The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 907: Happy is not a boat

Yin... Yin and Yang people? !

Zhu Ting'er's face was surprised, and there was incredible in her beautiful eyes.

Vaguely, she somewhat guessed what was going on.

However, I am not sure yet.

Lin Tian had already walked back to his seat, Zhu Ting'er quickly followed.

Seeing the two return, Fang Yongzheng looked up with a cold face.

"Then... how is that person now?"

Fang Yongzheng looked at Lin Tian and Zhu Ting'er and asked.

He looked a little scared.

In my mind, I couldn't help but flash through the previous situation, as if it were a lingering shadow, and my scalp numb again.

"I cured her!"

Lin Tian glanced at each other lightly and said coldly.


Fang Yongzheng's eyes widened, his voice suddenly raised, his expression shocked.

The other people in the carriage also cast their gazes in amazement.

Fang Yongzheng is a doctor of western medicine who came back from studying abroad. There is no way to cure it. Can this kid be cured?

Everyone does not believe it!

Fang Yongzheng was even more unbelievable. He originally just wanted to ask about the situation of the "woman", but now that Lin Tian opened his mouth, he couldn't help but sneered: "What happened to her? You can heal it! I see. You don't know what it is, you don't know what it is!"

"Really cured!"

Lin Tian's eyes flashed with a glimmer of coldness, and he raised his head to look at Fang Yongzheng, and said coldly: "Now, she is a normal woman again, you support you to make an appointment!"


Fang Yongzheng's face turned pale, he almost didn't spit it out, and quickly shut up.

When it comes to this, he just feels that the whole person is not good.

At this time, the door of the compartment opened and Fu Tianye walked out of it.

"Father, how is your lady?"

Someone in the carriage asked with concern.

The others followed up and looked up, with inquiring eyes.

"Thank you for your concern, Zi Nan is all right now!"

The old man Fu Tianye thanked the people in the carriage.

Shen Zinan, the eldest of the Shen family in Hangu City, is also quite famous in Hangu City.

Then Fu Tianye pointed to Lin Tian and said to everyone: "It's this little, no, should be the little genius doctor who made it so that my lady is safe now! The little genius doctor’s acupuncture is simply It's a superb skill, it can be called a small Chinese national player! Old man, I still admire it now when I think about it!"

Speaking of this, Fu Tianye thanked Lin Tian again and again before returning to the cubicle.

Hear the words.

Many people in the carriage gasped lightly.

The gazes of stunned and awe fell upon Lin Tian.

"Oh my God, he is even better than Young Master Fang! That is a doctoral student of Western medicine who graduated from the First French College! That level is at least comparable to many domestic experts!"

"Xiao Guoshou! Isn't that just Chinese medicine! At this age, who can master Chinese medicine to this level, what kind of person is behind him teaching him?"

"Such a genius doctor, you have to find ways to make a good relationship!"

"When you get off the bus, you have to contact the little genius doctor. If you have a patient, you can also provide multiple protection!"


As many people were discussing, their eyes flickered and their minds gradually became more active. They looked at Lin Tian's eyes, and they flashed again and again.

Fang Yongzheng, who was sitting opposite, had a stagnant expression on his face, gritted his teeth for a long while, and bowed his head sullenly.

The fat woman on the side was taken aback for a while.

But Zhu Ting'er, with a victory gesture, Yongzheng and the obese woman wrinkled their noses, and finally whispered to Lin Tian, ​​"Lin Bei, that... that yin and yang person, what's the matter?"

There was a vague guess, but Zhu Ting'er didn't see what was going on just now, driven by curiosity, she asked again.

"Yin and yang people have the coexistence of male and female gender characteristics in their bodies! But under normal circumstances, they live overwhelmingly on one side!"

Lin Tian thought for a while, and finally explained briefly to Zhu Ting'er: "Just now, the yin and yang have reached the balance of the person, so...the female characteristics originally occupied the body, but before the body's yin and yang were out of balance, the yang the physiological characteristics Coexist!"


After hearing Lin Tian's explanation, Zhu Ting'er whispered softly and was stunned.

At the same time, she also understood why Lin Tian didn't show it to her before.

Thinking of that situation, her pretty face turned red.

Lin Tian glanced at Zhu Ting'er with an embarrassed look and couldn't help smiling.

Time is like flowing water.

Nearly four hours later, in the afternoon of the same day, the high-speed rail train arrived in Donghai City!

After arriving at the station, many passengers in the carriage leaned forward, wanting to inquire about Lin Tian's contact information.

But Lin Tian declined one by one in the end.

While taking advantage of this, Fang Yongzheng got out of the car long ago, came all the way and ate a lot, and had already lost his face. He didn't want to stay for a moment.

But after getting out of the car, he got on the taxi and made the phone call.

"In the case of these two people, you come to the high-speed rail station to collect tickets and information. One is called Lin Bei and the other is called Zhu Ting'er. I searched the entire East China Sea and found them for me. You must have fun with them!"

Fang Yongzheng seemed more willing to play with cats and mice instead of staying and waiting. He didn't have the face to stay, especially when he thought that Fu Tianye and the "woman" were still behind, his scalp numb, and he wanted to leave quickly.

Lin Tian didn't wait for Fu Tianye and the two of them, and got out of the car with Zhu Ting'er.

"How can I contact you?"

On reaching the platform, Zhu Ting'er looked at Lin Tian with eyesight, with some expectation.

"No! Then you will pay attention to your safety!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly and replied.


Zhu Ting'er was so angry that she bit her teeth. How many boys in the school wanted to get her phone number. Now she hinted that it was so obvious that Lin Tian actually refused.

The more I thought about Zhu Ting'er, the more angry she became, and she stomped her feet immediately, turned and walked with her travel bag on her back.

Her feet are no longer hindered!

But not far away, Zhu Ting'er turned over again and stuffed a note into Lin Tian's hand, "This is my phone number. If you go to Yanjing in the future, remember to call me!"

After Zhu Ting'er said this aggrievedly, she turned around and ran away, and disappeared into the huge crowd at the station.

Lin Tian watched the girl leave with a wry smile, and then threw the paper into the storage bag.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The phone was quickly connected, and there was a surprise voice over there: "Lin Tian...have you come to Dongzhou?"

"Sister Shu Yi, I'm at the high-speed rail station!"

Lin Tian looked around and said with a smile.

"Ah, wait for me, I'll pick you up!"

On the phone, the comfortable voice was full of joy, "The meeting is over, and the rest will be discussed tomorrow! Lin Tian, ​​you are waiting for me there..."

Before Lin Tian responded, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

In a meeting?

Lin Tian was surprised in secret, but didn't pay much attention. After hanging up the phone, he walked out of the station and waited in front.

ten minutes later.

A silver-white Maserati parked in front of Lin Tian, ​​and Shu Yi wore a capable OL suit, got out of the car with a surprised expression and ran over.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are really here!"

Shu Yi took Lin Tian's hand, her face was filled with unconcealed joy.

Lin Tian looked at the woman with tenderness and joy in front of him, sighed inwardly, nodded and said: "This time, I should stay for a week like this. I have to go to Yanjing. University starts in September!"

"Then... Then I'll take you enough this time!"

Shu Yi was silent slightly, but soon said with joy: "Go, take advantage of this time, let's go to the West Lake to have a bite, and then play with me? It is said that there is an event in West Lake tonight, you must like it. Let's just go see the excitement together!"

"It's up to you!"

Lin Tian smiled and nodded slightly, then followed Shu Yi into the car.

As the car drove, Lin Tian listened to Shu Yi happily talking non-stop, while looking out the car window.

The East China Sea is more prosperous than Bincheng and Liuyuan City, and everything is like an international metropolis.


The famous West Lake in Donghai City has arrived.

Walking with Shu Yi by the West Lake, looking at the vast lake, Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is quite rich.

Walking here makes people feel comfortable.

"Let's go eat something, and then take advantage of the time, can we go boating on the lake with me?"

Shu Yi took Lin Tian's arm, her pretty face was joy, her beautiful eyes were gentle.

Lin Tian didn't want to disobey the beautiful woman's heart, so he nodded.

After eating something, Lin Tian and Shu Yi rented a small boat, and the two of them gently swept the boat towards the middle of the misty West Lake.

Lin Tian looked at a happy and happy expression, looked at the rising smoke of the lake, looked at the sky, and a deep sense of melancholy flashed through his eyes.

"Sister Shu Yi, my name is Lin Tian... But Lin Tian is just my nickname, my real name is Lin Bei, and I am a character Beiliu! I am not from this world!"

Suddenly, Lin Tian looked back at Shu Yi, sighed softly, and slowly said, "I am the 108th true disciple under the Duanmu Moon constellation of Tianmeng Mountain on the Nine Heavens Continent! I am also the first person on the battle song list of the Tianmeng Palace! And my master Duan Muyue is the first person in the ancient world of Warsong to break through the world and become holy in millions of years! Now I am living on this earth, I really want to be able to ride the waves with you to the clouds, and go back to the homeland of my previous life! what……"


However, Lin Tian spoke solemnly, but Shu Yi covered her mouth with her hands, laughed crisply, her beautiful eyes filled with joy.

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