The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 954: Flame pool

Long Hentian hadn't noticed the existence of Lin Tian since entering the reception hall.

Only then did he notice that there was such a person sitting here.

Shu Zihui, who came with Long Hentian, couldn't help being speechless.

Thinking of Lin Tian's identity again, he was very anxious, wiping the sweat from his forehead, ready to introduce.

However, Lin Tian waved his hand, not wanting to talk too much nonsense, interrupted Shu Zihui, and said to Long Hentian: "My name is Lin Bei, Shu Zihui's friend! You cold valley use girls as furnaces for cultivation, and you are from the East China Sea. The one brought back is my friend! Bring her out, if she is voluntary, I will turn around and leave! If she is not voluntary... You Hanshan Valley will be ready to calm my anger!"

Wu Jiu standing on the side.

Originally, he wanted to explain Lin Tian's identity to Long Hentian.

However, hearing Lin Tian's words at this time, he understood that Senior Lin in front of him was suffocating his anger.

If one fails, Cold Valley may face a major crisis this time.

At this level, Wu Jiu was just a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building, and could no longer speak.

Can only be silent and sigh secretly.

With Long Hengtian's temperament, Lin Tian said this absolutely to be furious.

The main reason was that when he heard that there was a young supreme who was younger than him in Nanzhou, Long Hentian sneered and didn't believe it at all.

In the current situation, even if Wu Jiu came out to persuade him, he couldn't persuade him. It's better to stay out of the matter.

Today's Cold Valley is already a word for the Long Family.


Long Hentian's face was cold at first, and then angrily turned back and smiled: "You are here to threaten Ben Shao in my cold valley? It's so kind, and I can find a place! Although, I don't know where the teacher came from, but Long Brother Transcript, if you still dare to say such things, don't you put Long Cry City in your eyes?"

With these words, Long Hentian directly tied Cold Valley and Longwai City together.

Without clarifying the origin of Lin Tian, ​​he didn't say anything but gave Lin Tian a warning.

At the same time, he turned his head to look at Shu Zihui and squinted, "Junior Brother Shu, who is your friend?"

"Young Sect Master...this..."

Shu Zihui glanced at Lin Tian, ​​his face a little helpless, he also wanted to persuade Long Hentian, but at last he turned to say, "He is my sister's friend... and... also a cultivator. It seems..."

"No school, no school!"

Lin Tian glanced at Shu Zihui, added, and continued to oppose: "Where is the person?"

"Oh, no school, no school? You have the courage!"

Long Hentian breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, Lin Tian is just a casual cultivator. He has no background, so it is nothing. Where can his cultivation be so high at such a young age?

"Then Liu Nai'er is your woman? That's even more interesting! Young Master likes to use other people's things the most! If you are not afraid, follow along, she is in the Cold Flame Pool!

Looking back with a sneer, Long Hentian ignored Lin Tian and walked out of the hall to lead the way for Long Tan and others.

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth raised slightly, his expression was as usual, and he followed.

If it hadn't been for Liu Naier, he would just kill the opponent instantly if it was Long Hentian's words alone.

Long Hentian is the same as that of Long Chen, but he is the pinnacle of the nine levels of Qi refining, and he is more than 20 years old. Although he is not a top genius among the many cultivation sects on this earth, his talent is not bad.

However, in Lin Tian's eyes, this class of goods is an existence that can be killed by a finger, weak as an ant!

Now, I don't bother to pay attention to their clamor.

"Shao Lin, this..."

Wu Jiu walked quickly behind him, speaking with a bitter expression.

"People are fine, then everything is easy to say!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, interrupting Wu Jiu, and said solemnly.


The group walked behind the gate of the cold valley.

Where is a huge group of ancient buildings.

A seven-to-eight-meter-high wall was cast with black marble around it, and the inside was not clearly visible, and it seemed extremely severe.

After approaching there, I could faintly feel the air, and there was a hint of coldness lingering in the air, freezing to the bones.

Just after lifting the ban on the building complex surrounded by tall walls, Lin Tian's spiritual consciousness has spread out.

However, what surprised him was that the divine consciousness was actually hindered, and the formation was laid here.

But it couldn't stop Lin Tian's powerful spirit at all.

He saw the situation inside clearly.

Inside, ancient buildings, pavilions, rockery and flowing water are all available, all of which are the layout of Jiangnan gardens.

But in the middle of the building complex, there is a cold pool with rising flames.

That's right!

It is the blazing flames and the cold pool!

Such a situation is very surprised!

The fire was rising from a pool of water that was several meters away, braving the cold and biting the bones. This kind of picture is too abnormal!

Especially, among the flames, there are still many ice flowers in full bloom, and white mist is lingering.

Dog flowers!

Lin Tian recognized the ice flower clearly.

Lin Tian and Zhu Ting'er had seen it before in the Hangu Scenic Area in Hangu City.

I want to come to the place where the dogwood flowers are actually produced. This flame pool should be!

At the same time, Lin Tian noticed that there was a flower and grass that was full of black flowing light in the middle of a dormant flower. The petals were also black, and there was a black atmosphere on it, which seemed to be poisonous. Look. Desperate people.

On the edge of the flame pool, these three people sat cross-legged.

A middle-aged man, his appearance was seven to eight points similar to Long Hentian, and he had the cultivation base of the later stage of foundation building. He wanted to be Long Hentian's father.

There is also an old man with white beard and hair. You can vaguely see the inheritance of Long Hentian and his son. I think it should be Long Hentian's grandfather. He has a solid body and is really good. He is a fake alchemy monk. !


The two sat cross-legged on either side, and in the middle was a man covered in black robes, unable to see his face clearly.

However, Lin Tian sensed this person's cultivation.

Early Jindan!

This is a golden core monk!

In front of this man is a pill furnace, which seems to be making alchemy.

However, Lin Tian only took a look, then removed his spiritual consciousness, and then enveloped the entire building complex.

To his relief, he found Liu Naier in a room here.

At this time, the little girl was with her uncle Liu Nianguang and aunt Chai Xingzhu, and the two behind were talking non-stop, seeming to persuade her.

Lin Tian probed Liu Naier and found that it was the body of Wanbi. Finally, he took a breath and his complexion eased.

As for what Liu Naier's uncle and aunt said, he didn't bother to pay attention.

However, Lin Tian saw a lot of girls in other rooms, some of them pale and frightened, while others were extremely excited and eager to try.

"Senior Long Yin, wait a moment, I will go in and talk to my grandpa and the others!"

When he walked to the gate of the fence, Long Hentian stopped, and turned his head to politely salute the others.

"it is good!"

Long Yin nodded slightly and stopped.

Long Hentian looked back at Lin Tian, ​​saw the latter following, twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a sneer, then gently opened the door and walked in.

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