The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 871: Reappearing Yushou

There are only nine people left in the clan village left by the Jiuchen clan. Lin Tian is also puzzled.

So weird, is it to coincide with the "nine" of Jiuchen?

As Lin Tian thought secretly, his spiritual consciousness spread out.

But what made Lin Tian's face suddenly changed was that his divine sense could only explore more than ten meters away.

"There should be a real Jiuchen Clan to cover the sky! Otherwise, it will be difficult to do it with the methods of these Jiuchen descendants! Even my spiritual sense can only cover a range of more than ten meters..."

Lin Tian looked up and looked around, secretly startled.

"It turns out that the predecessors know something too! The nine people are said to be descendants of a big tribe in ancient times. There is a strange phenomenon here, that is, there will be no more than nine people in Burial Village. Once someone is born, someone will die!"

Huangfucheng thought for a while, and then explained to Lin Tian in a low voice. He glanced at the figures of people in the square in the distance, and said: "Those are the younger generation of Feiyunju, Fengmingshan, Yelanggu, etc. The gathering here is to go directly to Dongzhou from here!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but nodded, and then said: "However, I want to go to Feiyunju first to see some of the medicines to disperse people. I need to get more soul-raising grass...that's the destiny grass!"

"Senior, I thought about this just now, don't worry. We will not leave until the day after tomorrow! And this time, we will lead the younger generation to Feiyunju in Dongzhou to take charge of the deacon. He will come tomorrow, and he can take you to fly. Just one trip to Yunju!"

Huangfu Chengbian led the way and explained respectfully.

"Well, don't have to stir up the crowd later!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly and said calmly.


The two walked to the square in front of Burial Village.

Said it is a square, in fact, it is a circle on a flat grass with a fence.

On both sides, there are two rows of simple wooden sheds.

At the moment, here.

There are twenty or thirty young girls gathered together.

Almost all of them were from 13 to 18 years old, and their cultivation bases were generally from the first to fourth and fifth qi refining levels, and they were quite talented.

These young girls should be the elites selected by the three major forces in the Yelang Valley Cultivation Domain who went to Dongzhou to participate in the martial arts.

among them.

Lin Tian saw Huangfu Junrong inside.

This girl didn't have a cultivation base, so she went to join in the fun.

When Huangfucheng and Lin Tian appeared, a group of teenagers couldn't help but look back.


They obviously didn't know Huangfu City, let alone Lin Tian, ​​they just glanced around and turned away.

On the contrary, Huangfu Junrong, seeing grandpa and Lin Tian appear, his pretty face was full of joy.

"Grandpa, Brother Lin Tian!"

The little girl trot over, very excited.

Seeing his granddaughter being so presumptuous, Huangfucheng's old face couldn't help but hesitated, but seeing Lin Tian's expression as usual, and thinking of Lin Tian's words just now, he suddenly said: "My name is Brother Lin Bei, not Lin Tian!"


Huangfu Junrong was taken aback, but immediately reacted, staring at his beautiful eyes, and wrinkled Qiong's nose in dissatisfaction: "So your real name is Lin Bei. Hmph, liar brother... you know you are bullying me!"

Lin Tian only smiled and ignored it.

His eyes fell on the three people in front of the lawn square, and his face could not help but freeze instantly.

Under a simple wooden shed, a shirtless man exposed a strong fitness board like cast steel.

His arm, the size of a normal person's leg, swung a huge hammer and thumped the iron sword in his hand.

This is a blacksmith!

On the threshold of a wooden house not far from the blacksmith's wooden shed, a man dressed in linen, with his tousled hair, holding a dry cigarette in his hand, was smoking and sitting there basking in the sun.


There was also a walking stick beside the man.

He is missing a leg and the other of his pants is empty.

He is a lame man!

And in front of the square lawn, stood an old woman with gray hair.

Her back buckled slightly.

The three people are all in the early stage of Jindan!

This shocked Lin Tian!

"That's the mad woman senior, and the old man doesn't know her name!"

Huangfucheng whispered to Lin Tian, ​​and then hurriedly stepped forward to see him.

"That little guy, is your other quota? Not bad, not bad!"

The old woman took a deep look at Lin Tian, ​​nodded with a kind smile, then raised her head to the young man present, and said sternly: "You should rest in the shed first these two days! Find your own place, regardless of wind and rain. , You are not allowed to leave! Anyone who leaves will be disqualified!"

After speaking, the old woman turned and walked into the wooden house.

The teenagers and girls present did not hesitate, and they found sheds one after another, sat down in their positions, and started to practice concentration one by one.

Lin Tian followed Huangfu Junrong to sit under a wooden shed.

He looked around Bugu Village with a trace of interest on his face.

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​have you been to Dongzhou?"

Sitting beside Lin Tian, ​​Huangfu Junrong looked very happy and asked in a low voice.

"Never been!"

Lin Tian glanced at the deepest part of the basin, then shook his head, and said to Huangfu Junrong: "Have you been there?"

"No! But my grandfather said that East Continent is very big, bigger than our South Continent!"

Huangfu Junrong’s beautiful eyes were bright, with yearning on his face, and he laughed and said: “The largest city in Dongzhou is called Donghai City, which is much larger than our Liuyuan City. This time we are going to Donghai City, hehe, you can see It’s a lot of fun...Finally, it’s said that there are geniuses over there. This time, we have to take a good look..."

Lin Tian quietly listened to Huangfu Junrong's twittering non-stop, smiling silently.

As time passed, dusk fell.

Maigu Village fell into silence.

The **** is no longer on the threshold.

The blacksmith stopped working long ago, and the clamor for ironing has disappeared.

Lin Tian glanced at Huangfu Junrong who was asleep next to him. He stepped and left the shed quietly.

Walking towards the depths of Bone Burial Village, Lin Tian was like a black ghost, without making a sound.


A pool half the size of a basketball court appeared before his eyes.

The pool was very shallow, because Lin Tian actually saw a beautiful woman lying in it.

It's just that the woman has no life.

That was a dead man!

"Dead, there really are dead!"

Lin Tian was very surprised. After his divine sense probed, there was no trace of vitality in the woman, and he roughly judged that the woman had been dead for at least ten years.

However, the woman's body showed no signs of decay.

This is weird!

But Lin Tian just took a look, and his gaze immediately fell on the eight pillars by the pool.

Those eight pillars are all Jiuchen totem poles!

"There are so many Jiuchen blood in it, this time, it can help me break through the late foundation stage..."

Lin Tian's eyes were burning and his face was overjoyed.


Suddenly, water peanuts sounded in the pool, and a slender jade hand protruded like lightning, and directly buckled one of Lin Tian's legs. A terrifying force followed, dragging Lin Tian into the pool, and then Disappear.

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