In the summoning training ground, there were bursts of exclamations.

Yu Youyou looked at the humanoid target hit by the wind blade's continuous lane change, and her face flushed with excitement.

Art, what the hell is called art!

That's it!

I fantasize that one day in the future, a magic will pass through the sky and hit the target accurately, hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

I have a set of magic that falls from the sky. I wonder if you would like to see it?

Yu Youyou took a deep breath and calmed down her thoughts.

At present, this idea is still a bit unrealistic. First of all, the mental power mark has a distance limit.

According to Teacher Tang, the mental mark range of primary magicians is within 200 meters, and it is difficult to exceed it.

His super mental power may be able to exceed it, but the distance in kilometers is estimated to be a little short.

In addition, when magic moves at a very long distance, it loses the control of mental power, and the elements will continue to disintegrate.

For example, the first-level wind blade released by Daqing will begin to lose power beyond more than a thousand meters. It is estimated that at a distance of five or six kilometers, the elements in the wind blade will disintegrate and cause no damage.

However, dreams should always be there, just in case they come true.

If the primary level is not good enough, then the intermediate or advanced level, or even stronger.

Yu Youyou decided that from now on, she would work hard to achieve the dream of achieving the world-wide magic express!

Brave cat, not afraid of difficulties!

"Yu Youyou, your learning ability really amazes me."

Tang Ming watched Yu Youyou put away the purple-winged eagle, stepped forward and clapped his hands and smiled: "For this kind of technical thing, the most important thing is the process from zero to one, and the follow-up is to practice more and improve proficiency."

Yu Youyou smiled and nodded in response: "Teacher Tang, I will definitely practice seriously."

"That's good."

Tang Ming showed satisfaction. Which teacher would not like such a talented and hardworking student?

She was no exception and nodded, saying, "The teacher is looking forward to seeing your progress during the next training."

Yu Youyou showed confidence. Today is Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday.

People like them who are far away from home basically don't go home unless it's a holiday, and Sunday is not enough to travel.

He plans to practice in school for the next two days, and beat this group of people!

After Tang Ming led everyone to review the content again, today's training class ended.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after school, Yu Youyou hurriedly caught up with Master Li and prepared to enjoy today's big meal.

He hasn't been to the cafeteria much in the past few days since he came to school. He eats with Master Li every day.

He was embarrassed at first, but in the end, seeing that the two sisters ran more frequently than him, he didn't feel embarrassed anymore.

"I thought you wouldn't follow."

Li Tiancheng glanced at Yu Youyou, who was fully armed with a mask and a baseball cap, and his tone was a little surprised. After all, he didn't see him last night.

"Why don't you come? You have caused such a serious trauma to my heart. We were deskmates. I don't want mental damage compensation. I want to eat it back bit by bit!"

Yu Youyou thought of another reason to eat for free, and her tone was full of matter-of-factness.

"Then do you want to report the treatment costs of the pterosaur?"

Li Tiancheng thought it was childish in his heart, but his expression did not change, and he said lightly.

"Damn it! That is a practical training injury, what does it have to do with me!"

Yu Youyou naturally couldn't admit such a thing, and originally, the practical training injury could be treated for free by asking Teacher Tang to approve a note and the school doctor.

Otherwise, he would have to pay for the treatment of so many new summoned creatures.

"The school doctor can heal the pterosaur's external injuries, but he can't heal the damage to the pterosaur's heart."

Li Tiancheng's tone became heavy, "Being defeated by the purple-winged eagle one after another has seriously damaged its self-confidence as a dragon, and now it has gradually become autistic."

"Ah? Is it true?"

Yu Youyou stopped and looked a little suspicious. It can't be that bad, right? Is the psychological endurance so poor?

How is the cost of psychological treatment for summoned creatures calculated?

It seems that China does provide psychological treatment intervention for magical creatures.

I heard that it seems to be quite expensive, more expensive than psychological treatment for people, and it costs hundreds of thousands at any time.

If this is true, he will bleed a lot?

It was not until he saw Li Tiancheng's uncontrollable mouth that he realized that he was fooled.

"Li Tiancheng! I will continue to challenge you!"

Yu Youyou chased Li Tiancheng who had already run away in anger.

In the familiar security room, Yu Youyou and her two sisters morally condemned Li Tiancheng for half an hour.

Originally, they were quite happy to condemn, if Yang Zipei hadn't come up to them and whispered, "Youyou, thenDid you really draw it?"

"When I saw it forwarded in the class group, I refuted them and said that it was definitely not drawn by you. They also argued with me, which made me so angry!" Yang Zijin stepped forward and said depressedly.

Looking at the two sisters' expressions of eating melons and seeking confirmation, Yu Youyou suddenly felt that the delicacies on the table suddenly didn't smell good.


Feeling the murderous gaze, Wang Xuandong quickly covered his mouth.

He had heard that all the summoned creatures of the summoning system were beaten, but he didn't summon any creatures. If he really angered Yu Youyou, he would be the only one who got beaten.

"You two should stop reading those messy things. Studying hard is the most important thing. I have something else to do, so I'll go back first. "

Yu Youyou squeezed out this sentence, biting a chicken leg and ran away.

The two short-legged little loli were stunned by the scolding, and when they reacted and chased him, he had disappeared.


Yu Youyou practiced in the training ground for two days as planned during the weekend.

During the daytime, there were many old students of the summoning department practicing in the training ground, so it was not easy for him to let Daqing and Xiaozi release so many magic.

But after two days, there has been obvious progress.

The most intuitive effect is that unless you are one realm higher than him, it is basically difficult to feel the mental fluctuations when he marks.

Including Daqing and Xiaozi, they are more and more proficient in cooperating with him.

He also roughly tested the range of mental power that can be marked, which is just about the limit of 200 meters mentioned by Teacher Tang.

But he is only a second-level summoner now. After he breaks through, the marking range can definitely be expanded.

It was Monday soon, and he finally received another good news.

"Yu Youyou, based on my comparison in the past few days, I have found the map corresponding to your description. "

In the teacher's office of the Summoning Department, Yu Youyou looked at the map file in Tang Ming's computer with shining eyes.

Fortunately, the map he was in was not the one with no information.

Tang Ming said with a smile: "This is an ordinary ladder map numbered 4976. Dozens of summoners have explored here in the past, so the information is relatively complete.

I won't go into details. The map file has been sent to your email now. You can go back and study it yourself, but remember not to spread it to others."

Yu Youyou quickly responded, said goodbye to Tang Ming, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to open the email.

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