The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 881: Dan Yin Cheng Lei

In the Feiyun Danfang in the chaotic city, Zhou Chencheng had already begun to make alchemy.

As a genius of alchemy in Feiyunju, Zhou Chencheng is definitely not a vain name.

He started to make alchemy, the technique was extremely fast, and his movements were fluent and flowing, and there was almost no sense of stagnation.

this moment.

What Zhou Chencheng did fell into the eyes of the people around him. It seemed that he was not making alchemy, but drawing a picture, elegant and beautiful.

"It really deserves to be Young Master Zhou, we are the first genius in Feiyun City to make alchemy. We really deserve a reputation!"

"Yeah, at this level of alchemy, besides Senior Fuyao in Feiyunju, who else can compete with?"

"That's natural. In the realm of Yelang cultivation, when it comes to alchemy, even if it is Yelang Valley compared to our Feiyunju, it is still to bow down! The disciples of the other two sects also admire Zhou Gongzi!"

"That is, now this trash fat guy dares to provoke Young Master Zhou, he is seeking his own death!"


Many people onlookers couldn't help but talk, or admired Zhou Chencheng, or ridiculed Shi Xiaoshou.

very beginning.

Shi Xiaoshou looked shocked at Zhou Chencheng's alchemy level.

This was the first time that he had witnessed Zhou Chencheng's practice of alchemy. He knew a lot about alchemy. From the beginning of Zhou Chencheng's practice, he could see the opponent's level. He could just throw away a few mountains and stare at him. Apart from being amazed, he couldn't help but fascinate.

"The gap between me and him is hard to remember!"

Shi Xiaoshou's face was slightly sad, and his heart was full of loneliness.

However, he suddenly thought of Lin Tian's words just now, his eyes lit up, and he secretly pondered the refining methods that Lin Tian had previously passed to him, and began to corroborate them one by one with Zhou Chencheng's tactics.

As the two contrasted, Shi Xiaoshou's small eyes lit up.

"Although I haven't been able to really implement it yet, the technique taught to me by Lin Bei is tens of thousands of times better than Zhou Chencheng's unknown!"

Shi Xiaoshou's heart was shocked, his eyes widened, and he kept exclaiming in secret, "This is no harm if there is no comparison. I haven't thought about it carefully before, and now I compare them one by one, Zhou Chencheng's alchemy method is like a child's experience. Every family! If I use this method to refine a pill, I might be able to refine a high-level profound pill now..."

At this moment, Shi Xiaoshou secretly read Lin Tianjiao's simplified version of the Five Elements Emperor's Pill more and more repeatedly, and he became more excited, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"Even if you are Grandpa Fuyao, you probably won't have this kind of method!"

Shi Xiaoshou couldn't help but look at Lin Tian, ​​feeling very grateful, "If I keep working hard with this method, I will definitely reach the level of Grandpa Fuyao!"

Thinking of this, Shi Xiaoshou's face was again excited.

"Wow, Intermediate Profound Pill!"

"Looking at the color, it is not far from the advanced Xuan Dan!"

"It really is Zhou Shao. At this rate, he will be promoted to a senior profound alchemist at most next year! At that time, the entire Southwest cultivation world will have to respect Zhou Shao three points!"

"Yeah, who is not in favor of such a genius alchemist?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation in Feiyun Danfang.

But Zhou Chencheng's alchemy was over.

He took out a crystal clear pill from the green shadow pill furnace and placed it in his palm, causing countless wonders from the surrounding monks.

"This is an intermediate blood amber profound pill. It is a precious pill for treating trauma. With this pill, we will be able to experience treasure hunting outside, which is equal to half our lives!"

Zhou Chencheng raised the pill in his hand, swept the crowd proudly, and introduced it out loudly.

He just shot it, not using Boss Gu's elixir, but paying for it himself, using the green shadow of the pill furnace to refine the blood amber profound pill.

After his introduction, many monks showed fiery eyes, and their expressions were coveted.

After all, these healing pills that have reached the level of the intermediate profound pill are also unavailable in the market!

"Master Zhou, do you sell this medicine?"

At this time, someone stepped forward and asked Zhou Chencheng cautiously.

He looked at the pill in Zhou Chencheng's hand with a look of eagerness.

"Hehe, if everyone wants it, then Ben Shao will wait for this waste to refine the pill, and Ben Shao will auction it on the spot!"

Zhou Chencheng chuckled, his face full of arrogance. After looking around, he turned to look at Shi Xiaoshou and sneered: "Fatty man, do you still have the courage to make alchemy? You don't have to be ashamed here, if I am you. Kneel down now and climb out from here! Of course don’t forget to bark three times!"

"Don't think about it!"

Shi Xiaoshou took a deep breath and snorted to Zhou Chencheng. Then he walked to the green shadow pill furnace and said to boss Gu: "Boss Gu, I want to try!"

"Hey, nothing!"

Boss Gu waved his hand, then ordered someone to deliver a few spiritual medicines, and then said to Shi Xiaoshou, "This is Poria cocos, I think you are most familiar with it. These herbs are the lowest level in our cultivation world. One of the elixir is very easy to refine! However, if you want to make a high-level profound pill Fuling Pill, the difficulty is no less than those high-level elixir! Do you want to try?"

"I will refine Fuling Pill!"

Shi Xiaoshou's face was full of reluctance, and he said cruelly.

After taking the Poria, Shi Xiaoshou began to make alchemy.

Speaking of.

This is the first time he has used the elixir to refine pills, and he has no idea whether he can succeed.

Even if he mastered the supreme alchemy secret taught by Lin Tian, ​​he was not in the slightest certainty.

"and many more!"

When he was about to put into the Fuling furnace in Shixiaoshou Shoudan, Lin Tian stopped him and said ambiguously: "I suggest you use this orchid flower to moisturize the inside of the pill furnace. I think the chance for Cheng Dan will be further improved! "

With that said, Lin Tian handed Shi Xiaoshou a light blue Lan Ruohua with its flower bones.

Shi Xiaoshou had a meal on his hand and looked back in shock.

But looking at the calm and composed smile on Lin Tian's face, he finally chose to believe in Lin Tian, ​​took Lan Ruohua, and plunged into the furnace.

The other people onlookers were surprised to see this scene.

Especially Zhou Chencheng, frowning and looking at Lin Tian suspiciously, his expression was suspicious, and the youth in front of him gave him a sense of invisible mystery.

The most important thing is that there is not the slightest fluctuation in the young man's cultivation level, he can't see the slightest depth.

But Zhou Chencheng didn't care.

His own cultivation base only has the fifth level of Qi training. He specializes in the pill way, and he only spends some time on cultivation.

As for Lan Ruohua, Zhou Chencheng knew that it was just a low-level elixir that could be refined into a fragrant pill, and it was the favorite of female monks in the cultivation world.

Put the fragrant pill into the sachet, it can exude a fragrant fragrance all over the body, which is much more advanced than secular perfumes, and it is also extremely long-lasting.

But he had never seen Lan Ruohua as an auxiliary elixir for alchemy.

"Oh my god... what kind of alchemy is this? Too fast!"

While Zhou Chencheng was stunned, Shi Xiaoshou had already entered the alchemy.

Zhou Chencheng suddenly turned his head and looked around. When he saw Shi Xiaoshou's fat hand threading needles up and down like lightning fast, his eyes couldn't help but his eyes were about to fall out.

At this moment, as Shi Xiaoshou's hands were flying, there were weird infuriating fluctuations around the pill furnace, the fire under the pill furnace was indeterminate, and the pill furnace was followed by roars, like the sound of thunder.

"This... this is Dan Yin Cheng Lei! Is it possible that he wants to refine the legendary..."

Zhou Chencheng suddenly showed a look of horror on his face, stumbling and exclaiming, because his teeth were trembling and his words were blurred.

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