The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 966: Ridiculous

In the cave halfway up the mountain, there was spiritual energy dissipating, and Lin Tian was surprised and walked up the mountain.

The old man on the mountain was still fighting with the giant python. He was not young, but he was very healthy.

The girl standing aside, sixteen or seventeen years old, shouted grandpa cheering with excitement and excitement. She could see that she was not at all worried that the old man would fall.

Lin Tian walked halfway up the mountain, not far from his grandson and his grandson, ready to stop.

He wanted to wait for the old man to clean up the python, and then go over and take a look.


He stopped for a moment, the girl who cheered on the old man suddenly turned her head to look at Lin Tian, ​​her pretty face changed drastically.

"Who, stop, don't come over!"

The girl pointed to Lin Tian, ​​yelled loudly, and reminded: "This place is very dangerous, the remaining prestige of this thing can hurt you! You are an ordinary person, why come here by yourself? This place is full of beasts, I really don’t know what to say. !"

After finishing speaking, the girl dissipated all over her body, showing a vigilant color.

She was afraid that the young boy who appeared suddenly would rush over, if she was contaminated by the poisonous gas of this giant python, she would have to be killed!

The girl's strength is also good, she should have practiced the national skill for a long time, and it is already in the middle stage of external power.

When she was drinking sweetly, she carried a sigh of heroism, and her aura was full.

If it is an ordinary person, even a young man, in front of this girl, it is still three points cowardly!

Lin Tian, ​​who was about to stand still, couldn't help but curl his lips at the girl, too lazy to bother.

Halfway up the mountain, the roar continued.

Crushed rocks continued to fall on the mountain, and the surrounding trees tremble constantly.

This old man is a master of dark power!

That is, he is a master of national arts!

When he waved his palm, the horrible energy swept through, and his every move had great power!

In the eyes of Lin Tian, ​​it is not worth mentioning, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the demeanor and strength of a peerless expert!

Shaking for another ten minutes.

The old man consumed the giant python almost, and immediately blasted it out with a punch, killing it, and the crown on his head was beaten to pieces.

After that, the old man kicked the python aside, flicked his sleeves, and snorted coldly before turning to Lin Tian.

"Little guy, this place is dangerous, why did you come up alone?"

The old man folded his back with his brows frowned, and looked at Lin Tiandao: "Don't think that this giant python is an ordinary snake, it has become a fine python, even if it is a person with a weapon, it will be difficult to clean it up! You A bit of flesh is not enough for it to stuff its teeth! There are still many beasts on this mountain, so hurry down and go down..."

He persuaded Lin Tian, ​​thinking that the young man in front of him would respond respectfully, admiring his skill, and turning to leave.

It is a pity that Lin Tian looked as usual, glanced at the giant python faintly, shook his head slightly, and said softly: "It's okay, I just want to see the cave behind the giant python!"

"Huh, I don't know what to do!"

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't listen to her grandfather, she still looked so okay, thinking that the latter didn't understand the danger of the giant python in front of her, she suddenly shouted, "Do you know what my grandfather is? Humph," His name is Wu Jinni, the master of Yanzhou national martial arts, and his strength is amazing. Even if he faces dozens of special forces, he can solve them in half a minute! Wherever my grandfather goes, he is respected by countless people. What he said, you Don’t listen! And, you saw the giant python just now. My grandfather took a lot of effort to kill it. It can be seen how terrifying the python is! But there are only a lot more beasts on the mountain than this python..."

"Now, don't hurry down the mountain!"

Having said so much, the girl felt that Lin Tian should be terrified and turned to escape.

But Lin Tian still shook his head and said, "Your grandfather's strength is not bad! If you have something, you can go first, I will look at the cave..."


Fair... Fair enough?

The girl's beautiful eyes instantly widened, staring at Lin Tian with anger on her face.

"You fellow, you really don't understand anything. You don't understand what kind of national masters exist? It seems that Wu Naiqing has to teach you a lesson before you understand what Chinese national magic is and what is killing enemies!"

Wu Naiqing's indifferent attitude towards Lin Tian, ​​and the appearance that he did not know the so-called, was extremely annoyed, she screamed, and she was about to attack Lin Tian.

However, the old man Wu Jinni caught his granddaughter Wu Naiqing, and then said to Lin Tian: "Since you don't listen, the old man doesn't bother to care about you!"

"Naiqing, dig the snake gall and go down the mountain!"

Hearing what Grandpa said, Wu Naiqing gave Lin Tian a fierce look, then took out a dagger from her body, fiddled with the python, and took out a huge snake gall.

Putting away the snake gall, Wu Naiqing followed her grandfather Wu Jinnier to prepare to descend.

But when she walked to Lin Tian's side, she shook her head and sighed: "When there are beasts, you regret it, no one knows!"

Seeing the two leave, Lin Tian pouted and was speechless in secret.

At the same time he stepped into the cave.

There was a bit of coldness inside, and a cool breath came over.

At the end of the cave, there was a ticking sound, and a faint aura radiated from there.

Lin Tianchao walked inside and found that it was a Zhongru stone dripping with water, with aura from above.

It's just that the aura is very weak.

"Hey... the original state of the spirit veins! However, if you want to take shape, it will not take more than tens of thousands of years, almost impossible!"

Lin Tian looked at Zhong Rushi and let out a surprise, but then shook his head again and gave up the absorption.

After turning around in the cave, he picked up a few rare Chinese herbal medicines, and he collected them easily.

After going down the mountain, Lin Tian made a circle around, but unfortunately there was no other discovery.

As for the so-called beasts, when they saw him, they were scattered and escaped.


Lin Tian returned and walked into the courtyard of Ye Xiaoxuan.

But as soon as he walked in, he couldn't help being stunned.

Found that Wu Jinnie and Wu Naiqing grandparents were standing there in the courtyard.

On the opposite side, Yu Guangrui and others, who had robbed the room before, respectfully saluted the old man.

"Senior Wu, I didn't expect you to arrive early in the morning!"

Yu Guangrui looked flattering, and respectfully said to Wu Jinnier: "The national martial arts competition at noon, it is said that before the noon, it is said that high-ranking people like you will be the first to take action. It is an eye-opener for the younger generation! We can't wait to think about it. I have witnessed the skill of senior..."

"Haha... this is okay. Old man, I haven't played well with other colleagues!"

Wu Jinni was very satisfied with the attitude of Yu Guangrui and others. He stroked the white beard that was not too long, nodded and said: "The time is almost there, I won't wait too long!"

"Hmph, you want to see my grandpa take action, but a guy who saw my grandpa personally fight a beast, he was an idiot!"

Wu Naiqing suddenly snorted and said, "He said that my grandpa's strength is just not bad..."

"What? Who dared to say such things in front of Senior Wu!"

Yu Guangrui's face sank, and he said coldly: "It seems that too many people don't understand the real Chinese martial arts! I saw it with my own eyes, but I don't know what to say, it's really ridiculous..."

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