However, some were excited and some regretted.

Compared with the 900 people who were qualified to participate in the practical training, the other more than 2,000 freshmen regretted it.

Especially the freshmen who withdrew in the first wave, there was already a tendency to make trouble.

"Instructor! This is unfair. Why didn't you announce this earlier? If we had known earlier, how could we have withdrawn!"

"Yes, yes, isn't this pure deception to us?"

"Instructor! We ask for a new choice. I have called my family and they agree!"



Ye Yongan's eyes were condensed, and his full voice instantly overwhelmed the indignant voices of the freshmen.

"Recall the surrounding surveillance, all those who spoke just now, cancel the military training records, and send them back to their respective schools for disturbing the order and disobeying discipline."

Ye Yongan looked at the three chief instructors and gave orders without hesitation.

The three chief instructors responded quickly, and the freshmen who had been noisy just now turned pale and weak.

Even Yu Youyou was shocked. She didn't expect that this teacher Ye would be so ruthless.

Not only did they cancel the military training records, but they also had to be sent back to their respective schools for disrupting order and disobeying discipline. This would definitely be written in the graduation comments.

It was almost equivalent to cutting off the possibility of these people entering top universities and some official departments in the future.

"Isn't this a bit..."

Yu Youyou couldn't help but whisper to Li Tiancheng, but was stopped by Li Tiancheng's eyes.

Li Tiancheng's expression was indifferent, and his lips moved slightly, "You have to think about the essence of the matter first, why they would first select and finally announce the complete rewards."

Yu Youyou frowned slightly, thinking, is there any other explanation for this?

Seeing this, Li Tiancheng was also ready to be a riddler, and whispered: "If the order is reversed, there will be a considerable number of parents or guardians who will ignore the risks and force their children to participate for the reward.

If nothing goes wrong, it's fine. Once something goes wrong, these parents will be the most troublesome, and the psychological trauma to the students will also be great."

Yu Youyou was silent for a while, and she didn't expect that there would be such things.

This is a real world, and the darkness in the previous life is no less in this life.

Although he lives in a happy family, it doesn't mean that everyone is like this.

There will always be selfish parents and guardians. If they know there are these rewards, it is not impossible to force students to participate in order to obtain them.

The three chief instructors and corresponding instructors were very fast. They quickly found the people through the relevant computers and took them away.

In the meantime, the dark team of students was silent.

"I'll give you two hours to confirm your teammates and eat. Report the team directly to the three chief instructors. Gather here before 1 p.m."

Ye Yongan looked at his watch and saw that it was almost eleven o'clock, so he said immediately, and then flew away with the four colonels.

As the five senior magicians left, the atmosphere in the field eased immediately.

One after another, people began to look around for suitable teammates.

What Yu Youyou didn't expect was that many people were eyeing him and Li Tiancheng.

"Yu Youyou, we have formed a team of ten people and would like to invite you to be our captain. We will absolutely obey your command."

Next to the summoning department is the fire department. A chubby little fat man pushed through the crowd and asked expectantly.

"Chen Wei, Yu Youyou is from our summoning department. Do you understand what first come first served means?"

The summoning department itself reacted immediately. Someone recognized the little fat man and rushed over.

Yu Youyou smiled, "Sorry, I already have a team."

"I have a team?"

Not only the fat boy named Chen Wei, but also the freshmen in the summoning department and nearby who were eager to make a move were stunned.

Didn't they just start to form a team? How come she has already been taken?

At this time, Wang Xuandong and the two sisters squeezed over.

"Youyou classmate!"

The excited voices of Yang Zijin and Yang Zipei broke the silence around them.

How could they not be excited? Thinking that they could stay with Youyou classmate for the next four days, the two sisters were already a little impatient.

Wang Xuandong walked up to Yu Youyou and nodded to him, and came to Li Tiancheng.

Under the somewhat doubtful eyes of the crowd, the sisters also came to stand on the left and right of Yu Youyou.

"Ahem, this is my five-person team, and Li Tiancheng is the captain."

Yu Youyou opened her hands and explained to the crowd.


After a moment of silence, there were repeated inhalations, and then the surroundings suddenly exploded.

"Fuck, fuck, half of the perverts are playing in teams, so what are we fighting for? Isn't it a sure win to get first place?"

"Fuck, four level 2 and one level 1 Dragonborn Summoner, this lineup is enough to push the outer perimeter of Mangshan, right?"

"How can we play this, boss?They have teamed up with the big guys, so our ordinary teams have no chance at all."

"Not necessarily, they are just a five-man team, they probably want to get the highest-level reward, if they combine and match a reasonable ten to fifteen-man team, they should also have a chance, the difference in strength between the first and second levels is not that outrageous."

"Hurry, hurry, there are still five perverts left, find someone quickly. ”


Yu Youyou’s team of five people had a great impact on the freshmen.

This lineup is definitely the strongest among the freshmen at present, unless the other five perverts can also form a team.

However, fortunately, there is still a chance to surpass it. After all, it is only a five-person team. Some freshmen who want to compete for the first place decide to make up for the number if the quality is not good.

It can be said that there are very few five-person teams, and the final formation is basically eight or even ten-person teams.

More than 900 people were finally divided into more than 80 teams, which is the final result.

Under the leadership of Li Tiancheng, Yu Youyou and others confirmed the team with one of the chief instructors, and then waited for a while before being taken to a three-story cafeteria not far away for dinner.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the teams began to gather at the original location.

The division commander Ye did not appear again, but two deputy colonels came.

At the signal of one of them, several military trucks drove over, fully loaded with things.

"All the captains of the teams came forward in turn to receive supplies and training bracelets. "

Hearing this, Li Tiancheng stepped forward without hesitation and took a bracelet and two huge backpacks from one of the chief instructors.

Back to the team, Yu Youyou took the list handed over by Li Tiancheng and glanced at it.

The two backpacks contained the supplies needed by the five of them for four days, including water, fire source, sleeping bags, compressed food, insect repellent, simple maps of the periphery and peony seeds, as well as a folding engineer shovel, etc.

How could this be a combat training? I thought it was an outdoor trip.

There are several rows of precautions marked in bold font on the back of the list.

For example, people must be arranged to take turns when sleeping at night.

Don't eat anything or water in the dead zone.

Carefully check the surrounding environment when resting, etc.

It can be seen that although it is a combat training, their safety is still taken very seriously.

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