There was also a strong natural force gathering, like green fireflies crashing into the branches of the water willow.

Some of the power overflowed, and the vitality made the withered weeds in the corner of the rooftop sprout green buds.


Yu ​​Youyou's heart trembled, watching the pieces of bark cracking, and hurriedly took out the life essence.

The water willow could feel the attraction of the life essence, and Yu Youyou did not stop it. A willow branch rolled up the small bottle of life essence and crushed it with a little force.

The light green life essence sank into the trunk along the willow branch.

The originally cracked bark began to fall off rapidly, and new bark grew.

The effect of the life essence was not so limited. Yu Youyou could clearly feel the water vapor in the air and the sense of vitality of all things competing, which became more and more rich and strong.

The life essence can enhance the original power of the water willow in a short time, that is, the elemental affinity of the two systems.

Let Shui Liu's breakthrough be smoother.

The next step is the final moment, the breakthrough of mental power.

Shui Liu has devoured the spirit-enhancing banyan fruit, and she has the talent of devouring resentful spirits to strengthen her mental power.

So Shui Liu's mental power is not weak, but Yu Youyou still made full preparations.

Take out a cup of soul-enhancing tea from the space ring hidden in her pocket.

Open the cup lid and pour it directly at Shui Liu.

The yellowish tea turned into a water column in the air and sank into Shui Liu's trunk.

For a time, two approaches were taken at the same time, and the green willow branches danced happily.


Drops of water began to fall on the rooftop, forming a small-scale rain.

It was like spring rain in a winter night, carrying a strong vitality, and the rooftop was suddenly overgrown with weeds.

There were also some slippery mosses, which spread visibly.

Yu Youyou frowned slightly, thinking that there was trouble in her heart.

After the end, the rooftop needs to be cleaned up, otherwise it will be bad if someone goes up to the rooftop and sees this abnormal scene.

Fortunately, judging from the situation, the water willow should be fine.

Sure enough, not long after, the willow branches stopped flying, and the water willow was wrapped in blue and green.

Yu Youyou felt relieved, and the rest was to wait for the water willow to transform.

Waving her hand to put the water willow into the summoning space, Yu Youyou summoned a high-pressure wind flow, scraping the weeds growing on the rooftop and blowing them towards the grove behind the dormitory building.

After doing this, Yu Youyou returned to the dormitory to rest leisurely.

The next night.

Yu Youyou had time to go to the rooftop to take a closer look at the water willow that had transformed after the breakthrough.

With a flash of light, the thick and powerful tree trunk came into view, and the roots occupied most of the rooftop.

The trunk was covered with winding textures, like traces of time.

The willow branches dotted with verdant colors fluttered in the night without wind. No one would have thought what kind of huge power was hidden under the slender and soft willow branches.

Yu Youyou took a deep breath. There was no obvious change in the appearance of the water willow, but it was just a circle bigger.

The trunk is now as thick as a person's embrace. With the developed root system and branches, it can even cover the entire roof when it is unfolded.

In terms of size, plant-type magical creatures are definitely far ahead of the same level.

Level 4 is so big... I'm afraid that this level 5 will have to find a special place, otherwise Yu Youyou is very worried that the roof will collapse.

Of course, size is not the main thing. Yu Youyou simply tested the strength of the willow branches.

After merging with Daqing and Xiaozi, he can only break free from the pulling force of five willow branches at most.

Conservatively estimated, the pulling force of a single willow branch is close to 50,000 Newtons, which means that it can pull objects up to about five tons.

Just imagine what it feels like to pull a five-ton object with a force that suddenly pulls it down.

You should know that pulling and whipping are not the same thing.

It's like the difference between stretching out your hand to pull someone and hitting someone.

Let's put it this way, even reinforced concrete has to leave a hole.

If it hits a person, hey, it will definitely be hit without making a sound.

Finally, there is the magic that Shui Liu has mastered after awakening. There are a total of four level 4 magics, two each in the nature system and the water system.

They are the natural light and vines of the nature system.

Natural light is the advanced version of the first-level healing light and the third-level healing spirit of the nature system.

Not only does it have a powerful healing effect, it also has the effect of accelerating plant growth.

Vine growth is one of the few attack magics in the nature system, and can also be regarded as auxiliary magic.

The magic effect varies depending on the plant itself. For most plant-type magical creatures, it is used to assist themselves and can accelerate the growth of roots and branches.

This allows for alternative movement and strengthens the vines' toughness, allowing for attacks.

For water willow, this means strengthening the willow branches and roots.

Moreover, under normal conditions, the length of the willow branches can be extended to about 20 meters, and can be extended to 50 meters when the vines are reborn.

The range of attack is greatly increased.

You should know that the length of the willow branches is equivalent to the combat radius of the water willow, and the actual range of attack will be doubled.

Then there are two fourth-level magics of the water system, namely the water python strangulation and the spirit of pure water.

The water python strangulation is a fourth-level attack magic of the water system. The high-pressure water flow turns into a python several meters long to strangle the enemy.

The spirit of pure water is an auxiliary purification magic, releasing clean water, which can purify toxins, pollution, radiation and other abnormal elements or forces.

Yu Youyou couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The water willow is definitely an ideal logistics magic creature.

It can heal, purify, and attack self-protection capabilities.

And now with the magic of vines, the mobility of the water willow will also increase significantly, and it is finally no longer a living target.

In any case, Shui Liu's current performance is still quite outstanding, and Yu Youyou is also happy about it.

Next, there is only Xiao Zi left. To be honest, among the three summoned creatures, Yu Youyou is most looking forward to Xiao Zi's breakthrough.

Whether it is because Xiao Zi is a flying creature or because of its powerful thunder attack, it is indispensable to Yu Youyou.

With this expectation, December soon came to an end.

In January, after a one-day New Year's Day holiday, Shendu Affiliated High School officially opened the fourth month of the challenge.

The appearance of the third-level purple-winged eagle also pushed the atmosphere of this challenge to a climax comparable to the first challenge.

One after another, hot searches dominated major social media like they were free.

[China's strongest genius summoner, awakened two third-level summoned creatures in six months, how far is the intermediate realm? ]

[Shocked! Experts analyzed that the third summoned creature of China's genius summoner turned out to be this magical creature! ]

[Thirty-eight domestic magic colleges and universities spoke on social media, and they have the intention to recruit Yu Youyou! 】

【Surprise! Experts speculate that Yu Youyou may have a natural talent for improving the magic endurance of summoned creatures! 】


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