The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 898: Flowers bloom in the cold valley

Knowing that he had recovered his life and kept his legs, Zhu Ting'er was calmer.

The fear pervading her heart had long since disappeared.

The fair and pretty face was the only one left with curiosity towards Lin Tian.

After she chirped, her shiny beautiful eyes stared at Lin Tian in a daze.

Especially seeing Lin Tian just piercing a few needles in her leg, the pain of poisonous erosion disappeared immediately, and a trace of admiration appeared on her face.

"His medical skills are amazing! This is the secret technique of acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine. I still can't learn it. He seems to be one or two years younger than me!"

Zhu Ting'er stared at Lin Tian's face in a daze, secretly marveling.

"Do you want to be a heroine with the sword?"

Lin Tian looked up at Zhu Ting'er's delicate figure, and couldn't help shook his head.

"You... don't look down on people!"

Zhu Ting'er pursed her small mouth, and said in an uneasy voice: "This lady has practiced Sanda. In our department, many people still have to listen to me! In the dormitory, this lady is still the leader of the sisters! She specializes in big fights. satyr!"

Specialized to fight big pervert? How did you run so fast before!

Lin Tian murmured in secret, and then continued: "And your lyrics seem wrong? I used to hear my classmates sing it when I was in school. It should be that life is not just the present, but also poetry and distant places. Tianye! Everyday? I think you are a rich lady, and I don’t know how it feels to be sad! Then come to this barren mountain for excitement!"


Zhu Tinger's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, it seems that it was because of the silver needle in Lin Tian's hand that the leg was a little painful, but she still pouted and blushed and retorted: "I just want to walk around and see the world outside. !"

Lin Tian didn't bother to argue with him, but shook his head slightly and continued to pierce the needle.

Zhu Ting'er herself is an ordinary person, and the tarantula is extremely poisonous. If he hadn't shot the venom, the girl might have fallen into a coma.

After a few stitches, the black color on Zhu Ting'er's legs gradually faded.

At the wound, black blood slowly flowed out.

"Wait another five minutes to completely remove the toxins!"

Lin Tian took out a few silver needles one after another, and pierced them along Zhu Ting'er's leg. The speed of the black toxin discharge gradually accelerated.

"The Chinese medicine you have studied since childhood?"

Zhu Ting'er looked at Lin Tian's skilful and fluent technique, she was amazed long ago, with a trace of admiration on her pretty face, she blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "You came here to find Chinese herbal medicine, right? "

"That's it!"

Lin Tian replied ambiguously, and said, "My medical skills are inherited from the ancestors! However, I have studied Chinese medicine!"

"Then you are amazing!"

Zhu Ting'er's beautiful eyes lit up and she said with joy: "If you go to the Chinese Medicine School, your level will definitely be even higher! By then, you might become one of the few Chinese medicine practitioners in the country!"

Chinese medicine master?

Lin Tian curled his lips secretly and continued to immerse himself in treatment.

five minutes later.

Lin Tian put away the silver needle.

The black toxins on Zhu Ting'er's legs have disappeared. Except for the red around the wound, the other areas have become white and tender again, glowing with a bright luster.

"Ah, it's really good!"

Zhu Ting'er felt her leg. Although it was still a bit numb, the venom of the cannibal tarantula had been removed, and there was no life worry, and one leg was saved.

Under the surprise, Zhu Ting'er quickly propped up and wanted to stand up.


But as soon as she stood halfway, Zhu Ting'er suddenly felt severe pain in her leg. She couldn't stand still, and her body staggered suddenly, hitting Lin Tian.

Lin Tian subconsciously reached out and held Zhu Ting'er.

However, Lin Tian soon discovered something was wrong.

The two palms actually touched two soft spots, full of flexibility.

Zhu Ting'er, who stood still, felt something was wrong in an instant, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but stare.

She looked down at her own Hun's mouth and saw Lin Tian's hands were firmly pressed there.

" let go!"

Zhu Ting'er's pretty face blushed instantly, as if bleeding was coming, and quickly shouted to Lin Tianjiao.

Lin Tian also saw that it was wrong, and quickly withdrew his hand.

He stretched out his hand just now, completely subconsciously to assist Zhu Ting'er, but unexpectedly he touched a place that shouldn't be touched.

However, as soon as Lin Tian took back his hand, Zhu Ting'er said yes again, her face was full of pain, and then she fell back.

This time Lin Tian was prepared and directly grabbed the opponent's hand.

"As I said before, your injury has been cleaned of toxins. It will take at least a day to walk. Even if I take action, it will take half a day!"

Lin Tian helped the girl and explained: "Now you want to leave here, the only way is for me to leave you behind. Are you willing?"

He could also see that the concept of whether a man or a woman is giving or receiving is rooted in each other's concept.

At least, the average girl would be more resistant to being carried by a man.


Throwing such a girl in this barren mountain and detoxifying her, saving it means nothing!

"Ok... alright!"

Zhu Ting'er shook her little lips, and after hesitating for a while, she agreed, and at the same time, she lay on Lin Tian's back.

Lin Tian could feel the two soft objects pressing on his back. He picked up Zhu Ting'er's travel bag and walked, and he could sense the softness of the two balls.

"Where are you going, you show the way, I will send you there!"

Waved away the distracting thoughts, Lin Tian asked as he walked.

"Go east, and after leaving Shennongjia, you can reach Hangu City!"

Zhu Ting'er lay on Lin Tian’s back and said crisply: "The Cold Valley Scenic Area in Cold Valley City is very famous! However, we may have to walk for several hours if we go out like this. If you are tired, we still have to Stop and rest! I really trouble you!"

"Hangu City? What scenic spots are there to see!"

Lin Tian said as he walked in the direction pointed by Zhu Ting'er.

As for the rest that the other party said, that doesn't exist.

Not to mention the sheer weight of Zhu Ting'er, even if he lifted a truck, Lin Tian could walk out of Shennongjia quickly.


Zhu Ting'er is an ordinary person, Lin Tian didn't want to be too shocking, so he just walked quickly.

"Don't you know the cold valley scenic spot?"

Zhu Ting'er stared at her beautiful eyes, then wrinkled her Qiong nose, and said proudly: "You see it? This is the result of not often visiting the outside world, ignorant! Tell you, the cold valley in the cold valley scenic spot , It’s amazing! Outside the valley, it’s summer scorching, but inside the valley is icy and snowy. Especially the huge Cold Valley Lake, where the water is frozen, but there are beautiful flame flowers blooming above it, it’s incredible! Would you like to go to Hangu with me to have a look? Just take a look for a while, and then I'm going to the high-speed rail station of Hangu City, to Donghai City, Dongzhou!"

"Fire flowers bloom on the frozen lake in the cold valley?"

Lin Tian stopped, feeling deeply strange, couldn't help but marvel, and at the same time said: "You are also going to Dongzhou!"

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