"Slander, they slandered me!"

The next day, during lunch, Yu Youyou slammed the table and gnashed his teeth as he watched the campus hot search shared with him by the two angry sisters.

The hot search was a video taken by several onlookers when he ran far away to answer the call from his old mother last night. Yao Yueshan chased and shouted behind him.

He just wanted to find a quiet place with no one to answer the video. How could these guys imagine it? Looking at the hot search title.

[Awesome guy appeared near Jiale Supermarket of the Affiliated High School, and the beautiful girl chased him and shouted again. ]

[Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? In the middle of the night, the school girl chased the boy and asked for his WeChat. ]

[Shocked, the atmosphere of freshmen this year is so open, and the top ten perverts are blatantly violating the ban on early love! ]


The titles and posts are really outrageous, outrageous to the extreme.

And this Yao Yueshan is really something, why did she have to chase him? He hasn't even eaten yet, she can't just run away.

Yu Youyou covered her abdomen with her hand, her face flushed, and she was a little angry.

"Shouldn't you explain why you are with Yao Yueshan now? And from the video, it seems that they are eating together."

Young Master Li was also in a rare mood, took a sip of tea, and gloated.

Yu Youyou felt the two resentful eyes beside her and said quickly: "It was just an encounter. I felt a little hungry at around 8 o'clock last night, so I went to the supermarket to buy something to eat. I happened to meet her, and then she insisted on treating me to a meal as a thank you for my last help.

As for the later video, it was even more ridiculous. I was going to answer a call, but who knew how Yao Yueshan caught up with me and it became what you saw."

"Oh..." Li Tiancheng stretched out his tone, "Then how could you chase and shout at the same time?"

Yu Youyou's expression froze, and she said angrily: "How do you know if you ask me? Ask her."

Li Tiancheng nodded, and said unintentionally: "So did you add her on WeChat later?"

"Yes, you did." Wang Xuandong also echoed.

"Ahem... this is a life-and-death friendship, adding WeChat is not a normal thing, and she proposed it first, I can't refuse it."

Yu Youyou glanced at the two of them angrily at first, and felt the sound of two teeth grinding beside her, feeling helpless, what is going on.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this." Yu Youyou waved her hand and changed the subject: "Xuan Dong will start the game in the afternoon, let's go cheer him up."

Wang Xuandong paused, why did he suddenly talk about him.

"It's settled, see you in the afternoon." Yu Youyou saw that several people's attention was turned, and hurriedly said this and left.

"Hey? Youyou, where are you going? Wait for us!"

The two sisters were stunned, and quickly slid down their legs and started.


The next few days were relatively relaxed and happy for Yu Youyou. Every day, she would take the roll call, and then go to the training ground to gather, and then she could move freely.

When I had nothing to do, I just walked around the campus and watched Wang Xuandong's game. There were basically no surprises. Wang Xuandong killed all the way.

Then I practiced until the third day of the finals, when Yu Youyou received an email.

Looking at the title of the title "The First Magic Hospital of Shendu", Yu Youyou slapped his head and almost forgot that he had ever had a physical examination.

I didn't expect that it would take so long for the results to come out.

It's not because the hospital is slow, but because several of the projects are too advanced and require the hospital's senior healing magicians to check and give results.

Even in a top public magic hospital like the First Magic Hospital of Shendu, there are very few senior healing magicians.

Each of them has multiple duties and is extremely busy. It often takes a long time to take time to deal with these low-priority physical examination issues.

So this physical examination report took ten days to come out.

Yu Youyou nervously clicked on the attachment of the email, and a complicated table came into view.

Yu Youyou scrolled directly to the bottom. He was experienced now. This kind of physical examination report usually has a summary at the bottom.

If there are any problems, they will be raised in the summary. Otherwise, non-professionals can't see anything after looking at so much data.

Soon, a paragraph of red words appeared. Yu Youyou's heart tightened and he looked at it intently.

As he read one word at a time, Yu Youyou's expression gradually became solemn, and finally slowly relaxed.

"Huh, I didn't expect it to be this result."

Yu Youyou exited the report page, put down his phone, and recalled the information mentioned in the summary.

[The examinee's mental power and elemental affinity far exceed the average level of normal magicians of the same realm. According to the report, there areA small amount of rare treasures remain, but not enough to constitute such a big change. ]

[According to the judgment of our hospital's senior healing magician, there are three possibilities. First: it may be a hidden magic talent. Similar situations have also occurred in the past magic history. ]

[Second: According to the bone age test and the location of the location, it may be possible that he has been exposed to legendary rare treasures since he was a child. With some special factors and the superposition of his own talents, it may be possible. ]

[Third: It may be possible that he has been blessed and baptized by rule-based magic, but the probability is extremely small. ]

[In the final summary, according to the report, there are no adverse effects, and the examinee has no obvious physical problems. ]

It should be said that it is worthy of being a large hospital. Although the specific cause of the change has not been found, several possible directions have been given.

This small amount of rare treasures should be the effect of the soul-enhancing tea. Mental power is indeed his own talent.

As for the remaining two directions, Yu Youyou hesitated. The third one seemed to be the most unlikely, as he had never heard of any rule-based magic.

Moreover, he already knew that this change in himself might be related to the treasure lost in the Shencheng Museum, so it should have nothing to do with any magic.

That left the second one. Legendary treasures, which was a term he had never heard of before, was it referring to that treasure?

After a long while, Yu Youyou pondered in vain, and even with his mobile phone, he could not find any useful information.

Perhaps Li Tiancheng knew, but such things were destined to be buried in his heart and explored by himself. If he took the initiative to ask, with Li Tiancheng's wisdom, he would definitely be able to guess something.

Although he and Li Tiancheng could be considered friends after some contact, they were not close enough to share their own experiences.

He could only wait for an opportunity to slowly check it out. He was not completely clueless. For example, the Affiliated High School and the Magic University both had quite large libraries that covered everything, and there might be content in this regard.

He might be able to break through to the intermediate magician level before next year. After certification, his network permissions should be enough to search for some secrets.

Yu Youyou quickly thought of breakthrough points and secretly memorized them in his mind.

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