairy and the devil, it was just a thought.

Good people and bad people are just in a blink of an eye.

And maintaining the kind thoughts that should be there, and following the original heart, is the right way!

The Miao Jiang that Hong Qi had cultivated seemed to be an evil way, but good and evil depend on people.

The method of warfare itself has no good or evil, but depends on the person using it.

Hong Qi's previous actions are not much different from the evil spirits, and they are even more of a death feud with him.

Lin Tian swallowed his golden pill without the slightest psychological burden.

In addition to Jin Dan, Lin Tian also found a skull jar on Hong Qi's body, without any damage.

In surprise, he put it away, and then dragged Hong Qi's head with infuriating energy, walked down the void with a calm face, and stood under Broken Bridge Ridge.

Under Broken Bridge Ridge, as Lin Tian beheaded Hong Qi, everyone was stunned.

Just because the scene just now was too weird.

Originally, Lin Tian was about to be beaten by Hong Qi, and he was likely to die.

But in a blink of an eye, Hong Qi stayed there and was directly beheaded by Lin Tian with one sword.

No one understands what is going on!

And when Lin Tian landed, Weng Xiyun over there stood up first and bowed, with a grateful expression on her face: "Friends of the North Daoist Lin are so powerful, the little girl worships! At the same time, I would like to thank the fellow Daoists for taking action, otherwise they will die Hugh!"

"I have seen Senior Jin Dan!"

Others, Zhou Zhenjun and others took the lead in speaking. Others, including Feiyunju, Fengmingshan, Ningjia and Yanjia, also worshipped one after another.

Especially Feiyunju and Fengmingshan, as well as the people of the two families, all trembled and frightened.

Lin Tian turned his head, nodded slightly to Weng Xiyun, and said hello.

"Friend Lin, dare to ask, what is your actual age?"

Weng Xiyun hesitated, and finally couldn't help asking.

Others put their ears up and looked at them.

"If your eyes are okay, my age will be as you see now!"

Lin Tian did not respond positively, and instead said indifferently.


In an instant, there was only a sound of air-conditioning.

Young supreme!

"Friend Dao Weng, do you have a good jade bottle or jar?"

Lin Tian glanced at Broken Bridge Ridge, then turned to Weng Xiyun and asked.

Weng Xiyun's face was stunned, but without asking why, she took out a jade-white jar from her backhand and threw it towards Lin Tian.

"Thank you!"

Lin Tian thanked him, then with a wave of his hand, he took out Huang Jun's ashes from the storage bag and put it in.


Suddenly, Lin Tian slashed with a flying sword in his hand, and cut a large pit several meters deep on Broken Bridge Ridge, and soon threw the jar down.

"Sorry, I'm late..."

Lin Tian sighed, his face was a little lonely, and with a wave of his hand, the earth filled the sky and filled the pit in a blink of an eye.

After that, Lin Tian used Feijian to cut another stone tablet and stood there.

He was silent for a long while, then started his hand and directly used his finger as a pen to inscribe four simple characters on the stone tablet-Huang Jun's Tomb!

When he came down, Lin Tian held Hong Qi's head and placed it in front of Huang Jun's grave.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were stagnant, and all fell silent.

However, more people are terrified!


Hei Xiaobai and the others reacted at this moment and turned around to flee.

Puff puff puff puff ~

But a sword light swept out of the sky, and in a blink of an eye they took the heads of several people into the air.

Lin Tian took a look at the hands of Zhen Qi, grabbed all of them, and placed them in front of Huang Jun's grave.

"The sacred gu religion is destroyed, the big families of Liu Yuancheng are destroyed, and the heads of Hong Qi and others are taken off to sacrifice your spirit in the sky!"

Looking at Broken Bridge Ridge, Lin Tian said softly, then looked at Feiyunju, Fengmingshan, Ningjia, Yanjia and others, "Feiyunju, Fengmingshan, colluding with the sacred Gu sect and harming my friends If you die, you will stand guard for him all day and night. The Ning family and the Yan family, you are willing to teach the running dogs of Saint Gu and are not willing to stop the Murong family and others, kneel down and apologize to Huang Jun!"

"As for Luo Anteng and Yu Jinhe in Yelang Valley..."

Lin Tian's eyes fell on Luo Anteng and Yu Jinhe, and with a flick of his fingers, a blade of true energy penetrated Luo Anteng's throat, and Yu Jinhe broke an arm.

Yu Jinhe clutched his arms, gritted his teeth and dared not make a sound, falling to the ground and shaking all over.

"Thank you seniors for not killing!"

Yu Jinhe bowed down in shock.

Without a word, Lin Tian turned around and walked, disappearing into the vast mountains in a blink of an eye.

And overnight, news of the destruction of the Saint Gu Sect, the extermination of several top families in Liu Yuancheng, and the killing of the Saint Lord Hong Qi of the Saint Gu Sect, swept the entire Southwest and South Continent like a strong wind.

Many monks in the entire southern cultivation world are talking about a Jindan Supreme named Lin Bei!

When mentioning the name of Lin Bei, many people are in awe and awe!

"Lin Bei, Juvenile Supreme, is destined to rise in the realm of comprehension in the future! When the arrogances of Central Continent know that there is such a monster, what will it be?

Looking at the direction of Lin Tian's disappearance, Weng Xiyun sighed and muttered to herself.

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