The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 892: Meat buns to blame

Transforming monsters, it was comparable to the existence of Yuan Ying old monsters.

Even if it is Lin Tian, ​​with his current cultivation base, if you encounter such monsters, the only choice is to escape as far as you can!

However, Lin Tian did not panic, and stood still on the ground with a solemn expression.

His spiritual consciousness spreads to the largest extent, and he has explored the past ten kilometers of mountains.


In the end, nothing was found.

"No? What happened to the evil spirit just now!"

Lin Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If there was an old Nascent Infant grade monster, he would definitely step on the flying sword to escape for his life.

But there was no one around, Lin Tian was certain of this.

If it was a metamorphosis monster at the Yuan Ying level, it might have appeared long ago.

Lin Tian stood in place for a long time, the demonic energy gradually disappeared, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

This made Lin Tian even more confused.

I always felt that someone was following behind me, but I couldn't find anything.

"Leave one hundred thousand mountains first!"

Lin Tian decided to move on.


He did not offer a flying sword, nor did he use a shadow step to fly.

It's walking slowly.

After waiting for a hundred thousand mountains, a wilderness with no sky in sight appeared in front.

In the wilderness, there is a national highway winding away, without seeing the head.

at this time.

It was already dusk, and the setting sun swept from the sky like a tide.

Lin Tian touched his stomach subconsciously, and thought of the five meat buns that Fatty Shi Xiaoshou had bought for himself this morning.

Today, it's still in a storage bag.

"That demon gas should be from one hundred thousand mountains, otherwise the demon beast would have appeared long ago!"

Lin Tian whispered to himself and took out the meat buns wrapped in paper bags from the storage bag.

Looking for a boulder, Lin Tian sat on it, holding a bun in his hand, looking at the vast wilderness, his face was a little blank.

The current situation.

Lin Tian couldn't help but think of the situation when he stepped into the world of the world in his previous life, and he first entered the cruel world of cultivation.

That time he was out of the sect to practice, and he almost lost his life in the hands of a group of desperadoes.

Thinking of that situation, Lin Tian was also secretly afraid, looking at the sunset on the horizon, smiled bitterly: "Is it that fateful time, I am an immortal young strong? Now I can be born again and come to this earth!"

With that said, Lin Tian wanted to eat a bite of buns to fill his stomach.

Although he doesn't need to eat now, he can be assured that he will not feel hungry by raising his body with the temperature of the world.


Tiandi aura is too thin, coupled with the appetite of this life, this steamed bun is used for dinner.

But, as soon as the steamed bun was put to his mouth, Lin Tian took a stop with his hand and his face sank instantly.

With cold eyes in his eyes, he stared at the bun on his hand, and immediately broke his hand, breaking the bun in half.

The minced meat in the buns appeared in front of us.

"This is... a human flesh bun!"

Lin Tian saw murderous intent in his eyes, Huo Ran stood up, looked back, and sternly shouted: "Where is the monster, get out!"

"Gluckl...little guy, this feeling is really good enough, I can actually find my sister!"

The next moment, a series of silver bell-like laughter came from behind a mountain.

Under the setting sun, an enchanting figure walked towards Lin Tian gracefully with small broken steps.

"It's you!"

Lin Tian saw the woman who appeared, his face was full of amazement.

The woman in front of her was indeed the proprietress of the Linji Roubaozi shop in Feiyun City.

Now Lin Tian also understood why he always felt that someone was following him.


It was the meat buns in the storage bag.

Although I don't know how the other party felt the buns when they were put in the storage bag, there must be some tricks on the buns.

The previous demon gas should be emitted by this woman.

But when Lin Tian explored the past, he couldn't sense the breath of the woman.

Woman, it looks like an ordinary person.

There is not the slightest amount of cultivation in the body.

"Who are you?"

Lin Tian condensed slightly, staring at the woman and shouted.

"Oh... you ask who am I? It's so funny!"

The woman smiled, her little red tongue added a small mouth, and said: " can call me Zhu Ding'er! can call me Xiaohuner! But...people, hehe, that's my best I like it, the delicious taste!"


Lin Tian's face became so ugly, he took a cold breath.

At this time, Lin Tian thought of the many missing people in Feiyun City mentioned by Shi Xiaoshou before, as well as many more widows and disabilities.

80% is the woman in front of you!

But Lin Tian couldn't see the depth of the other party, and couldn't even sense the slightest demon energy.

"Are you here for me?"

Lin Tian walked down the boulder and looked at the woman coldly.

At the same time, the demon Ru Xiaotian on his wrist began to make a low humming sound.

"Of course, you are so thin and tender! It tastes the best..."

The woman stared at Lin Tian, ​​her beautiful eyes shining, as if she had seen the best prey, she smiled and said: "The most important thing is that I have sensed the strongest spirit fluctuations in you! Tsk tsk, then Over the years, you have been the most powerful little guy I have ever seen!"

"What kind of monster are you?"

Lin Tian stared at the woman and sneered: "If you are here for me, then you are wrong!"


When the words fell, the demon in Lin Tian's hand suddenly burst out like Xiaotian and fell on his hand.

"Oh, this little guy is fierce, I'm so scared!"

Seeing that Lin Tian was about to do it, the woman patted her swaying Hungarian mouth with a frightened look, and said, "But, you can let someone take a bite. What if you struggle and the process is too painful? Come on. !"


The woman stepped on her feet suddenly, and her whole body suddenly exuded a black breath, which swept up like a violent wind.

A burst of terrifying evil spirits spread throughout the wilderness.

"A monster that has reached the ninth rank? It is equivalent to a Golden Core cultivator! But why can it be transformed?"

Lin Tian frowned, very puzzled.

But he didn't hesitate, holding the demon Ru Xiaotian in his hand, he killed the woman.

Lin Tian was really violent.

The demon Ruxiao was in the sky, and there was a few meters of true energy exploding in the air.


However, with a wave of the jade hand of the opposite woman, the billowing demon gas turned into a long dragon, and she threw it down in the air, smashing the sword that Lin Tian had cut out.


Lin Tian burst into tears, and the demon rose up into the sky like Xiaotian, rushing toward the woman like lightning.

"Flying sword!"

The woman's face changed drastically, showing a look of astonishment, and she yelled, "You are the golden core monk!"

Can be very fast.

The look on the woman's face changed again, revealing surprise, her beautiful eyes were full of green lights.

"Glitter... Golden Core... Great! Come on..."

A little bit below the woman's feet, she rose into the sky, her hand turned into a wall of black demon, blocking Feijian.

At the same time, the woman opened her mouth and spit out, and a black circle turned out, buzzing on top of Lin Tian's head, blinking into his eyebrows.

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