The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 956: Kneel down


Xie Qingyang!

Medicine magic!

Every word, like thunder, exploded in the ears of several disciples in Longyucheng waiting for Longyan.

They were all on the spot in amazement, with horror on their faces.

Long Hentian and the others, who did not know the identity of Xie Qingyang before, were also very scared. They looked at Xie Qingyang, who was wearing a black robe, with deep shock in his eyes.

prior to.

Long Xinghe mentioned that a senior from Zhongzhou had come from the sect, and Long Hentian just thought he was an ordinary powerhouse.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a medicine demon!

The dragon who was beaten into the air vomited blood, but regardless of his injuries, he quickly got up and looked at the black-robed man with a terrified expression, unable to believe it.

"You... are you a senior medicine demon?"

Long Chen trembled and looked at a man in a black robe in horror.

Medicine Demon Jie Qingyang, he is a golden core monk himself, his cultivation base is far inferior to the old city master of Longwai City.

However, the name of Medicine Magic has long been known as Zhongzhou!

Whether Xie Qingyang is on the path of alchemy or the path of medicine, he is first-class in the realm of cultivation!

Someone once called it the devil of medicine, and it was one of the three great medicine deities in the realm of cultivation!

As for those strong in the cultivation world who want or don't understand Qingyang's favor, they are too many to count.

To be the enemy of Yao Mo Jie Qingyang is to be the enemy of those strong!

Even if it is a big sect, they dare not offend understanding Qingyang!

What's more, the medicine demon solution Qingyang came from Jingmoyuan!

Frightening Demon Abyss, the top demon gate of the second level cultivation domain, with shocking strength and countless strong.

Long Cry City, one of the overlords of the East China Sea cultivation world, did not dare to offend him easily!

"Long Yinxian nephew, the person in front of you is naturally the predecessor of the medicine demon. We specially asked the predecessors to help us see the surviving life flower! I have a cold life technique in the cold valley, but I can't practice it. It is like guarding Baoshan in an empty space!"

Standing on the side, Long Xinghe spoke at this moment: "Fu Xiang Sheng Ling Hua just can't make it successfully. This time I invited the Senior Medicine Demon, and also used the flower bone flower and flower stem essence to make a trial of the sanfu flower refining! So , Fu Wangshenglinghua, there is no way to give you Longwaicheng!"

This time, Long Xinghe could be absolutely confident against Long Tan.

"This flower can't be given to you, and the old man also needs some branches and leaves for auxiliary use!"

At this time, Medicine Demon Jie Qingyang continued to open, and said: "If you want, let your City Lord come over and ask this seat yourself!"

"Senior, I can't wait!"

Long Yin and the others were frightened when they heard it.

"If you dare not get out!"

Xie Qingyang shouted directly this time.

"Thank you seniors for showing mercy!"

Long Yin thanked him for a while, and then he turned around to leave.


Long Yin looked like this on the surface, but his heart was already suffocating, and he didn't dare to show it.

Turning around and walking, seeing Lin Tian standing behind, he couldn't help but yelled: "Idiot, go away!"

With a stomach of fire, Long Yan wanted to spread it on Lin Tian.


Only a roar that Lin Tian could hear, exploded in his body, and the violent innocence, like a huge wave swept up in the sky, was about to burst out.

After repeated provocations, Lin Tian prepared to take a shot and slapped him to death.

However, Yao Mo Jie Qing Yang shot faster than him.

With a loud bang, a terrifying infuriating energy swept past, directly flying Long Tan and the others out.

"It's really noisy! Get out, otherwise..."

Xie Qingyang gave a cold warning, without even looking at a few people.

Long Tan and others left in embarrassment.

Long Xinghe and the others breathed a sigh of relief after sending off the dragon.

If they don't understand that Qingyang is here, they don't know how to deal with the pressure of Long Cry City.

But at this time, Long Xinghe noticed Lin Tian who had not left, looked around Long Hentian, Wu Jiu and Shu Zihui, then frowned, "Who is he?"

"Father, that's it..."

Long Hentian stepped forward and whispered in Long Xinghe's ear.

Standing on the side, Long Qianheng naturally heard Long Hentian's words and couldn't help but look surprised.

"Since you are Zihui's friend, then bring someone to meet him!"

Long Xinghe frowned slightly and hated him.

"If my master didn't look at Junior Brother Zihui's face, you would have to climb out and leave the cold valley!"

Long Hentian said coldly to Lin Tian, ​​turned and left, and walked into a building nearby.

Seeing this, both Shu Zihui and Wu Jiu were speechless for a while.

But the two looked at Long Xinghe, and then saw Xie Qingyang here, they were afraid to speak.

The most important thing is that they are afraid of offending Lin Tian.

As for Xie Qingyang, he simply ignored this side and continued to play around with the pill furnace.


Long Hentian brought people here.

Liu Naier, uncle Liu Nianguang and aunt Chai Xingzhu followed Long Hentian to this side.

When seeing Lin Tian standing among a few people, Liu Naier's face was a little sad, and she couldn't help but stopped.

"Little... Brother Xiaotian, why are you here?"

Liu Naier looked at Lin Tian and spoke softly.

"She, I'll take it away! She is reluctant to stay!"

At the moment when he saw Liu Naier, Lin Tian knew that Liu Naier didn’t want to be a furnace and bet on the future, so he directly spoke, and at the same time pointed to the Fuwang Sheng Linghua in the flame pool, and said: "There is also that flower. , As compensation for her, I want it!"

After hearing this, Long Hentian, who was still ready to teach Lin Tian a lesson, opened his mouth with a dazed expression.

Long Qianheng and Long Xinghe both stared.

Even Medicine Demon Jie Qingyang stopped his hands and finally looked back.

Xie Qingyang's face, which was hidden under the black robe, stayed with a silver mask on one side, only half of his face was exposed. His complexion was sickly pale, and his cold eyes were very shocking.


Before a few people spoke, Liu Naier’s aunt Chai Xingzhu screamed and jumped out: "Who are you? Naier wants to stay in the cold valley and become a fairy like He Long Shao. If you say take it away, take it away. What a joke!"

"I'm Naier's brother! Lin Bei!"

Lin Tian glanced at Chai Xingzhu and said coldly.

"Brother? Are you crazy! We don't know better than you about what's going on in Nair's family? Maybe you don't know, we are her uncle and aunt!"

Chai Xingzhu's eyes widened and he snapped.

This time Lin Tian ignored the other party, turned to Liu Naier and asked: "Xiao Nai, are you going with me or staying?"

"I... I don't want to stay here, and I don't want to be any fairy... Uncle and aunt... They forced me to come..."

Liu Naier glanced at Long Hentian fearfully, then at Liu Nianguang and Chai Xingzhu, and finally trembled at Lin Tiandao.

"it is good!"

Lin Tian nodded lightly and said, "I took the spirit flower, and we will leave!"

With that, Lin Tian stepped towards the flame pool.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Lin Tian so presumptuous, Long Hentian was furious, stepped towards Lin Tian, ​​slapped him directly, "Idiot, dare to ignore my grandfather and Senior Medicine Demon, kneel down!"

"Then kneel down!"

Lin Tian burst out with a real angrily all over his body, and his clothes were airless. He paused, and slapped Long Hentian directly with his backhand and slapped him to the ground.

With a muffled sound, the bluestone bricks on the ground cracked, smoke and dust filled, Long Hentian was photographed trembling, blood vomiting in his mouth.

Long Qianheng and others looked shocked.

Yao Mo Jie Qingyang let out a whisper, and Sen Leng's eyes flashed with surprise.

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