The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 942: Star Hunting Club

To rectify the underground forces in Huainan Province means that the Haiqing Gang will become a subsidiary force of the Dongqihui!

Unless it is resistance, go to war!

But the situation in front of him, Du Yuesheng was completely bottomless.

Even if there is Lin Tian behind him now!

Now what they were facing was a great sect of fairy mountain, Du Yuesheng had no courage to fight against it.

If the Dongqi Society is really allowed to dominate the underground world of Huainan Province, then their Haiqing Gang can only compromise.

"The appetite and ambition of Dongqihui should not stop there!"

Du Yuesheng glanced at Liu Bin, the chairman of the Dongqi Association who was not far away, and thought with a cold face: "With the support of the Seven Stars Association and Jiang Shenzong behind, the entire Dongzhou underground world may be theirs!"

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng was very unwilling.

The world he has beaten through decades of wind and rain may be peached by others.

just now.

Du Yuesheng only hoped that Lin Tian could stand up and say a few words and make Jiang Shenzong wait a step back.

Or, Xu Chengli and other people from Hanshan Valley can make Jiang Shenzong give up the idea of ​​reorganization.

"Huyan Donglang, you Jiang Shenzong, do you want to break the rules?"

Xu Chengli's face was full of anger, his voice was cold, and he scolded.

"Bad rules? Hey, Xu Chengli, are you bluffing the old man! In the past few years in Huainan Province, the talents have been declining, all because of the chaos and chaos of the forces! Now we need to rectify, this point, I Jiang Shenzong Can't talk yet?"

Hu Yandong Lang raised his head, his turbid eyes began to fill with sharp light, he coldly shouted: "There is also today's Longmen meeting, the quota allocation is still carried out according to the original. As for the previously agreed test of yours, Void all!"

"Hu Yanchang always said, you guys are just crazy!"

At this time, Huang Xiaoman followed. He looked at Linghuli on the ring with a sneer, and shouted: "Linghuli, get out!"

" are looking for death!"

Linghuli was furious, and his face burst into tears.

After being scolded several times, Linghu's anger had already risen.

At any rate, he is also the big brother of Cold Valley, and his identity is there.

On weekdays, few people dared to talk to him like this.

Now in front of everyone, Huang Xiaoman wants him to roll off the ring, how could he retreat?

"Hmph, since I don't roll down, then I will beat you down!"

Huang Xiaoman let out a sudden shout, slammed on the soles of his feet, and flew into the ring.

at the same time.

His whole body burst out with real energy, roaring, carrying the real energy like a mad dragon in one fist, and blasted Linghu away.

For an instant.

A terrifying aura erupted from Huang Xiaoman.

"Go on!"

Huang Xiaoman yelled, and hit Linghuli's mouth.

"Huang Xiaoman, you are arrogant!"

Linghuli furious, raised his fist to meet him.


The two banged against each other, their true energy and imposing manner, bursting open instantly, and the billowing air wave swept through the air and tore apart the clouds.

Many people in the stands couldn't help showing horror.

Many people started to get up and withdraw so far, afraid of being affected by the aftermath.

However, as the clouds cleared away, a figure flew upside down directly from the ring.

After the personal shadow fell, everyone looked at it, and it was Linghuli who had fallen.

There seems to be little surprise to everyone, most people can't see the difference between the two, but from Huang Xiaoman's momentum alone, it is relatively strong!

"Xiao Li!"

Xu Chengli stepped forward, caught Linghuli, and searched for it. After seeing that there was no fatality, he was relieved. He raised his head and glared at Huang Xiaoman and shouted, "You are looking for death!"

When the words fell, Xu Chengli turned into a black shadow, like a thunder, rushing towards Huang Xiaoman.

"Huh! Xu Chengli, didn't you put the old man in your eyes!"

Suddenly, an angry shout rang out, and a gust of wind came, and Hu Yandong Wolf slapped Xu Chengli's back with a palm from the side.

However, Xu Chengli felt the terrifying aura of attack, suddenly turned around, and followed it hard with a palm.


For a time, the two men fought together, and the momentum was amazing.

However, with a few tricks, no one on either side can take advantage.

But after a long battle, Huyan Donglang seemed to be doing something wrong.

"You have a hidden injury? Huh, then go away!"

Xu Chengli saw Hu Yandong wolf breath begin to weaken, he shouted angrily, the momentum of the punch suddenly intensified, and lightning exploded.


With a muffled sound, Hu Yandong Wolf flew out directly.

"Call Yanchang old!"

Several young disciples of Jiang Shenzong exclaimed and hurriedly stepped forward to help Hu Yandong Wolf up.

Hu Yandong Wolf was defeated, and everyone on the south side of the stand finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

Xu Chengli blocked Jiang Shenzong, which meant that at least there was a chance to get those fifty places again.

As for the underground forces in the arena, it will not be reorganized.

People in Donghai City don’t want to see a bigger family.

In that case, it would be of no benefit to any forces except the Dongqi Association.

Xu Chengli stepped onto the ring, and under his feet, a wave of true energy swept through, directly flying Huang Xiaoman down.

He turned to look at Hu Yandong Wolf, and said coldly: "You Shenzong, it's better not to be nosy..."



As soon as Xu Chengli's words fell, a weird sharp light broke through the air and knocked him off the ring.

A blood hole appeared in his mouth, which was a bit shocking.


He vomited blood violently and his face was pale.

Suddenly, he was seriously injured and couldn't get up.


Xu Chengli looked up in horror and scolded.

Can defeat him with a single move and be seriously injured. Needless to say, his strength is at least much stronger than him!

"Huh! Huaxia's cultivators are all you capable of?"

At this moment, a man dressed in a muffler walked out of the group of seven stars, his eyes fell on Xu Chengli with disdain, and then he looked around the crowd again, his eyes fixed on Du Yuesheng.

"Your name is Du Yuesheng?"

The man who was persecuted was only Du Yuesheng, and asked in a very bad Chinese language.

"I am, who are you?"

The man who was conquered stared at him, Du Yuesheng was cold and gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, the persuasive man nodded slightly, and said domineeringly: "My name is Xue Yunxiu, the president of the Seven Star Club Hunting Star Club! From now on, your Haiqing Gang will be an affiliate of my Seven Star Club in China! Dispatch with our Star Hunting Club!"


Du Yuesheng's complexion changed drastically, his eyes filled with anger.

The other Du Miaoshu and others also looked ugly and filled with anger.

However, Xue Yunxiu, the man who was persecuted, ignored them at all. He was powerful and domineering.

He turned his head and looked at the place of the Shu family and others. He patrolled, and finally looked at Shu Yi for a long time before nodding his head: "Yes! She really is, no wonder the Yuwen family was so powerfully married to the Shu family before. Up!"

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