The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 877: Fat man, I will treat you to buns

Fat Shi Xiaoshou stared at Lin Tian, ​​his face full of curiosity.

Even if he knows that the latter may come from a small background, but he has no fear or respect, it seems that he is talking to old acquaintances.

Shi Xiaoshou?

Lin Tian was shocked by the fat man's name.

He couldn't help but tilt his head slightly, looking at the fat man's bucket-like body, and he was silent for a while.

"My name is Lin Bei! I'm not a powerful young man!"

After Lin Tian hesitated a little, he reported Lin Bei's name. Since he was going to see Fuyao Sanren, he might meet Zhong Xiangdi, and he would be recognized at that time. He simply named this name, and at the same time it was very Curiously said: "But, who gave you the name of Shi Xiaoshou? It doesn't seem to match!"

"Lin Bei? Hey, how do you feel that you have heard of it! As for my name, hehe... my grandma took it when I was a child! She said she hoped that I would not be as fat as my dad when I grow up! Unfortunately, I am still fat! Nothing!"

Shi Xiaoshou touched his head a little awkwardly, and gestured to his body, feeling helpless, and then said: "By the way, what are you doing here? Are you looking for Grandpa Fuyao to apprentice? Or is there something wrong? Let’s go over together! Wait for me to refine the grass pill, okay?"

Shi Xiaoshou looked very excited with Lin Tian as his company.

"Forget it, I have something to do with Fuyao. But what pill you cultivate, let me see!"

Lin Tian walked into the vegetable garden, and Shi Xiaoshou came to the dilapidated pill furnace, his face was full of curiosity: "No wonder this smell is weird, it turns out that you use weeds to make alchemy! But can you make a pill like this?"

"Hey, isn't it that there are no herbs and can only be replaced by grass? Although it cannot be refined, it can be used as an exercise!"

Shi Xiaoshou's eyes brightened, and he spoke eloquently: "Now, I can initially refine the basic pills! When I learn more with Grandpa Fuyao, I will be able to refine the real pill. If I can refine a profound level pill, hehe..."

Speaking of this, Shi Xiaoshou with arms akimbo, he yearned and smiled excitedly: "At that time, I will be like Grandpa Fuyao. I will be welcomed by people from ten miles and eight villages, and I will be able to get many strong people. Respect! Humph, at that time, I want my grandma to live in the best house in the city, eat the best meals in the hotel in the city, and wear the most luxurious clothes in the city... At that time, who would dare to see Look down on me, Shi Xiaoshou!"

Lin Tian lowered his head slightly, his eyes fell on Shi Xiaoshou's patchwork clothes, and he couldn't help but sigh in secret.

"I believe you can do it!"

Nodded with a smile to Shi Xiaoshou, Lin Tian said: "You can refine it again, let me see how you refine it!"

"Lin Bei, do you know Dan Dao?"

Shi Xiaoshou smashed the sticky weeds in the old pill furnace, and then re-ignited the fire, and said to Lin Tian: "Now, fat man, if you give me a real elixir, hum, maybe I can condense the pill!"

"Understand a little!"

Lin Tian answered ambiguously.

"Really? Then look at my refining, if you can point me to one or two, teach me one or two tricks!"

Shi Xiaoshou's eyes were bright, with a hint of cunning and curiosity in his expression, he said: "Now I have all these techniques taught by Grandpa Fuyao, but I'm relatively stupid, so I understand the fur!"


Shi Xiaoshou, who made alchemy with weeds, spent a long time and finally opened the furnace.


There was only a lump of pale green liquid medicine, mixed with black color.

"Hey, that... I played so well today!"

Seeing the messy liquid, Shi Xiaoshou's face showed embarrassment, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Lin Tian nodded slightly with a noncommittal look on his face.

Shi Xiaoshou's alchemy technique is extremely backward and simple, and it is not much different from the technique he used when he saw Let me laugh alchemy in Dragon Dragon Valley.

It's just that, in comparison, this Shi Xiaoshou's method of alchemy is even simpler, and various details are full of errors!

"Your alchemy steps are correct, but the technique is too backward! Why should I call you an alchemy technique?"

Lin Tian thought for a while, and finally said, "I will only teach you once. If you can perform it perfectly, I can teach you better methods!"

After seeing Fatty's refining, Lin Tian could somewhat tell that Shi Xiaoshou still had some talent for alchemy.

It's just because of the limited conditions that many things can't be obtained at all, and the room for improvement has been curbed.

Lin Tian decided to let Shi Xiaoshou have a try. If he was really talented, he wouldn't mind teaching the other party some secrets!

For example, the simplified version of the Five Elements Emperor Pill!

If it were an ordinary person, Lin Tian would naturally not think of teaching, just because this fat man had the cultivation base of the first level of Qi refining!

This was also very surprised by Lin Tian.

Lin Tian taught Shi Xiaoshou the most common method of refining pills.

But to Lin Tian's shock, the fat man only saw him demonstrate it once, and he remembered his technique clearly.

This made Lin Tian couldn't help but look forward to it, and backhand took out some common herbs that had been in the storage bag before.

"Wow, do you bring herbs? This thing can be sold for a lot of money!"

Shi Xiaoshou looked at the herbal medicine in Lin Tian's hand, his eyes lit up with envy on his face.

"Well, since you have remembered what I taught just now, you can refine it with this herb!"

Lin Tian handed the herbal medicine to Shi Xiaoshou, "Let's start!"

"Ah... this is so valuable and used to practice for me? What a waste!"

Shi Xiaoshou's eyes were bright, staring at the herbal medicine scorchingly, and at the same time a little distressed.

Looking at Shi Xiaoshou's appearance, Lin Tian couldn't help being speechless, and urged: "Hurry up, just use it, I have a lot more here! If you can do it well, I can give you some!"


Shi Xiaoshou looked excited, immediately took the herbal medicine, and immediately moved his hand.

Lin Tian stood by and watched, silent.

But what surprised him was that in less than a quarter of an hour, the fat man had directly refined the pill.

An ordinary herbal pill, but its quality has reached the high-level basic pill.

"Wow... succeeded! My fat man has successfully condensed pill! Lin Bei, you fellow, the alchemy method you gave me is too powerful, even more amazing than Grandpa Fu Yao's!"

But Shi Xiaoshou already yelled excitedly.

Lin Tian was also shocked, secretly exclaiming the fat man's alchemy talent.

After thinking about it, he said, "I will give you another method. I will only say it once. It is up to you to remember it!"

"Okay, okay...Thank you!"

Shi Xiaoshou's eyes flashed green for a moment, his face was bright, his face was excited, and his fat body trembled.

Then, Lin Tian said the simplified version of the Five Elements Emperor Pill.

The reason why he helped this fat man was just because he saw him in his previous life from the other person, and saw that the other person made alchemy with weeds, and he was a little bit intolerant.

"Wow ha ha ha ha... Fatty, I remember! Do you think I'm smart?"

Shi Xiaoshou listened to Lin Tian and stood there for a while, then his eyes lit up, he burst into laughter, and patted Hungarian mouth and said: "Lin Bei, to thank you, Fatty, I make an exception this morning, please You eat buns! You know, I only want to eat buns every month!"

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