The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 921: Du Miaoshu's plan

Li Mang passed by, too fast.

No one can see clearly!

Park Moon Tae, who was opposite, did not even react at all.

He just wanted to slap the boy in front of him to the side, hit half-dead and half-handicapped, and give a lesson that he will never forget.

But I didn't want to, and slapped him empty, followed by a cold arm around his arm.

For a moment, Pu Wentai watched his arm fall from his body, his body was **** like a pillar, making him stunned.

Seeing an arm suddenly fell in front of her, Jin Yuting was taken aback for a moment, and then let out a scream, hiding behind Lin Tian in horror.

It was the first time she witnessed and experienced such a **** scene, and she was terrified.


The next moment, other people in the martial arts restaurant also reacted.

Those business leaders who just came for entertainment and investment are just ordinary people. This situation caused most people to panic, evade and withdraw far.

Some people took out their phones and prepared to call the police.

However, someone suddenly reminded that they stopped thinking one by one and put away the phone.

These people in front of you can call the police to resolve them, and you don't have to linger with each other just now.

They are not ordinary people!

Especially that boy, the methods are too terrifying!

But Du Miaoshu and others all gasped.

Lin Tian's strength far exceeds what they have seen!

The most horrified one belonged to Wei Qu. He personally played against him. He understood the terrible state of the sorcerer cultivator in front of him, and he had no chance to compete with it.

However, this young man cut off this person's arm in an instant. This strength definitely exceeds the martial arts master too much!


Pu Wentai watched his arms fall, his eyes widened, then his expression showed horror and severe pain, and then a deep shock and anger.

He burst into a shout, " **** Chinese reptile, dare to hurt my hand and die!"

I don’t know if he felt the humiliation or was angered by the intense pain, Pu Wentai roared and stamped his feet, and then his last hand was like a meteorite coming from the sky, carrying howling breath. Mang, Chao Lintian called.

In an instant, Wei Qu and others retreated in shock.

The horrible aftermath made them feel suffocated for a while.

Jin Yuting, who was hiding behind Lin Tian, ​​screamed and said anxiously: "Brother Xiaotian, hide away!"

With that, she was about to run away.

However, there was a muffled sound, and the terrifying breath and surging air flow suddenly stopped.

Jin Yuting stopped and looked from behind Lin Tian.

But seeing Lin Tian squeezed Pu Wentai's last hand with one hand, the qi glow condensed on it was shattered.


With a crisp sound, Pu Wentai's entire arm burst out, and then it slumped down.


Lin Tian kicked and kicked Pu Wentai away.

Pu Wentai fell to the ground, his face turned pale, and the blood in his mouth was vomiting wildly. The whole person was like a deflated balloon. All of his momentum disappeared, and he sat on the ground slumped, seeming to be several decades old. .

" abolished my cultivation base!"

Pu Wentai put his hands on the ground and looked up, looking at Lin Tian in horror.

The others in the room calmed down and stared at Lin Tian.

"A disciple of the Fairy Mountain Sect!"

For an instant, this thought flashed through the minds of Wei Qu and Wang Hai.

Even Liu Kai, as an existence who is about to worship Jiang Shenzong, began to realize something.

He took a deep breath and said to Lin Tian, ​​"This friend, do you know that Senior Park is from the Seven Stars Club? Also, this young master will soon be a disciple of Jiang Shenzong. If you know something about Dongzhou Immortal Mountain Sect , You should understand what kind of existence the Jiang Shenzong is. Give me a little face, and if you retreat now, just assume that nothing happened! Otherwise, then you will be against my Jiang Shenzong!"

Against Jiang Shenzong?

Lin Tian thought of Longxi Mountain in Lengshuijiang City, Xiangjiang Province, where he shot Jiang Shenzong's elders Shangguan Bai and Yang Zhixi to death. He had long become dead enemies with Jiang Shenzong.

Now, he still cares about offending or opposing it?

Secretly sneered, Lin Tian ignored Liu Kai, and immediately walked up to Piao Wentai, coldly shouting: "Your Seven Star Club, besides you, who else will come to Dongzhou?"

"You... since you know our Seven Star Club, you still dare to be our enemy! You are dead..."

Piao Wentai clutched his severely injured arm and curled to the ground, but did not give in, raising his head and shouting angrily at Lin Tian.


But it was Lin Tian's foot that responded to Piao Wentai, who directly trampled on his other intact arm.

"You just need to answer my question!"

Lin Tian's eyes gradually turned cold, and his tone was cold and said: "Don't wait for me to kill you! Your president, An Zaicheng, and the vice president's son Lu Chengjun, died in my hands in Liu Yuancheng, and you will die more. One does not matter!"

" killed Lu Shao and the president..."

Originally, Pu Wentai met Lin Tian’s gaze, and was terrified, as if looking at a beast and then listening to the latter, his whole body trembled, and his whole body was cold, and he quickly shouted: "I... A few people have come..."


Lin Tian kicked him again, kicked him far, and immediately ignored it.

If these seven-star large-scale powerhouses entered East Continent, Lin Tian would not be able to ignore it.

After all, he now has another identity-deputy leader of the ability group of the National Security Bureau!

But it's just a few people who don't matter, Lin Tian didn't have the time to investigate.

"Much... Thank you Senior Lin! Helped us solve this crisis!"

Du Miaoshu, Chu Anling, Wei Qu, Li Huaishan and others came forward one after another, thanking Lin Tian one after another.

Waved to several people, Lin Tian walked back to Jin Yuting's side.

"I have eaten things too, Xiao Naier is not here, I should go now. Want to be together?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said to the little girl.

"Ah... together, together! I'll go with you!"

Jin Yuting's stunned pretty face finally recovered, and then she responded repeatedly.

Lin Tian nodded slightly, and then walked away.

However, when he walked by Liu Kai's side, Lin Tian paused, turned his head and said to the latter: "Your name is Liu Kai, right? My name is Lin Bei. Next time, it's best not to provoke me, even a little bit! Are you planning to worship Jiang Shenzong? I remind you, it is best to dispel this idea!"

After that, Lin Tian took Jin Yuting and left.


Liu Kai's face was blue, and his fists squeezed.

Lin Bei!


When my master comes out of the mountain, it will be your death date!

Liu Kai was secretly embarrassed and roared loudly.

And he didn't have the face to stay there anymore, under Du Miaoshu's mocking eyes, he hurried away with Wang Hai and Pu Wentai in embarrassment.

"Lin Bei...Lin Tian..."

At this time, Yang Ji stepped forward and sighed: "It turns out that Senior Lin has long surpassed the existence of the martial arts master, so I can only look up!"

The others couldn't help but nod their heads, exclaiming.

At this time, Du Miaoshu rolled his eyes and hurriedly bid farewell to a few people. The martial arts hall was handed over to Li Huaishan and Chu Anling.

Out of the martial arts gym, he called, greeted a few people, whispered, and then made another call.

"Dad, something has happened on West Lake tonight, but there is an expert to help. I think if we are sincere, see if we can invite him to wish us a helping hand?"

Du Miaoshu got into his special car and hurried home, while holding the phone, said excitedly.

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