The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 958: Medicine Devil Worship Service

The level of refining medicine is full of errors? !

Yao Mo Jie Qingyang frowned, his face was unhappy.

This is the first time someone questioned his level of refining medicine!

This situation is unprecedented!

Even if Lin Tian was a talented evildoer, Xie Qingyang was a little angry about it.

In Zhongzhou, so many peerless powerhouses have never dared to question his refining methods, let alone Lin Tian this junior.


Thinking of young people's extraordinary talents, I can't help but feel a little arrogant, and I can understand them even with these words.

Therefore, his expression was slow, he didn't care, and he turned to say, "It's better to put aside the matter of refining medicine, fellow daoists, can we fight one or two?"

With that, Xie Qingyang's eyes were hot again, and his fighting spirit rose.

Seeing Xie Qingyang like this, Lin Tian finally nodded in response.

Unexpectedly, this guy is not only a medicine maniac, but also a fighting maniac!

"Haha...Okay! Fellow Daoists use all their strengths, and you can fight against the worldless evildoers who have talents overwhelming many geniuses, even if you lose!"

Xie Qingyang's face was overjoyed and laughed wildly. The real energy burst under his feet, and his whole body rose into the sky, roaring like a rainbow with the black aura, as if to tear the night to pieces.

The Medicine Demon Jie Qingyang has a great reputation in refining medicine, and it is admired by countless cultivators.

Therefore, many people ignore his strength.

He himself is an extremely powerful golden core monk!

Moreover, the condensed is still flawless golden core, and the talent is also first-class!

He is a fighting freak, and he is also famous among the magic gates.

But he didn't just shoot when he saw anyone, but he had never seen a genius as terrible as Lin Tian in Zhongzhou. His heart was itchy and he decided that he had to fight once!

And his exposure made Liu Naier, Liu Nianguang and others kneel to the ground in fright.

Liu Naier didn't worship, but couldn't stand still.

"Brother Xiaotian is going to fight this person, will it be dangerous? This person is too powerful to fly!"

Liu Naier's beautiful eyes flickered and looked at Lin Tian with worry, very anxious.

As for Wu Jiu, Long Hentian and others, it was the first time that the Great Monk Jin Dan took action, and their faces paled in fright.

At the same time, they began to look forward to the match between the two.

Even Long Qianheng was excited.

He was only one step away to step into the golden core.

But such a step is like a chasm that cannot be crossed.

Perhaps after watching the battle between the two Jindan overhauls, I can feel a little bit!

"You are not qualified to let me do my best!"

Lin Tian raised his head, looked at Xie Qingyang, and shook his head slightly.

But as soon as he finished his words, he stepped forward, his whole person walking flat on the ground, and he walked to the front of Yaomo Jie Qingyang.

"What kind of body is this!"

Xie Qingyang's eyes glared, his face shocked.

A moment ago, listening to Lin Tian said that he was not qualified to let him make a full shot, Xie Qingyang was still a little unhappy.

But seeing Lin Tian's hand, secretly shocked.

In particular, he couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation in Lin Tian's body.

This is an expression of applying the true energy to the extreme.

The more contained but not revealed, the more you can see the horror of strength!

"Catch me! If you can catch it, count me as losing!"

Lin Tian exploded, and came to understand Qingyang in a short time, and the volley went with a punch.

That punch is Tongtianquan!

This is also his most powerful boxing technique so far!

Just because this boxing skill has been cultivated to the realm of perfection, even if it is a higher-level boxing method, it is not necessarily better than the Tongtianquan!

Xie Qingyang had been prepared for a long time, and after shouting loudly in Lin Tian, ​​he already followed the condensed devilish energy.

He made palm prints in front of him in an instant.

That Yin Jue, constantly flickering in the virtual space, and the horrible energy rolled around, like a huge wave,

"Good job!"

Xie Qingyang's fighting spirit rose, and his palm prints were handed over, his palms merged suddenly, and he pushed out.


The attacks of the two were handed over in an instant, and time seemed to freeze at that moment, but it exploded in a crash in the next moment.

At that moment, Xie Qingyang's complexion changed drastically, and his eyes showed amazement.

Lin Tian's punch was very light and fluttering, and the lingering true energy was condensed without revealing it, and it seemed that there was not much power.

However, at the moment when the fist was hit firmly in the palm of the palm, the force like Mount Tai's topping instantly acted on, and Xie Qingyang felt that the whole person was about to be crushed, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

"This...this boxing technique, at least a sky-level combat technique...maybe even an immortal technique and magical secret technique! Oh my god, this is something only Yuan Ying senior can have..."

At the moment Xie Qingyang landed, a conjecture and thought flashed in his mind, and a stormy sea could not be helped.


A mouthful of blood was spit out from Xie Qingyang's mouth, his face pale.

Standing around and watching the scene where the confrontation was instantaneous and ended in an instant, everyone was stunned.

Especially looking at Lin Tian, ​​Liu Naier and others, it was messy for a while.

Long Qianheng and others could not be calmed by the rise of horror and awe.

"I lost!"

Xie Qingyang gave a wry smile, and then got up, regardless of the embarrassment on him, clasped his fist to Lin Tian and said: "The horror of the daoist's strength, Xie is willing to go down! The so-called geniuses I saw in Zhongzhou, now thinking about it, are really ridiculous... …"

"I can't resist a punch, if I do my best, you won't have any scum left!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, and said with a sullen face: "As for the genius you mentioned...Geniuses are those pretentious people who endure the flattery of others in order to satisfy their vanity! A true genius is not what kind of cultivation level it reaches at any age. , But a person’s perseverance, chance, Taoism, temperament, comprehension, and resources! Next is talent...Although understanding has a little relationship with talent, it has little to do with..."


After hearing Lin Tian's words, everyone except Liu Naier and her uncle and aunt exclaimed.

Just because of Lin Tian's words, it is so novel!

At least in today's cultivation world, something unusual!

It has always been thought that they are adhering to the principle of talent first and resources second to select talents.

Many people frowned.

Only Xie Qingyang was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized that he bowed to Lin Tian and said, "Thank you, fellow daoist!"

Grateful thanks, Xie Qingyang said again: "Dare to ask fellow Daoists, how much strength did your punch just use?"

"Do you really want to know?"

Lin Tian looked at each other with a faint smile.

"It's okay for fellow Taoists to speak straight!"

Xie Qingyang vaguely had a bad feeling, but still clasped his fist.

Lin Tian nodded lightly and paused: "To be bigger, the most conservative estimate is 10% strength!"


One...10%? ! ! !

Xie Qingyang opened his mouth, his eyes stared, and his eyes almost fell out of shock.

He took a breath of air, then his face collapsed, and he shook his head with a wry smile: "Xie finally knows what it means to have a mountain outside a mountain, but there is a mountain outside! If fellow Taoists go to Central Continent, the geniuses over there may be all collapsed……"

"Today Xie Mou lost! If the daoist is still angry, Xie Mou is at your disposal!"

Seeing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but nod in satisfaction, this Xie Qingyang was a magnanimous person.

"Looking at what you said, I'll point you one or two more!"

With that said, Lin Tian walked to the pill furnace, picked up the unused spirit flower materials on the side, put it into the pill furnace, and then took a shot with his hand to control the pill furnace to mid-air, and the samādhi of his palm was really hot. Out.

"I saw your refining just now, and I can guess the general contents of the pill...First of all, there is a problem with the pill, and there are also problems with your technique...Plus, this kind of spirit flower is not refined like this, although I This is the first time I have seen..."

When he came down, Lin Tian was explaining to Xie Qingyang while making the refining.

In just a few minutes, Xie Qingyang was dumbfounded.

After that, he directly bowed down and worshiped, exclaiming again and again: "What the Taoist said and preached is no different from what the teacher taught, please accept a certain worship!"

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