The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 946: Huangquan Locking Light

From the beginning, Shu Zihui was extremely excited to learn that he could enter the cold valley and become a real cultivator.

The most important thing is that you can still worship under the sect of the Valley Lord of the Cold Valley and become a true disciple of the sect.


Later, I learned that the method of cultivation was the secret of the cold valley. It needs to be practiced with a woman with a special physique to cultivate it to a high and deep level and reach the state of perfection.

Moreover, every time a key breakthrough is reached, it is necessary to keep looking for a girl who can be a furnace.

Such cultivation method can be said to subvert Shu Zihui's worldview.

The first reaction, he just resisted!

How different is this cultivation method from the evil devil's crooked way!

In the end, he boldly proposed an idea with the Lord of the Valley of the Cold Valley, and wanted to join Xu Chengli who took him to the Valley of the Valley.

The result really got permission.

In addition to visiting his family and telling him that he had entered the Xianshan sect this time, he also mentioned to his grandfather that he had visited Xu Chengli's sect. He still wanted to make it clear to his grandfather.

No matter how far his cultivation level is, Shu Chenshi is still his grandfather after all.

On the way back, I got the news that my sister Shu Yi was about to be used as a furnace tripod by the young master of the Jiang Shenzong, and she was very anxious.

now. Anyhow it was stopped.

I also met senior Jindans like Lin Tian!

In addition, Lin Tian still had a relationship with his sister, Shu Zihui couldn't help but sigh.


Lin Tian heard the three words Liu Naier, his expression stagnated, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he looked back, "What did you just say? That girl's name is Liu Naier? Are you sure you heard it right!"

Seeing Lin Tian's reaction like this, Shu Zihui was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes! It's Liu Naier! It's his uncle who personally cooperated with the people under our Lord Shaogu! If you can get through the furnace. Jie, you will reach the sky in one step. This opportunity will definitely attract many ordinary people! No wonder the girl's uncle and aunt will be so ecstatic..."

But when it came to this, Shu Zihui quickly reacted and looked up in amazement, saying: "Senior, you know that Liu Naier?"


Lin Tian nodded slightly, his face became colder and colder, and said indifferently: "What is the situation now?"

The faces of Xu Chengli, Shu Zihui and others changed.

Xu Chengli hurriedly stepped forward and said anxiously: "Senior, please calm down your anger. This matter is in our cold valley. In the past, many girls entered the valley and became furnaces. However, we have never forced them. Yes! It’s just that Liu Naier didn’t think she was a friend of the senior, and I was talking about Zihui and the old man, and I don’t know if Miss Liu is willing or in the dark..."

"Then what's her situation now?"

Lin Tian asked again with cold eyes.

Now, he just wanted to know whether Liu Naier had become someone else's furnace.

"According to the current situation, Miss Liu should be on her way to the cold valley!"

Xu Chengli wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly replied: "If... if you really become a furnace, it will take at least seven days later! After all, this martial arts meeting is also very important, and our young master will be there tomorrow Jinling!"

After hearing this, Lin Tian fell silent a little.

At this time, the clouds and mist in the battlefield suddenly increased.

Lin Tian couldn't help but raised his head and looked around with a look of surprise on his face.

It's getting foggy!

Lin Tian sighed secretly.

Because at this moment when the clouds suddenly became dense, Lin Tian sensed unusual things fluctuating around him.

"After an hour, you take me to the cold valley!"

Lin Tian suddenly turned around, looked at Shu Zihui, and said solemnly.


With a violent wave of Lin Tian's palm, a series of true Qi blades came out in the air, rushing to Huyandong Lang and others.

In less than a breathing time, the cultivators of the Jiang Shenzong present were all killed.

Even if he begged for mercy, Lin Tian killed these people.

Let's not talk about making ideas about Shu Yi, just because of the conflict with Jiang Shenzong in Lengshuijiang City, he and Jiang Shenzong are already immortal.

Lin Tian wouldn't be the slightest softness in killing Jiang Shenzong.

"Yuwen is invincible!"

At this time, Lin Tian's eyes fell on Yuwen Invincible, his voice with endless icy cold, "After seven days, I want to see your Yuwen family’s properties and all transfer to the Shu family’s name, otherwise, your Yuwen family will Disappeared from the boundary of Dongzhou! And three days later, I brought Yuwen Tower to my knees and confessed, otherwise, die!"


After finishing speaking, Lin Tianchao's Yuwen invincible Dantian shot a real energy and abolished his cultivation base.

Being able to survive, Yuwen was invincible and grateful for a long time before taking the Yuwen family away in embarrassment.

"Let everyone else withdraw, I want to see this ancient town of Longmen! Shu Zihui is waiting for me outside the town!"

Lin Tian turned around and said to Xu Chengli.

Afterwards, Lin Tian walked to Shu Yi and said: "Xiao Yi, you should go with your family first, I have something to stay!"

Shu Yi didn't ask the reason this time, but just nodded to make Lin Tian pay attention to safety.


Lin Tian was the only one left in Doulongchang and even the entire Longmen Ancient Town.

He walked out of the battlefield and came to the center of Longmen Ancient Town.


More and more clouds and mist over the town, and gradually turned into monstrous waves, and began to churn.

What followed was a burst of creepy wind.

The wind, with a whistling sound, seemed to come from the land of Jiuyou, making the scalp numb.

Lin Tian's complexion was as usual, just squinting his eyes slightly, looking around, and then unfolding the huge divine consciousness, covering the entire Longmen Ancient Town.

"Yin wind! This is not an ordinary yin wind, but... the yin wind of the underworld!"

Lin Tian's words stood out, with surprise and coldness in his voice.

His consciousness shrank suddenly, and he stopped on a low hill in the dense forest beside Longmen Ancient Town.

There is a small cave that can only be entered by one person.

On the edge of the cave, there is an altar.

It's just that the altar seems to be a few years old, and it is full of mottled marks.

If ordinary people see it, they won't recognize it as an altar, just as a corner of a dilapidated ancient building.

However, Lin Tian recognized the faint rune on the altar. It was the rune used to build the altar, and he recognized it.

Lin Tian stepped up to the altar and inspected it. The altar had already failed.

Even if someone comes here, nothing will happen.

However, the cave is unusual.

Ordinary people may not be able to sense it, but when Lin Tian walks here, he can sense the ghostly air that whizzes from inside.

But he used his spiritual sense to probe, but he could only probe a dozen meters inside.

"Huh, what the **** is this!"

Lin Tian snorted softly, without any fear on his face, and stepped in.

Entering the cave, there was a yin wind blowing, Lin Tian couldn't help but stand up.

Not far inward, a green ray of light appeared in the line of sight. Lin Tian raised his head to see where the light source was coming from, his eyes glared sharply, and he said in amazement, "Huangquan locks the lantern!"

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