The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 974: Weng Xiyun calls

"Do you think that if you have a wealth of money, you can get your life?"

Lin Tian carried his hands on his back and his eyes were like knives. He looked at Yu Guangrui below and said coldly.

Yu Guangrui is just an ordinary person.

Originally, Lin Tian was too lazy to care about it.

But the provocation on the forehead again and again, no matter how good the temper is, it is unbearable!


With Yu Guangrui's domineering personality, in the past, he must have done shameful things!

If you can, Lin Tian doesn't mind the killer.

And hearing Lin Tian's awe-inspiring words of killing, Zhou Guoqing and others who had followed Yu Guangrui before also turned pale with fright and were at a loss for a while.

"Ah...senior...senior...and...and beauties, I can give you a lot! Those very tender college students who haven't passed the exam..."

Yu Guangrui was scared to death by Lin Tian's cold words, and said anxiously: "There are treasures, I can help you find many treasures for cultivation! Including women with special physiques you need, I will give you all Find..."



E Yang Ji, who was sitting in front, suddenly took a deep breath.

In his opinion, Yu Guangrui's words were tantamount to further angering Lin Tian, ​​which was no different from seeking death.

Yu Guangrui didn't know what kind of character Lin Tian was, but Yang Ji could tell how much.

Can this class of people bribe and trade with money and beautiful women?

Not only did this fail to get a good result, but it felt like an insult!


"It seems that your life is as light as a grass!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, and flicked his finger, a force of true energy hit Yu Guangrui's body in an instant, piercing through his eyebrows.

With a thump, Yu Guangrui fell to the ground in an instant, staring wide-eyed, dead to death, with panic on his face.


Everyone calmed down again, staring at Yu Guangrui's body in a daze, and did not dare to make any more noises for a while, or even a little change.

Some people even wanted to scream, but they found that they seemed to be blocked by invisible fear and couldn't speak.

There are many ordinary people who come here to watch the national martial arts competition.

Faced with this scene, they were all horrified.

Many people were trembling, their gazes at Lin Tian were filled with fear.

In the past.

In the national martial arts competition, accidental disability is inevitable, but the probability of occurrence is very low.

How did you think that a dead man appeared now!

"Senior... please give Wu Jinni and them a chance!"

At this moment, Yang Ji stepped forward, bowed to Lin Tian, ​​and pleaded loudly.

"Pack yourself!"

Lin Tian had long lost the thought of starting with Wu Jinni. He said lightly, stepped off the Bulian Terrace and returned to Zhou Xiaomeng's side.

He looked at Zhu Yuqi and Ai Liu, and said, "If you have any difficulties in the future, you can find me!"

With that said, he looked at Zhou Xiaomeng and said, "Let's go!"

For the national martial arts competition, Lin Tian didn't bother to watch it.

It's such a big noise, it doesn't make sense to stay, and there is no fun to watch.

As for the death of a person, with the energy of Yang Ji and others, it was easy to suppress it, and the matter would not spread widely, Lin Tian was not worried at all.

Out of the valley, Zhou Xiaomeng was helpless to Lin Tiandao: "Most of these people are ignorant people. They are only a trivial man, but they don't know that it's hard to be elegant!"

"It's okay, kill it and it will disappear! But as a cultivator, you must have a mentality to look down on everything, otherwise a few words from others will make you angry and chaotic, so what's the point?"

Lin Tian smiled freely, and said: "Go back now, and you will practice the Thousand Fantasy Colored Lilac Art! As for tomorrow's ancient martial arts competition, I may not go! If you can, why don't you help me go to the town? Help Donghai Shujiayou Du Yuesheng and others!"

Lin Tian didn't want to waste time in the Guwu competition.

The main reason he came here this time was because he had promised Zhou Li and Huangfucheng and the others to compete in cultivation, so I can't say to have a look. If there is no need to take action, that's all.

When everything was over, he rushed to Yanjing, and in a few days, it was also the beginning of the university.

"Ah... I'm going to town? Can I do it!"

Zhou Xiaomeng exclaimed, somewhat at a loss.

It's not that she has never experienced such big scenes like that.

But let her be such a little girl as the boss of the town, it is really a bit at a loss.

"Well, just go over!"

Lin Tian smiled slightly, and said: "Speaking of which, this ancient martial arts competition is roughly the contest between the great forces of the two provinces of Huainan and Huaibei in Dongzhou! With your current cultivation level, there is no problem with the martial arts master! After a while, I will teach you some good spells, more than enough! Dare to go?"


Zhou Xiaomeng's beautiful eyes were bright, and her face was filled with joy. She gritted her teeth and nodded quickly and said, "Okay, tomorrow I will pass for you!"

Hearing the spells Lin Tian said, Zhou Xiaomeng's heart was already moved.

What kind of strength and identity Lin Tian is, she knows very well, and can give a few small spells, for her, that is a very precious cultivation technique!

She was really excited.

"Okay! Now I tell you, you will practice when you go back!"

When he came down, Lin Tian directly spoke out the two sets of spells that Zhou Xiaomeng could practice and asked him to write them down on the spot. Then he took out a low-grade spirit stone from the storage bag, broke it, and divided it into several pieces. The spirit stone, handed it to Zhou Xiaomeng, said: "This is a spirit stone, you can use the Thousand Illusion Glazed Glass Art to absorb it. Before seeing your understanding of the Thousand Illusion Glazed Glazed Art, the talent is average, but the understanding is good. These two sets of small spells , It’s no problem for you to practice! I’ll leave first! I’ll be back tomorrow night!"

He handed the Lingshi to Zhou Xiaomeng, and Lin Tian informed Du Yuesheng and others about the contact information, and immediately left and walked.

Zhou Xiaomeng looked excited and returned to his residence with the spirit stone!

"Fragrant Villa is not bad this day! Barren hills and Ye Ling are all around, and now I have to find a place where there is no one to refine the spirit grass on the pill into a pill to completely consolidate the Yin and Yang Taoist platform!"

Lin Tianbian walked along the Tianxiang Mountain Villa, looked at the direction of Qingconge Mountain before, and walked along, whispering to himself softly: "At that time, with the spiritual stone on his body, he entered the late stage of foundation construction, even the false alchemy period. , It's possible!"

One day and one night, Lin Tian was completely confident when he stepped into the late stage of foundation building or the false alchemy period.

The ninth-revolution three-life formula that is now being practiced is too powerful!

There must be no bottlenecks!

What he is most worried about now is whether these resources are sufficient!


Even if he only stepped into the late stage of foundation building, Lin Tian was satisfied. Compared with the existence of Yin and Yang Taoist platform before, his cultivation base was much better!

Just walking out of the villa, Lin Tian's phone rang.

It's a strange number.

Lin Tian was connected after just a meal, and a pleasant and somewhat familiar voice came from the other side, "Is this friend Lin Dao you?"

It was a female voice, with a subtle and mature charm.

Lin Daoyou?

Lin Tian's expression changed slightly. He called him at least a powerful monk above the Golden Core. He hurriedly said, "Who are you?"

"Xingchen Mountain, Weng Xiyun! I have to thank Fellow Lin Daoist who saved my life when I was in the southwest. There is no repayment for this life-saving grace!"

Weng Xiyun hurriedly revealed her identity and said to Lin Tian: "This time I called, besides wanting to repay Fellow Lin for his life-saving grace, I just want to ask for something? I wonder if it is feasible?"

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