If the spirit of a high-level necromancer occupies the body of the sixth-level necromancer.

At least half of the strength can be restored!

Enough to release a high-level necromancer magic!

By then, the entire block may become a dead zone!

Thinking of this, Gu Yi was in a state of panic, and when he was halfway through the flight, he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, necromancer in the hotel!"


Yu Youyou and the others who were watching the battle in the hotel felt something was wrong when they saw the patrol mage suddenly flying towards them.

Until this shout sounded, Lao Chen's expression changed, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly came from the dark night.

"Be careful!"

Lao Chen shouted loudly, and the dark shadow area instantly filled the entire room.

At this moment, countless ghost faces appeared from the window, looking up and screaming.

Sixth-level necromancer magic: Wraith screaming!


Everyone except Lao Chen fell down with their heads in their hands. Even Lao Chen couldn't help but groan and sway.

Yu Youyou gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and the pain was like someone hitting his soul with a stick.

Even if he activated the fusion state in time, it was still unbearable.

This was still the case when the shadow field was weakened. Otherwise, he might not be able to bear it.

And he was like this, then... Yu Youyou's heart trembled, and he quickly raised his head to look at Ye Nuan.

I saw that the little face covered by hair was bleeding from all five orifices, and a pair of eyes were wide open, full of painful and hideous colors.

No life!

Facing the magic attack of a high-level necromancer, even if it was just a little impact, it was not something that a junior magician could bear.

"Damn it, how could there be a pseudo-level 7 shadow mage here!"

In the dark night, the illusory spirit looked at the deep darkness in the suite and was a little angry.

After he escaped from the wetland park with the help of the space magic weapon, he sensed the breath of a level 6 necromancer here.

But there were many official mages deployed near the hotel.

So he came up with a trick to make a feint to the east and attack the west. There happened to be a level 6 fire mage in the building where he was hiding, so he killed him and refined him into a Yin corpse.

Ordered it to spontaneously combust and attack indiscriminately.

Successfully attracted a large number of official mages nearby.

But he never expected that there was a pseudo-level 7 shadow mage in the hotel.

After losing his physical body, his strength dropped significantly, and his sensitivity to the breath of living creatures was no longer so sensitive.

However, the shadow mage can obtain extremely strong amplification and concealment effects in the dark.

This is the source of his misjudgment!

Wuka thought quickly in his heart that there should be only one pseudo-level 7 shadow mage in Bianliang, and that was the one who chased Meng Hado before.

But he didn't expect that he would meet him in this way at this time.

But he didn't have much time left, and it was extremely difficult to find a second necromancer.

If he couldn't get a body tonight, he would be even more difficult to escape during the day.

Thinking of this, a trace of ruthlessness and pain flashed across his illusory eyes.

"It's your honor to die under high-level magic!"

Uka stretched out his hand and took out a light golden feather, which was more than half a meter long. I don't know what kind of creature it was.

The feather was full of dense lines, which looked dizzying.

Overdrawing his mental power, Uka urged the feather in his hand with madness.

In an instant, the air around him seemed to stagnate, and the feather turned into a little light in the air.

The wind blew up, and endless wind elements gathered towards the light, forming a huge green wind blade.

"No, it's the dimensional blade!"

Seeing the green wind blade suddenly appear, Lao Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart trembled!

Level 7 wind-type single-target magic: Dimensional Blade!

As the name suggests, this is an attack magic that can cut through space and penetrate the dimension.

In terms of single-target attack power, it is only inferior to the space cutting of the space system!

Lao Chen can clearly feel the feeling of his soul being locked.

The lock from the high-level magician is unavoidable!

Lao Chen's eyes are bloodshot, his mental power is surging wildly, and his will to survive explodes to the maximum at this moment.

Level 6 shadow-type magic: Siye Domain!

Level 5 shadow-type magic: Shadow Guardian!

Then there is a dark stone armor all over the body, and Lao Chen uses the only protective magic weapon.

Wuka looked at this scene with a flash of disapproval in his eyes. The power of high-level magic cannot be compensated by these.

At this moment, the Dimensional Blade is completely solidified and rushes towards the dark Siye Domain.

It was so fast that the naked eye could hardly react. It was like cutting tofu, slicing through the darkness with great smoothness. Countless tall shadow warriors could not stop it at all.

In a flash, it had already arrived at Lao Chen's side.Before.

It's over, my life is over!

Despair flashed in Lao Chen's eyes, the gap is too big!

Under the advanced magic, everything is an ant!

Just when Lao Chen was in despair, a figure in dark yellow stone armor suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then a light yellow light curtain enveloped the entire hotel.



Seeing the Dimension Blade being blocked by the suddenly appeared light yellow light curtain, Wuka suddenly lost his voice.

Turning his eyes to the figure in dark yellow stone armor behind the light curtain, his face changed drastically.

It's a high-level earth magician!

And he also mastered the secret of protection!

If the space magician who masters the secret of sharpness is the sharpest spear.

Then the earth magician who masters the secret of protection is the strongest shield!

Without the secret amplification, the Dimension Blade can't break through the protective power of the Holy Armor of the Earth!

"Second, Second Young Master!"

Old Chen looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and was first surrounded by a kind of joy of surviving a disaster, and then reacted and hurriedly said respectfully.


A dull voice came from the stone armor. Li Tianjun turned his head to look at the figures behind him, and finally fixed on Yu Youyou who looked painful.

His heart was relieved immediately.

"Second Young Master!"

Although Si Ye's domain was split, it did not disappear. Old Chen sensed the breath that was quickly fading away outside the window and shouted hurriedly.

Wu Ka turned around and fled at the first opportunity.

Li Tianjun also stared at the darkness with a cold look in his eyes.

Li Tianjun stretched out his palm, and a simple wooden longbow appeared in his hand.


Draw the bow and pull the string, the wind element gathered, and turned into a wind spirit arrow and shot into the darkness.

"This, this is a spiritual magic weapon!"

The moment he drew his bow, Wu Ka felt a sense of being locked in, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his heart.


He didn't even have time to react, and a flash of light appeared, and he felt a pain in his spirit.

This was the pain that truly tore the soul apart. With one arrow, most of his spirit dissipated.

The severe pain made Wu Ka lose his mind, and his body fell to the ground.

In the hotel, Li Tianjun put away his longbow and stepped out of the window.

He appeared above Wu Ka's spirit like a flash.

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