The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 886: Zhang Muzhi (fifth)

On Feiyunfeng Square, because of Hu Mengqi's words, all kinds of unhappiness came and went one after another.

Many people showed a fierce look and turned around, seeming to find the person who spoke disrespectful words to Mu Nanfeng.

Both Fuyao and Mu Nanfeng, who were sitting in the main seat in front of the square, looked stagnant.

"Senior Mu, the old man will give you an explanation!"

Fuyao Sanren stood up and bowed to Mu Nanfeng apologetically, then looked at Hu Mengqi and sternly reprimanded, "Mengqi, what you said is true? Master Mu is here, don't be foolish!"

"Master, how can a disciple dare not aim at anything like this? Junior Brother Li and the other three can testify!"

Hu Mengqi respectfully saluted, and said solemnly: "The man not only didn't put Master you in his eyes before, but then he said disrespectful words to Master Mu. The disciple reminded him many times, but he would not listen, and finally made a vow. Say, what he said is the truth. It is really irritating, otherwise the disciples would not mention it on the spot like this!"

"Yes, Master, we have all heard that man's arrogant words!"

At this time, Li Xingliang and the other three also stood up, not angry.

Seeing this, Shi Xiaoshou was already anxious.

"Lin Bei, hurry up!"

Shi Xiaoshou tugged Lin Tian's arm and reminded in a hurry.

"No problem!"

Lin Tian smiled slightly and shook his head.

Because there were too many people, he and Shi Xiaoshou sat in the crowd, and Mu Nanfeng did not notice his presence.

At this time, Fuyao Sanren's complexion sank again, and he coldly shouted: "You point out, the old man has to see who is so arrogant and dare to judge us wanton!"

"Master, it's him, this kid is crazy!"

Li Xingliang turned his head and pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and shouted to Fu Yao San Ren.

Following what Li Xingliang pointed out, the eyes of everyone fell on Lin Tian as soon as they brushed.

"Grass, I thought that senior was just a guy who didn't have all the fur!"

"Nuppy, kid, you are dead!"

"Kneel down and apologize to Master Mu!"

"Dare to say that Master Mu has no spirituality, it is simply a slander in the world!"


In an instant, all the people in the square began to crusade against Lin Tian one after another, their faces full of anger.

Fu Yao Sanren and Mu Nanfeng also turned their heads.

"Who are you?"

Fu Yao San Ren frowned and stared at Lin Tian, ​​shouting.


Mu Nanfeng on the side suddenly widened his eyes and his face was dull.

"Lin...Senior Lin..."

Mu Nanfeng looked at Lin Tian fiercely and muttered to himself.


But no one heard.

The scattered people on the side turned their heads and said to Mu Nanfeng: "Senior Mu, this junior is disrespectful to you, how do you deal with it?"

"Ah... Disposal?"

Mu Nanfeng regained his senses from a daze. He understood what Fuyao had said, and then looked at the people around him showing their dissatisfaction with Lin Tian, ​​his face changed again, and Huo Ran stood up.


Really have to deal with it, it will kill people!

"Senior Mu, calm down your anger!"

Seeing Mu Nanfeng's reaction in this way, Fu Yaosan's face changed drastically, and he quickly said: "Senior, you don't need to do it, we can handle it personally!"


Mu Nanfeng waved his hand and said anxiously.

at the same time.

He stepped down from the main seat, ready to walk towards Lin Tian.

But at this moment, a person hurriedly ran from the hall of Feiyunfeng to Demu Nanfeng, and said anxiously: "Oh...Mu...Senior Wood! Our Sect Master and Senior Chen fainted! They both fainted! There is a black air on his face, it is very critical! Can you go and see it now?"

"Black gas?"

Mu Nanfeng glanced at Lin Tian, ​​turned his head in amazement, shook his teeth, and said to Fuyao: "Old man go in and take a look, you will host here! You... lead the way!"

With that said, he looked back at Lin Tian apologetically and walked hurriedly.

It should have been a salute in the past, but life is at stake. As a medical expert, Mu Nanfeng has always adhered to the principle of saving people first. At any time, saving people comes first!

As Mu Nanfeng left, Fuyao originally wanted to continue this lecture.

It can be thought of Zhong Xiangdi in a critical condition, and simply said loudly: "Now Zhongzhen is suddenly ill. Let's postpone the lecture. Everyone will wait here!"

Afterwards, Fu Yao looked at Lin Tian and shouted: "Senior Mu is kind, and I can see that he didn't want to punish you before. But, you go in with me and apologize to Senior Mu yourself in a while!"

Lin Tian smiled, not caring, got up and walked along, anyway, he was also looking for the medicine to get the soul-raising grass.

"Master, let's go and see too!"

Hu Mengqi and others stood up and trot to follow.

At the same time, Shi Xiaoshou glanced at the Fuyao Sanren who was walking in front, and saw that the other party didn't pay attention to him, and also secretly moved his fat body, followed by entering the hall behind.

"Grass, that kid can still laugh before he leaves!"

"Yes, paralyzed, even if Senior Mu doesn't bother to care about him, when he comes out of the hall, we must teach a lesson!"

"This is a good remark. Senior Wood is impeding his identity, and it is not easy to care about such idiots. We can just take action!"


As Lin Tian, ​​Fuyaosanren and others left and walked into the main hall, everyone in the square was talking again.

In the hall.

After Fuyaosan came in with Lin Tian and others, someone inside greeted him.

"Senior Fuyao, Master Mu has entered, so we shouldn't bother you while exploring the situation for the real person and Senior Chen!"

The man was a guard standing next to a luxurious building behind the patio in the deep hall, he reminded the scattered people.


Fuyao Sanren nodded, then turned to Hu Mengqi and said: "Let’s go to the Pian Hall to entertain Master Zhang, who came with Senior Mu! It is said that it is a genius from the Star Mountain in Wuyouling, the second-level cultivation domain in Central Continent. , I'm already negligent, now I have to entertain myself!"

"And you, also follow! I really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, and remember that Hao Sheng and Senior Mu apologize, otherwise the old man can't spare you!"

Looking back, Fuyao Sanren scolded Lin Tian again. At the same time, he also noticed Shi Xiaoshou and said with a smile, "Little fat man, you sneaked in again!"

"Hehe, Grandpa Fuyao, don't be angry!"

Shi Xiaoshou walked forward with a smile, and said in a good manner: "Lin Bei is my friend, I brought him here, and he came to you!"

Lin Bei, a little familiar?

Fuyao Sanren frowned. After thinking for a while, he looked at Lin Tian and sneered: "You are looking for me? Then come in. I want to see what you have done with the old man, but don't tell me that you are here to give advice. The old man's just fine!"

"Little fat man, follow along. If you don't give a satisfactory explanation to you as a kid today, don't blame your grandpa for being merciless!"

With that said, Fuyao Sanren took the lead to walk.

Soon, the group came to the side hall.

There, a young man in a moon white robe was already sitting, holding a tea cup in his hand and drinking leisurely.

Star Mountain disciple?

Isn't it from the same sect as Na Weng Xiyun?

Lin Tian followed in, his eyes fell on the young man, and he was puzzled.

This young man's cultivation is really possible, he has the cultivation foundation of the early days of foundation!

"Zhang Muzhi, I have seen Senior Fu Yao!"

Seeing the crowd appeared, the young man stood up, smiled and held his fist to the scattered people.


Although it was a salute and called Senior, but the youth did not show the slightest respect or the posture of treating seniors.

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